WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

68. Lack Mentality: 5 Ways it Hurts Your Health Goals

Naihomy Jerez Episode 68

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Learn five ways lack mentality around food can sabotage health goals and contribute to unhealthy eating patterns. By addressing various scenarios, we encourage listeners to cultivate awareness, set boundaries, and shift toward a more abundant relationship with their nutrition.

• Exploring the historical roots of lack mentality in food choices
• Discussing the impact of free offerings on health decisions
• Identifying the risks of all-you-can-eat and similar settings
• Examining the misperception of healthy food as being too expensive
• Encouraging mindful eating and the importance of listening to body signals
• Emphasizing the significance of establishing boundaries around food consumption 
• Sharing personal experiences and cultural insights related to meal consumption habits

Thank you so much for listening!

Speaker 1:

Hi friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast. I hope today's episode makes you giggle a little bit. Okay, I had a client call today and our conversation reminded me of this topic that I've wanted to speak on for a while or that routinely comes up amongst my clients, family and even myself sometimes, and that is lack. Okay, I, today, am gonna share with you five ways that your lack mentality, our lack mentality, is hurting our health goals and, in a way, might be sabotaging it, not allowing you to see progress. Because usually, when it comes to health and wellness, it goes much deeper than just that action. It goes much deeper than just choosing to eat certain things or not, eat certain things, or to go to the gym or not, or to manage your stress or not, go to the gym or not, or to manage your stress or not. I can guarantee you after coaching I don't know how many women now that the reluctance or the action, the inaction or the reaction to accomplishing something with your health or taking a step is much deeper than just that. A step is much deeper than just that. Okay, there's always something happening deep down inside, which is one of the beauties of of coaching that you can get to uncover those things so that you can go take those actions or inactions that you need for your health and to accomplish healing, changing your body composition, feeling amazing in your skin again. It goes deep, and one of those little anchors that usually holds people down is lack mentality. Okay, and I just want to say that it served us for a very long time. This mentality, and I think it's kind of in our genes, is inherited as women of color, our families probably, or even maybe you.

Speaker 1:

Growing up too, there was this need to really be mindful around food right, just how much you're spending, are you being wasteful? All these things which still do apply to us today in a certain way. But I just want to really just not be insensitive completely about this topic, because I know for some of my loved ones growing up they didn't have food available to them as abundant as it is now right. Like they went to bed hungry. Sometimes they had to eat whatever was around. I know growing up we did not really have money like that, so my parents were always looking for they would shop around different supermarkets to find the best sales. Like we would go to one place for milk and eggs and another place for platanos and, and you know, like things like onions and peppers, and then we would go to another supermarket for things like bread. So I get that Right and and in with slavery. Right, like you just got whatever was handed down to you. Like there was a time where we did not have choices Take what was there, eat what was there, buy what was cheapest, because it was, it was what had to be done for survival. Okay, and I want to honor that and I want to really bring light to that, that I am not lost on the fact that this is how we survived for many, many, many, many generations. And watching out for our food and our health and being kind of quote, unquote, picky about it or selective was not an option. Okay, I want to make that very clear. Within the same vein, right, like right now, you might not.

Speaker 1:

That thought and those kinds of actions might not serve you and in fact, I know it's not serving you. That's one. Two, the foods that our ancestors and our parents and we used to get before years, years, years, years ago, the quality was completely different than what it is now. Okay, so that's another, that's another thing. Eating whatever was around was not as big of an impact on our health as it is today, because of how the food industry has changed all the chemicals and ultra processed foods that are out here. Even if it was the same ultra processed foods in the past, the ingredients that are being used have changed. There's just so many things that have shifted in these past few years when it comes to our food, so it affects our bodies differently than what it did in the past. So eating lo que sea or whatever back in the day did not have the same impact on our health as it does now. So that is something to keep in mind.

