WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast - I am your host - Naihomy Jerez.
Your Bronx raised dominicana, wife, mother of 2, new BFF, AND Food & Holistic Health Coach!
I went from living a surface level healthy life, to learning FIRST HAND how to live my BEST life rooted in wellness and get my sass back!
Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a food lover, or simply curious about creating a healthier, more vibrant life, this podcast is your guide. We're going to dive deep into topics that will inspire you to make positive changes and elevate not only your WELL-being, but those of generations before and after you.
Stay tuned for exciting conversations, expert interviews, and a whole lot of inspiration that will lead to ACTION. Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast, with me, your host Naihomy Jerez!
WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
61. A WELLthy New Year: 5 Tips to Transform Your New Year Resolutions into Lasting Habits
Send Naihomy encouraging words!💕
Ever wonder why those well-intentioned New Year's resolutions fizzle out by March? This episode promises to shift your perspective from chasing fleeting resolutions to nurturing a sustainable, healthy lifestyle throughout the year. Through candid reflections and a sprinkle of vulnerability, I explore the emotional complexities that often accompany our wellness ambitions, emphasizing the importance of honesty, self-reflection, and journaling.
Discover the transformative power of setting realistic wellness goals and the magic of small, consistent actions. I'll take you through my personal experiences of drawing inspiration from remarkable women who juggle work, family, and health commitments with grace. By focusing on the positive influence of a select few motivational figures, you can learn how to overcome mental and logistical hurdles that stand in the way of your goals. Whether it's starting with just one day at the gym or seeking support when needed, this episode is packed with practical tips and wisdom to help you appreciate and celebrate every small step on your wellness journey.
Thank you so much for listening!
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Hello friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast. This will be the last episode of 2024. And for this last episode of the year, I want to talk about a wealthy new year, a W-E-L-L. Wealthy new year, and I want to give you some tips. I know that at the end of the year and going into the beginning of the new year, in marketing and in society there's a lot of noise. There's a lot of marketing from the diet industry and gyms and detoxes and all these different things to change the way you look and to improve your health to some capacity, and there's a lot of noise out there. Capacity and there's a lot of noise out there. Because of that, I want to share with you a few tips.
Speaker 1:If this time of year gets you in that mindset right, it's about two weeks before the new year comes, but we start to think about it or you listen to this a little bit later on, and I want to support you in that in a way that might be a little bit more grounded and maybe different, even with a different perspective, because there is so much noise out there and excitement and deals and all this then sometimes we might get whipped up in the excitement and the newness and the new burst of energy and you're getting together with your friends or family members and you're making these goals, but what often happens is that is very short lived, extremely. I see this all the time in the gym I go to, where in January, the parking lot is full, there's nowhere to park, the gym classes are extremely full and it's like that for a few weeks and it's kind of annoying because the gym is so packed. And it's annoying because I know that by March they're all going to be gone and it's only the regulars that are going to be back in the gym that we see. I see every single day, no matter if it's May or January or October or raining or snowing or hot or cold. Those are the regular people that are usually there, who are in this wellness lifestyle and everybody else that started on this new year high.
Speaker 1:With all the sales and excitement, it kind of dies off and I don't want that for you. I want you to be consistent in some sort of way, and not just the gym some sort of way. And not just the gym. That's just the place where it's very evident that people show up to and that you can like physically see them there. But I know for a fact that it happens in other areas of life too, whether it's eating or sleeping, um any other area of wellness, where you are promising to yourself that you're going to make changes and you're going to be different, and usually they end up falling flat. And again, I don't want that for you because it just has such monumental effects. Like there are other things that you can drop or not continue with and it won't have that big of an impact in your life, but when it is your health, it does have a huge impact on you. Continues to do what it has to do to keep you alive not well alive, right, it'll use up all the resources that it needs to do that, and what I want for you is to feel well along the way. How can your body keep you alive? How can you continue to enjoy your life as time passes by in a body that also feels well, and I know that you want this so bad.