Speaker 1:

And, with that said, that these thoughts or or what, these five things I'm going to mention, where it falls very much into lack mentality might not serve you anymore. It might not even be something that you need to hold onto anymore, just because you're in a totally different situation, space, environment, where it's okay to let those things go. And letting these kinds of thoughts go can greatly serve your health and your progress, and holding onto them might not Okay. So I'm going to get into them and I'm going to talk about few scenarios where they come up and we just feel like we need to act on them and in fact it holds us back. The very first one is free. Free food, free, shots free, alcohol free. You see, free. And you're like let me get, let me, what's that meme? Let me get 40 of them, let me get 25 of them, let me just keep on having because it's free.

Speaker 1:

Either you're at a work event and they have open bar, you're at a wedding they have open bar. Your friends want to be buying shots for the whole club up in here, right? So people either are giving you things, you're in a space where things are sponsored and all of a sudden you might feel like I need to take advantage of this because it is free, let me have as much as I possibly can. And it's not always with alcohol, it happens with food as well, where you might be in an event and it's like free. So you all of a sudden bypass all your boundaries, everything your body has to say about how you feel when you have certain things or not, how you're going to feel tomorrow, how your body reacts to them, and then you have it, and then you probably don't feel too well or you've had too much. I've had clients who are strictly gluten-free because they have IBS or celiacs or whatever, purposefully have gluten because it is free. It is there, right, and they have it and they get violently ill and they don't feel well right, but it's free. And it's this competition in your mind between not taking advantage of something that's free and severely causing pain and discomfort in your body.

Speaker 1:

I had another situation where somebody was in a celebratory state and friends and their jobs and people were just buying shots on the house, shots on this alcohol, right, and it's like, yes, let's keep having. Oh my God, it was free. Oh my God, it was on the house. Oh my God, is this? And trust me, I've been in these situations too and it's like let's take them. I can't, I can't. How can I be so wasteful as to turn down a free shot, right? But again, is this conversation inside of you of do you actually really want this? Would you actually have ordered this? How is this going to serve you or not serve you? I want you to go beyond this lack of I can bypass this and it's not going to be wasteful or it's going to be just fine. What am I going to honor? My lack mentality brain that's bullying me into having something that's going to make me feel so sick, or my boundary or my I don't know rule that I don't take shots or I only take one and then I don't have any more, even if they offer me five free more.

Speaker 1:

Things like that is stuff that you want to think about, because a lot of times lack wins. Lack is so strong and embedded in our bodies and we are so resilient and just want to handle pain and discomfort and come and we commiserate and and are in camaraderie of who feels worse and who you know, oh my god, who's in more pain and who has the worst hangover, and how you showed up even though you felt so sick. We need to cut that out. We need to. We need to cut that out, please, right, we don't need to commiserate on those things and we need to start understanding how our wellness wins in these conversations when things are just being handed out and it feels like you lack and you need to take advantage just because it's free, and oftentimes it makes us so sick and something that I've done with myself and I've helped my clients to is set set rules or boundaries or just like who are you in these situations so that when you're in that situation again, you.

Speaker 1:

It kind of is kind of muscle memory, where you automatically know what your response is going to be. You don't have to think too much about it. And this takes practice and time. Okay, it takes practice and time because when you're in that moment and people are offering, or there's like a little bit of peer pressure going on, or this is what you used to do together and now you're going against the grain, then it might feel a little weird. So that's why I say it takes a little bit of practice, but you can do this, especially if you start to decide who you want to be in these situations before they even happen.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, and and and I have you explore other ways that you already do this. For example, you might not be a smoker, you might not smoke at all, and no matter how many times people offer you a free cigarette, your answer is always no, because that's just something you don't do, or I don't know. Do you want to go on a roller coaster or ride a motorcycle? These are my things. By the way, you can just fill in the blank with other things that might apply to you. Do you drink soda or not? Do you eat I don't know pig ears and you're probably like no, I don't eat pork. I definitely don't eat pork ears. I don't have certain things. You must already have certain ground rules as to what you do or not. Therefore, when you go into other situations, you know how you want to answer. Maybe they're handing out free things and it's ultra processed foods, and you're like no, thank you. Or it is the free shots or the free alcoholic beverages and you're like no.