Speaker 1:If you're listening to this episode, if you have listened and been a part of the Wealthy Generation Podcast community, if you follow me on Instagram, if you're part of my newsletter list and if you're not, please join me there as well, you can find that information in the show notes, direct links to my Instagram and my newsletter list. If you're part of this community, then you're curious, you're interested, right? You want more information. You want to see how you can figure this out for yourself. So I know that you want this and that you've yearned for it. You've probably tried many things before and you're still trying to find your way, and that's Okay, all right. So let's get into these tips.
Speaker 1:Actually, before I get into the tips, I want to share with you just raw, honest truth how hard it was for me to start recording this episode for you, actually, and for myself. I want to make sure I share where I am personally in case it builds connection and you feel seen I don't want to make pretend that it's just super easy for me to show up like this sometimes, and not sometimes all the time, and it's not a struggle for me sometimes to do this, even though it is something I love to do information I love to share and I really, really really have been planning this episode for a while and how I want to end the year here on Wealthy Generation Podcast and what I want to share to support you, and it's been extremely difficult for me to show up. If you don't know, I live in New York City and the winter time in general is difficult for me with seasonal depression. I try my best to support myself during this season. The past few days have been extremely dreary Also.
Speaker 1:By December we're well into the school year and the routine of school and our long commutes and just the kind of autopilot mode of day in and day out that really starts to get to me as well. Also, it like piles on right, like all of these things are happening at the same time. Also when I am near my period my hormones shifting, I suffer from PMDD. My hormones shifting, I suffer from PMDD premenstrual dysphoric disorder where my emotions are really intense about 10 days before my period and I feel like this cycle has been longer. I got a new IUD in September and I'm still I'm relearning now my cycle and my cycle lengths because they have been a little bit different since the IUD got replaced and just learning how my flow is going to be or not, and yes, you do still have some sort of flow or sign when you're in your IUD, even though they say that your period might disappear or it might, and I'll talk more about that on another episode, because I think sometimes is a misconception and it's just purely from what I've observed. So this cycle it's taken.
Speaker 1:I feel like I've been in this for about two weeks right, it's really exhausting to have the ups and downs of emotions and just feel very heavy and very sad and unmotivated. And because I have been in this lifestyle for so many years now, I'll still show up and I'll still do what I have to do for myself that I want to do, like I'll show up to the gym or I'll eat well, but it's more of an autopilot mode, like something has switched off and I'm just going through the motions because it's muscle memory, because I've done it for so long, and I'll literally show up to my workout classes and share with my trainer and with my peers who are there. Like I really don't feel well today. I really I'm not cheery, I'm not happy, I'm not talkative, I'm just kind of moving through the motions of what I have to do and I'm very grateful that everybody supports me and like lends me a hand and know and and I I show up still because I know that's important to me and it can be both at the same time, like I can be feeling that way and I can also move my body at the same time, and it's actually going to be a benefit to my mental health.
Speaker 1:So the last thing I'll mention that has been going on this season is challenges with my son in school. Right, it happened last year and it happened, is happening again this year, and we've been trying to figure out what kind of supports he needs. Last year we had him evaluated at school. This year we're along the same paths. But it's really exhausting to receive emails, phone calls, spoken to in person by teachers telling you about your son's behavior and knowing that something's up right, like he's not doing this because he wants to, or he wants to be a bad kid or he wants to be disruptive, like something's triggering him, he's having issues controlling his emotions and he needs to be supported. So constant communication back and forth with teachers and with other professionals is exhausting. I am so grateful to have people in my life who are experts in this field, who are my friends and I can reach out to so that I can better support him and find resources. So if you're one of those people, thank you from the bottom of my heart. But all of those things together is a lot and is exhausting and it puts and it makes it difficult to show up the way I want to for you and my business when I have all these other like, all this other heaviness on the other side and it doesn't mean I am forcing myself to do this right, like I have an option. I really want to.
Speaker 1:So right before I started recording, I was like I'm going to share all this great information. I have five different tips for you and at the same time, I wanted to be super honest and transparent as to where I am emotionally right now, because a lot of I've. This has always been a pattern of mine, right, like no matter what I'm doing, when I was in corporate, all the years of entrepreneurship, like it's been a pattern and I've gotten better at um, opening up my schedule a little bit more to allow for a little bit of more time for myself and being outside on the days that are sunny and things like that. But for a very long time I thought there was something wrong with me and I couldn't get it together and I'm such a horrible person and I don't know which one is me Like. Is it the sad and depressed version of me. Is it the happy, cheerful, talkative, joyful person? Is that me? And I've been through these ups and downs of just understanding myself and I know now that they're both me. There's nothing wrong with either side of me. They need different tending to, they need different kinds of support, and I want to share that with you in case you are feeling similarly right.
Speaker 1:It's taken me a while to get here and it it has only been through transparency of others who are in the public eye, um, or share parts of their lives publicly, and when they are this honest that I have felt safer to be myself, to share, to be vulnerable and to seek out support, which is so important. Because if I didn't know that these were things I could work through and I was just in my brain about how much of a terrible person I am and that I can't get it together and I'm so embarrassed to share with anybody, then I don't think that I would have had this much growth. So I really appreciate those who share and feel safe enough to be vulnerable, to share openly. So this is why I am sharing and I hope that you feel seen and you're able to use this information the way that you see fit for yourself, and feel free to message me. By the way, um, if you need support, right Like, I'm totally okay. But if you want to talk, um, if you want to share, then I'm happy to listen, um, and to give you a nice virtual hug. So feel free to reach out to me on DM, email or you can text me through this episode.
Speaker 1:Okay, so let's get into these tips for a wealthy new year. New year, wealthier you. When you are trying to, or you really want to, focus on a lifestyle rooted in wellness, you have tried many things before. You maybe are looking for something new to do, so number one is a little bit of journaling. Okay, don't roll your eyes at me. Okay, I don't like when people tell me this either. You don't need to physically journal on pen and paper. If it's not your thing, you can ponder, you can sit there and think. You can I don't know talk with a friend. All I want you is to think a little bit more deeply as to what are your goals? What is it that you want for yourself? What do you want your life rooted in wellness to look like? It doesn't have to be that in depth, okay, because sometimes for me, when I have to think too far ahead, it becomes overwhelming. It can just be the next few months, okay. Okay, it doesn't have to be super drastic, but what has worked for you before? What has not worked for you before? What is it that you generally need to be successful? What data do you already have on yourself or do you want to collect? So I'll give you a few examples.
Speaker 1:Right like, my goal when I first started my journey was to lose weight. That's it. It was just to lose weight after I gave birth to my second son and I actually started in November. I had my baby in June and I started in November of that year and that was my only goal and I didn't realize that I could expand on that goal or how it would look. But I'm offering you a few other questions that you can think about, to consider those things. So to that I would add why?
Speaker 1:Right, like, why do you want to lose weight? And for me, that why was because I didn't feel like myself anymore. I wanted to look better in my clothes, I felt very frumpy, I wanted not to wear a faja, a girdle, and those were my reasons, and that was okay. Another thing I thought about was how was I going to get there? Okay, what was I willing to do and what was I not willing to do to get to this goal? And what I was not willing to do was torture myself, be mean to myself, be super restrictive with myself. I was not willing to go on any crazy diets. What I was willing to do was go to the gym and eat differently. That was it. I didn't have more information than that, but I was clear on what I was willing to do and what I was not willing to do. So all these things are questions that you can ask yourself and be very clear with yourself on. I don't think that I actually sat down and journaled this at that time, but I had made that decision mentally and I remember speaking on it when I was with my friends. I was sharing this verbally with them, so it was very clear to me. Okay. So that is number one.