Speaker 1:

Yesterday I went to an event. The drinks were paid for and I had two cups of tea. And it's not because I want to be boring, it's not because I quit drinking, it's not. It's literally. I just did not want any. I did not want any. I have had a few hard days at the gym, where I know my body's recovering. I didn't want to interfere with that. I wanted to rest. Well, it was late at night. I did not want my sleep to be interrupted and I know that I can have alcohol whenever I want to, whether it's going to be free or I'll pay for it. I can have it whenever I want to. So that makes it okay not to have to take advantage because things are being paid for. Okay. Same thing happens with food.

Speaker 1:

So number two I felt like I had to spend a long time on free, because free is just so enticing such a shiny little object that makes it pretty much irresistible, especially when it comes to things like food and alcohol, that we just don't realize how many times that just impacts our health, impacts our progress. Not only that, you do not make the connection between that lack and seeing free and how it actually feels in your body to help you make that decision. It doesn't, and I've seen it with loved ones, where they don't see how sick they feel afterwards, they don't connect the dots of how miserable they are. They don't connect the dots of how miserable they are, how bad they feel the next day, to the fact that they overate or overdrank or over whatever, because they thought they had to, because they were going to miss out or lose out on something because it was free, okay, all right. Number two is along the similar, a similar vein, which is things are on sale, okay.

Speaker 1:

I had this client who we were trying to reduce the amount of snacks she had in her house because she was a big snacker and all of her cabinets were full of snacks. That really was not. They were not aligned with her health goals. And it makes it really hard when things are already in your house. And then you have this other lack thought of which is going to come, which is going to come later on, is like you can't throw things out right Like it's comida. How are you going to be so wasteful, and all this.

Speaker 1:

So you're walking down the aisles in the supermarket and it's like, oh my gosh, the Oreos are on sale. They're two for five. And guess what else is on sale? Entenmann's pound cake and chocolate chip cookies. They're three for 10. How can I not not buy the stuff that's on sale, because maybe I'll need it, maybe next time I want it is not going to be on sale and I'm going to have to pay full price for this. So let me have three boxes of Entenmann's in my pantry and two packs of Oreo cookies in there, and then I'll be good in there, and then I'll be good. I took advantage of the two for five and the three for 10 and the 25% off. See where this is going.

Speaker 1:

And then is in your house and you're like, oh, I'm bored, my sweet tooth kicked in. Let me just have some of this, let me just have some of that and, trust me, let me just have some of this. Let me just have some of that. And trust me, I am not against pastries and cookies, my friend. I love me some pastries and cookies, but the thing is that the ones that come in nice little boxes and wrappers from the supermarket are one of the most dangerous ultraed foods that you can have for your health, because they contain high hydrogenated oils. They contain a lot of strong preservatives. Have you ever seen that shit catch mold? Have you ever? I'm gonna ask this to you have you ever seen that shit catch mold in your cabinet when you find it in the back three months later because you forgot you took advantage of this three for 10 sale. I'm going to sit here and wait a few minutes so you can think about that. And if there is no mold growing on these foods, that means that there is zero nutritional value inside of them and the chemicals and preservatives are so strong that they do not grow mold. That should scare you. The only thing that's sweet and that can withstand years without mold and rotting in your cabinet is honey. That is it. That is it. Even maple syrup grows mold if you leave it unrefrigerated. Trust me, I found out the hard way. I spilled, I poured some maple syrup on pancakes and a big ass blob of mold fell on my pancake and I was. It was a sad day because I had to throw that out because it was gross, okay. So this is. This is what I want you to realize.

Speaker 1:

Where are you actually paying the price when it comes to these things? Are? Is having all these snacks in your house leading to prediabetes? Like what is the necessity? Is it the lack and the fear that it's not going to be available to you anymore that you have to take advantage of this sale, or is the? Is it that you actually really want it and really need this and need to have all of these things at home?