Speaker 1:Ask yourselves the whys. Ask your go a little bit deeper as to what these goals are. Like you want to be able to I don't know twerk or play with your kids. Like what is that deeper meaning? Just from the, maybe if it's like a physical thing to change that. Maybe you just got your blood work back and your numbers are a little off. Your blood sugar numbers are a little off, so maybe your goal is to, by the next time you get your blood work done, to make sure your A1C is lower, to make sure your blood sugars are okay, to make sure you have more energy or you're eating better, you're sleeping better, right, like all of these can be goals that are part of wellness. You want to be able to manage your stress better or set better boundaries. Please, don't pick everything at the same time. It's really hard to do all these things at the same time, but you can build on them.
Speaker 1:So this is what we can get. Sorry, I just got a pop-up on my computer. I'm like what's happening? Um, this is where you can get started and a few different areas where you can focus if you would want to. If it's just food that you want to start off with, if it's just breakfast that you want to start off with, you know, if it's just not drinking as much soda and choosing water, you know, a few times a day, that's a start. That is going to be enough to start with. Okay, so you can set those goals for yourself. It can be small, it can be as big or as small, but, as you'll see later on, just something that is realistic, that you will be setting yourself up for success with, not something that's so far out that you're going to be like, see, see, I always fail, I always don't do it. So know that you can always expand or retract your goals a little bit so it feels just enough out of your comfort zone that you're willing and you have the capacity to actually take action on them.
Speaker 1:Okay, so number two is research. Right, once you have your goal down, see where you're going to do this, how you're going to do this, how much will it cost? Can you test things out? Right? So, with that is, where are you going to buy your food? What gym will you go to? Where are you going to start?
Speaker 1:I know when I started, I had seen someone on Instagram that was in my neighborhood go to a gym nearby and they were advertising a Groupon. So I actually bought the Groupon and I didn't use it right away. I just had it there. I had a year to use it, but I was doing the research and preparing myself for when I was ready, so I just left it there. I just left there because I didn't have to use it right away, but I did my research. I found a place, I found the times that they had classes, I identified which class I was able to go to and that's it. That was it. So I know that a lot of gyms especially at the beginning of the year, they have free trials or a free class.
Speaker 1:So go, try things out. Go to a free class. Go and maybe find somebody that does that and ask them questions. See what your budget is and how much you're willing to spend, and how else can you do whatever it is that you want to do with your goal somewhere else. How can you do part of it at home and part outdoors? Is there a person who can better support you? Do you want to set up a call with them and ask more questions? Do your research so that you are informed. No haga la cosa lo loco. You know that saying don't do things the crazy way, where you're just relying on very limited information. Now it's the era of the internet. You can find out so much information, sometimes to our detriment, but it can put you in a better place to be more informed to then go ahead and take action. So so please do your research, take advantage of the free information out here and really see how you can set yourself up so that later you are able to go ahead and take the action.
Speaker 1:Number three is to create the space for this. Communicate with others, set boundaries or reminders for yourself to actually go do this. Some people come to me and they're like I want to work out seven days a week, I want to work out five days a week, I want to make all home cooked meals. And then I'm like, okay, that's cool, let's see when you're going to get this done. When are you going to cook? When are you going to make it to the gym? When are you going to be able to work out at home? And what we find most of the time is that they don't have the space to meet the goals that they're setting for themselves. Have the space to meet the goals that they're setting for themselves, and there's nothing wrong with that. We can go ahead and adjust it. But to have this idea in the mind and then not create the space for it again, it creates this feeling of maybe right, I'm assuming that you're a failure, or this never works for you, or see it's impossible to do because I cannot do it this way. But the truth is that you can probably do a modified version of what it is that you're wanting to do, but you might need to create that space or set different expectations, boundaries, reminders.