Speaker 1:

If you want some pastries, some cookies, some yummy, delicious sweets, go out and get it at a bakery. Right, sure, it has sugar, but guess what? It doesn't have a ton of preservatives inside, a ton of chemicals. They are usually. If you buy stuff at a bakery and leave it out in your counter, in your pantry, it's most likely going to grow mold, is going to get stale and it's not going to be good in a few days. Okay, this is actual food with some actual nutrition composition in there of some sort, where it's not going to affect you as much, right as as it would if you're buying all of these different things at at the supermarket or at the drugstore, especially around big holidays, like, let's say, valentine's day just ended, they have all of these candies on sale. But okay, like you do not need the big box bags of 50 off off Valentine's day candy. And then here comes the Easter candy, and then it's like the Halloween candy, and then is this candy and that candy, right, it just, it never ends. If you want something sweet, you can have something sweet when you actually want it, not just because, okay, so that's lack mentality.

Speaker 1:

Number two, number three don't send me any hate mail, do not. Okay, here is along the same lines. But is the all you can eat, all you can drink? What does this remind you of Brunch? Okay, do not invite me to brunch with these nasty ass, sweet ass pictures.

Speaker 1:

Okay, of stuff that's just going to make you feel so freaking sick. And guess what? It's all you can eat and all you can drink. So what happens? Lack mentality kicks in and you, you better get your money's worth. You paid $50 for this brunch. Lack mentality kicks in and you better get your money's worth. You paid $50 for this brunch. You better eat $50 worth of food. You better have $50 worth of drinks. Better yet, you should have $100 worth of food and $100 worth of drinks because, guess what? You're getting a bang for your buck. You're thinking about the money. You're thinking about lack. You're thinking about taking advantage and getting a bang for your buck. You're thinking about the money, you're thinking about lack. You're thinking about taking advantage and getting a bang for your buck. What you don't see the bang, bang that's going to happen to your body from overeating, overstuffing yourself, having way too much sugar, and how sick you will feel every single time you go. Tell me you have not felt like crap when you've gone to brunch. Okay, and we justify it with well, at least I got my money's worth. Well, I got my bang for my buck. I ate all the food. I had all the drinks. They brought like five pitchers to our table. Friend, friend, let's think about beyond the money. Can we just have a good time? Enjoy, maybe. If you really do want to drink, order something that is probably not a peach Bellini or a mimosa, probably made with fake ass orange juice and some syrups and things like that. Like, get something fresh, clean, if they even have those ingredients right there, and just eat until you're full. You don't have to overdo it every single time because it's the all you can eat and drink, right? I laugh because I remember whenever they used to take me to the buffet when I was a little kid the Chino's buffet oh my God, that was the conversation. You have to eat, you have to take advantage, blah, blah, blah, and I would stuff my face so bad. First of all, I'm a foodie, I love to eat, I love to try new things. So my little round behind used to leave there so freaking stuffed and it would make me feel so freaking sick, but I felt like I did my job. I felt like I did not let my parents down that this is what you do because you have to take advantage of what you paid for, right, so the all you can eat and drink spaces. We want to be mindful of that as well. Okay, let's keep going to number four. Number four is healthy food versus cheap food, this whole notion of healthy food being too expensive, right, and usually when we're out, we might choose fast food versus like a salad, and I get it. There is a price difference. I just want to go a little bit deeper than that. Right, you might not like. Like it might be a few dollars, maybe $5 difference, sometimes maybe $10 difference, or if you're buying groceries, sometimes things are a little bit more expensive. But what we don't realize is that if you take the $10 from the three, four, 10 Entenmann's deal I am so caught up on that, you know why? Because I used to. I used to love buying Entenmann's boxes. I used to love buying the loaf, the pound cake loaf, the cookies, and I don't remember what the third one was. Maybe I used to get two loaves right and the cookies. Anyway, if you would just take that and apply it to your grocery list or wherever, you would cover the difference and save and spare your body from cleaning up a lot of stuff that doesn't serve it Right, or it might not be as big of a difference as you assume it is. We just see like the main price point and we don't look beyond that. We don't look at how it's going to affect our body. And one thing with really cheap food is that you think that you're getting a deal but you're actually not, and I'll tell you why. Because usually with cheap food, you're not full for long. You're full for a whole 30 minutes, one hour, and then all of a sudden you're hungry again and all of a sudden you're looking for another thing to eat. You're hungry again and all of a sudden you're looking for another thing to eat. So, instead of eating something that's nutritious and more balanced and quote unquote healthy and no, I just, I don't mean just salads and things like that Then you can potentially depending on, like, your metabolic health, like how your body processes sugar and changes from fat burning to sugar burning and things like that, like it can go deeper. Then you can be full for a good three to four hours. You buy that meal, you spend $15, $20 on this meal or whatever ingredients at the supermarket and you're full for three hours instead of buying the cheap food, and in 30 minutes you're looking for food again. In an hour you're looking for food again. So, instead of going for just two meals that meal you ate and another one in three to four hours now you're scavenging scavengering, I don't know what that word is, but anyway, looking for two to three more meals Every hour. You need something else and something else. What an energy drain, right? Like, instead of focusing on whatever you have to do for three to four hours because you ate something, you spent the extra I don't know five bucks to get something and be full for three to four hours. Now, every single hours, you're like, oh, let me see what other snack I can get, let me see what other drive-thru I can go to, let me see what other snack I can grab. Like, it's just this endless cycle of it draining your energy, draining your time, of consistently having to find something else to eat. So is it worth spending an extra five to $10 to get something that is a little bit more well-rounded, that is going to satisfy your actual hunger and keep your body busy with processing fiber and protein and a little bit of fat, so that you can move on with your day? Is that worth an extra five to $10 to you, or do you just want to spend it with your time every hour? Because it will probably add up to the same thing? It's just that, because you're not looking at that total amount, you're just spending it in smaller increments. Then it might not feel like you are spending a lot of money, but at the end of the day, you might be spending exactly the same amount, if not a little bit more, because you're trying to avoid the higher price tag for a food option that's a lot more nutritious and more balanced and they'll keep you full. Now, side note, we all know that healthy, nutritious food should not be a crazy ass price and it should be accessible for everybody and affordable. But that, at the moment, is not where we are, is not the reality. So we can get into that conversation all day, every day, and I agree with you. That should be how it is, but unfortunately, right now it is not. So this is why we have to make those decisions and think through what it is that we're going to buy or not, and how it's serving us or not, and how much our lack mentality plays into hurting us. Okay, okay, number five you feel the need to finish your plate or over-serve yourself, and this is like quintessential Latino, hispanic culture as soon as you're born, you start to eat. Finish what's on your plate. Actually, a lot of women of color tell me this story, regardless if they're Latina or not. I've heard it from my African-American clients, I've heard it from my Indian clients, I've heard it from my Latina clients, who are Caribbean, who are South American, who all over. It's just something that they say and I get it, you know, because, again, going back in the day, it costs a lot to find food and to put it on your plate. So, yes, we should, but the thing is that now, especially in restaurants and places like that, they serve you maybe like two or three portions on a plate. So if you're finishing all of that, you are overeating so bad that again you're not going to feel well. And these are again things that you want to think about and be mindful about. Do you need to actually finish everything on your plate? And again, I'm not for like throwing it out. I rarely ever throw out food, but I do take it with me. I take it and I enjoy it at another time. And I know that some people don't like leftovers or don't like food that's heated or whatever. But that's my way of not wasting food and protecting my health and how I feel at the same time because that is actually one of my biggest struggles is overeating, where I eat too much and then I can't eat for the rest of the day because my digestive system is a hot mess and that kind of pisses me off because it prevents me from eating more, which I love to do, or I eat too much and then I have a hard time sleeping, or I feel like I'm all backed up and I'm bloated. And all this so as part of my own health and wellness journey, one of the biggest, I guess, hurdles that I've had to be extremely mindful of always reminding myself is portions on my plate, which I also mentioned over serving, and it happens in places like buffets right On vacation all inclusive hotels. It's like, oh my God, again I have to get, I have to take advantage, I have to get a bang for my buck. I better eat so much that they'll it'll impact the hotel or the buffet place. Trust me, you eating an extra three spoons of rice, making yourself feel sick, is not going to hurt their bottom line, but it will hurt yours. It will hurt yours, it will make you bloated, probably make you constipated. Backing everything up you won't sleep well, it just it doesn't feel good. But we're so worried again about making sure that we're not being wasteful with things on our plate and not finding a different solution, not listening to our bodies, and I've been in situations