Speaker 1:For example, when I first started my journey, remember I set my goal, I bought the Groupon and then I was like okay, I'm ready to get started. The one class I was going to go to was Saturdays at 9 am. That was it. And I had a six month old who I was still nursing. So I spoke to my partner and I was like, hey, I really want to go to this class. I'm going to have to leave, and what I would do was I would pump right before I would leave to class, leave the bottle for when the baby woke up, my husband can feed him and that, if I don't communicate that as my need and I don't create that space for myself because I yes, like there was mom guilt involved or like, oh my God, I'm leaving and maybe I shouldn't. But it turned out to be fine, I created the plan right I pumped, I left the milk, the husband fed the baby and then I would be back and that was it right.
Speaker 1:I also remember when I was working in corporate and I wanted to take a class after work. It was like an adventure. I worked in Times Square and I had to get all the way up to Westchester, so I had to take a different kind of train, and those trains don't wait for you Like. You must be there on time. So I was here running through Grand Central like a loca to catch the Metro North up to New Rochelle To then walk half a mile to get to this gym, and I didn't know how I was going to get home from there. And I didn't know how I was going to get home from there, so I asked the gym instructor if he could drive me to the other gym so that my husband, after he picked up the kids, could go pick me up there. It was that important to me and I orchestrated this entire plan with my job. I was like I need to be out by five o'clock, it doesn't matter, because I have something to do with my trainer, with my husband, to create the space for me, for me to do something that was so important for me and that lasted a year. That lasted a year, approximately a year. I ended up twisting my ankle and then they weren't doing the classes anymore. But yeah, then I just figured something else out and it was fine. So creating that space of if it's cooking more, it's like okay, when are you going to do groceries, what is it that you want to cook? Or maybe it is going to that gym what classes fit your schedule? When are you going to go? Who's going to watch the kids? What's going to happen with work? I had a client you know, ask work if she could start 30 minutes later and it was fine so that she can get a workout in in the morning. So creating that space, reminders, boundaries for yourself is really important for the success of just sticking to what you want and what you promised yourself, not doing things on the whim or randomly. That works sometimes, but you're really setting yourself up for success with these steps.
Speaker 1:Okay, number four is limited and positive motivation from others. So what exactly does this mean? It gets hard, man, to just keep going and we assume that it's just so easy for other people. And by limited and positive motivation from others, I started to think to myself. Motivation from others I started to think to myself what kept me going, what kept me motivated? And I used to follow and watch certain women who were similar to me. They had full-time jobs, they had multiple children and they would go to the gym and they would be in like shape and all that and they provided me with that motivation of I can do this too. I can figure this out too. They are in a similar situation. Um, they are in a similar situation as I am and I can keep going. Right, this is available and possible for me.
Speaker 1:And by limited motivation I mean when we look at too many people or it just gets overwhelming and too much, and I know for me it can kind of dampen my mood. But if there's like one or two people where I feel so inspired by that, they also radiate positivity and they kind of are a few steps ahead of you where they figured a lot of like what I'm sharing with you out of the hurdles with mindset and with scheduling and with managing multiple schedules. If they have a few different strategies that they can share with you, it can help you. Just put one foot in front of the other, keep going, know that it's possible until you know like your training wheels fall off almost and you're able to find that within yourself, I have to say. And sometimes still, though, you have these outside people motivating you. I know I still do where I'm like man. Um, I I admire that lifestyle or how that person moves or the dedication that they have to this particular aspect of their life, and I want that too, in not like a jealous way or envious is like man. I really want that for myself too, and I admire them and it helps me put one foot in front of the other. It helps me figure it out in my own life, because our lives may look very different, but it opens your mind up enough to look for the possibilities and the options that you might have never realized before because you were very closed off or like you had not made capacity to think that far, or somebody may spark an idea that you had never thought about before. So limited positive motivation from others can be super helpful, especially when you're first starting out.