where I'm with my family and we order the same plate. And I've been in situations where I'm with my family and we order the same plate and I leave about half to take home and they finish the whole thing and then they're like, oh, oh, my god, I ate so much, I don't feel well. And I was like, well, you know, that was actually a lot of food. I said where, like didn't you feel full? And they were like, yeah, but you know, like I just decided to finish it. And it's this mind game it really is, of being okay with stopping and asking for that doggy bag even at home, being okay with stopping and knowing that you can get more later. Because this overeating just messes with your, with your hunger hormone, with your satisfaction hormone. If you've never heard of them, they're called leptin and ghrelin. They actually control that in your body. Remember, everything in your body is hormones then it makes your insulin work extra hard and it impacts your energy. And if that is consistently happening all the time and your, your system, is working overtime, so then it impacts your sleep, like there's just a lot that happens when we're consistently overeating, often where just eating a regular amount, you have to retrain your body to understand what that feels like and kind of, yeah, while you're retraining your body, so your mind is included in this, where you're just having to relearn how to do these things. And I've had to do that often and I've had to play mind tricks on myself, and I help my clients with that too, because sometimes visually seeing what's on your plate is very important, right, as well as smell and things like that. So I'll give you a few examples. I like to see a full plate. I don't want to get a plate half vacio, like half empty, with all my food in one corner. No, I like to see my plate full. So in order to serve myself an appropriate portion for me and see a full plate, I use a smaller plate. I don't use a big plate. I refuse to use a big plate because if not, I am guaranteed to over-serve myself. Because I want to see the plate full. And I was doing this a lot with when I used to take lunches with me to work. I was using a container that was way too big and then I was eating way too much food at lunchtime and then I was crashing at 3 PM sound familiar and then I was getting more caffeine and I couldn't finish my work effectively. It was like I was falling asleep on my desk because I was overeating all the time. So I grabbed a smaller container and that solved the problem. Because the container was full to the brim, like I like to see it, but because it smaller container, I was not eating as much because it didn't hold that much food. I had a client who always had to see two pieces of toast on her on her plate, especially for breakfast. So the but the bread that she would buy was great quality bread and the slices were really big and two slices was too much of a portion for her and her goals. So what I told her to do was to take that one slice and cut it in two. I know it might be very obvious, but it is not obvious at the time. That solved her problem. Her eyes saw two pieces of bread on the plate. She got to enjoy her bread and she had half the portion that she normally would, because we cut just one slice in half. Okay, and I do this with a lot of my clients, where I either tell them to use a smaller plate, I'll tell them to cut something in two, or we'll get creative in a different way so that you are still enjoying the foods that you want to enjoy, but in a much more appropriate portion for your health goals and how you want to feel, because this feeling of grogginess, brain fog, being super tired and fatigued a lot of times comes from overeating, and then you just feel like you need to solve that with energy drinks, with coffee, with sugar, and it creates like this really unhealthy pattern and cycle of just you trying to meet your needs but you're picking tools that are not effective for what your needs are, and then it keeps you in this loop of actually not feeling well, where, as if, you learn how to meet your needs with the tools that are appropriate for what you want to solve. For you'll start to feel amazing in your body and I say this with such a big smile because it's so possible and it feels so good but because of what society puts out there and how we're taught to solve our problems, which don't really solve our issues when it comes to energy and lack and feeding ourselves and all that, most of the time, the solutions we are taught is to make these food companies money, not to protect your health and wellness and actually feel good. You think that you're going to feel good because you see the people in the commercial smiling, having a good time. They sell you joy, they sell you community, they sell you excitement, but that is not actually how you are feeling using their products. I just wanted to plug that in. Right, you want to be mindful of those things. Is these things? Is the Red Bull really making you as elated or is it making you happy for five minutes and crashing and giving you the runs right? Are these things actually meeting you where you think you're going to be met and therefore, because of that, it affects our health. Because of that, it affects our health. It affects our health goals, our progress. It makes us have plateaus. It makes you get some sort of results, but you're confused as to exactly how to fill in the blanks. So I hope you start to see how holding on to this lack mentality around food and drinks and wellness overall because there might be other situations can really hold you back in meeting your goals. And I told my client today I was like setting setting these boundaries for yourself, like realizing this, you know, seeing where you have a hard time and really applying the rules and just your boundaries out there in the world Once we start to discuss them and like see what which ones it is you need is so powerful. But what happens most of the time and we spoke about this is that it feels lonely because we're still usually in environments where everybody's just following these trends of unwellness and these lack mentality decision-making that it makes us look like we're going against the grain. We're like who do we think we are? And it gets kind of lonely and we really have to stand in our power and understand why we made those decisions and set those boundaries. And again, is not something that people usually do, it really isn't. So I invite you to think of where does lack mentality get in the way of your health and wellness? What do you think you're losing? You're going to lose and, aside from that, I want you to think of where else are you going to pay the price? Because nothing is free. You think is free but is not free. So you might be trying to save or accommodate on one side, but on the other side, you're paying the price with, probably, your health at some capacity, with your time, with energy, with the quality of your life. These are things people don't talk about. How's your quality of life, how's your energy, how is your joy? How are you enjoying food or not? These are areas. How's your health? How much time are you spending going from appointment to appointment and calling your insurance company to make sure that they're coding things right and they're not charging you incorrectly, and calling the doctor's office so they could change the code so that it shows up correctly? And I've been there. I've been there, friend. Trust me, it takes a lot of time. It is super frustrating. Trust me, it takes a lot of time. It is super frustrating and I rather, all day, every day this is just me, my personal opinion make these choices for myself, out here in the real world, whether I'm at a bar, at a buffet, at a family event, wherever it is. Know what my body needs, know what my baseline is, know how to meet my own needs, instead of having to deal with the medical system because I am unwell all of the time. Okay, think about these things. You're always going to be paying the price somewhere. So where are you going to invest? Going to invest, invest today, whether it's in your food, whether it's in whatever it is that you need. You know. You know best what it is that you're missing in your food, in your drinks, in your movement, in therapy, whatever it is working with me, right, having a health coach. Where are you going to invest to actually live the high quality of life that you want to for the longterm? Now, just for a month or two? For the longterm, give yourself the gift of the present moment and yourself the gift of what it would look like in the future for you as well. Okay, it's so important because then you are able to get off that exhausting hamster wheel of always having to figure it out in such close intervals instead of in changing seasons of your life. Okay, so, with that said, I hope this was helpful. I hope you're able to identify the lack and where it's coming from and how is it serving you or not. And I also want to invite you to one-on-one food and hormone health coaching with me. I want you to love the food you eat while you heal your body, while you're supporting your hormones, and we can redefine weight loss together. What does that look like for you? I invite you to really choose and embrace a revolutionary lifestyle where your life, where you live your best life right Rooted in wellness, you learn how to do that. It's truly, truly, truly a skill. Just imagine feeling energized and lighter in your body again, and I know we always think about this as like oh, when I was in my twenties I felt like this when I was in college, when I was. You can have that feeling back again. I can promise you that you will feel better. You will feel confident in the food choices you're making. You will have more trust that you know how to meet your body's needs without the guilt, right, because that's another thing. As soon as we try meeting our own needs and we want to here comes the judgmental thoughts and the feelings of guilt because you feel like you should be doing something else. So picture yourself living your best life because you're prioritizing your healing, all right, and that is something that we can do together in one-on-one food and hormone health coaching where I can help you with a 100% personalized plan for your goals, right For your schedule, for your likes and needs and your lifestyle. So that is not stressful, without extremes. It's just like real, real stuff that you can do sustainable things to make a lasting change in your life and in your health, and I want to support you with that. So if you're ready for that, I invite you to book a free. We spoke about free, but for real this is actually free a good free consultation call with the link in the show notes, or you can just send me a DM so you can share your challenges with me and I can share how I can support you, and then we can embark together in healing while living your best life. I hope you have a good week. I'll see you next week. No-transcript.