Speaker 1:Just to keep reminding you of what your goals are, that it is possible for you as well is to focus on small actions Again, please. I remember I said earlier that we set these goals of. This is the ones that I hear the most often. Right, like going to the gym five days a week and I'm going to go to the gym after work or before work, or I'm going to make all my meals from home, from scratch, right, and I want you to practice the habit first instead of setting these outrageous goals that might be hard to keep up with. If you have not practiced the habit of staying consistent one day a week, or one meal a day, or whatever it looks like for you, then it's putting so much pressure on yourself to decide to do this multiple days a week, multiple times. Right, it's just so much demand. And then you pile on the stress and it comes like you overwhelm yourself, you get burnt out and everything kind of has to take a screeching halt because your nervous system, your capacity, is not there and it ends, and then it's so much harder to kind of start over from that place. All right, so I would rather take small action and let that be enough. Let it be enough, make sure that your expectations are set up to know that that's enough and to practice the habit instead.
Speaker 1:When I first started, I started going to the gym one day a week. I later on like, let's say, november, october, november, december, like four to five months later. I started focusing on my food more intentionally when I started working with a nutritionist. So that lasted about a year, with support from her and with the gym. After a while then I increased it to two days and then that ended. It went back down to one day, then went back up to two days when it was Saturday and Sunday because I did not have the space to work out during the week.
Speaker 1:And now my life looks totally different as an entrepreneur. My kids are older and I've just found other resources here. I'm up to three days when possible, because now, during the holiday season, it's looking a little different but it's like, okay, it's looking a little different but it's like, okay, it's something that's important to me. And this is a process I went through again what are my goals? Doing the research of who can help me meet my goals or what tools and spaces I need, creating that space in my schedule. It took talking to my husband again because we have this pickup drop-off schedule for the kids at school. It took rearranging my calendar of when I take my client calls.
Speaker 1:I have the limited positive motivation from others that I'm like, yes, this is a direction I want to move in, and then, taking that small action step, first I included one day and then I included that third day. Okay, so set yourself up with realistic expectations that you can go ahead and practice. Sometimes and I know I assume this in other areas of my life you may have this thought of oh, one day is nothing, that's not even going to make a difference or an impact, but it will. It will. It will build your character. It will allow you to see the thoughts that come up for you, that actually you have to work through to build these habits and to become this person. You will be practicing so much when you decide to take that one small step all right, in whatever that is that you're working towards, when you decide to let that one thing be enough and stay consistent with that one thing. It'll bring up so much for you.
Speaker 1:I remember when I first started again with the one day at the gym. There was one day where I was like, oh, I'm too tired, I'm just going to stay here and sleep, and I noticed the thoughts I had. I noticed the difference in my energy, my patience, my mental health when I would go and when I didn't go. So next time I would have that thought of I want to stay in and sleep. I had more data to the decisions I was going to make when I would decide I'm not going to meal prep my lunch, I'm too tired, I don't want to do it. I would notice my thoughts and my actions and how I felt when I got to work and it was lunchtime and I had to go out in Times Square and paid for overpriced salads or try and find a place I wanted to eat at, and how much more stressful that was than to throw something in the toaster oven so that it can cook on its own.
Speaker 1:So these are the steps that staying consistent to one small action of your goal. That's the positive, and how much growth you're going to get because you don't adopt a lifestyle rooted in wellness, where you're taking care of your health and you're consistent with it, and it kind of becomes second nature just by the first few steps, just by being like, oh, I want to go to the gym five times a week and that's what I'm going to do, whether I want to or not, this is what I'm going to stick to. It will not work that way, okay, and this is why so many people by late February March that's it their goals, their desires, their aspirations have gone out the window and it's back to the rat race, back to the stressful moments, just like eating whatever you find, whatever's in the break room, whatever your kids left behind, not moving anymore because everything else takes priority in your life and you did not think through how you were going to set yourself up for success, if this is something that is super important to you. So I invite you to think about these five tips. Hopefully it's something new and like a new way to think about it and a new way to approach it, so that you can create this wealthy life that you actually truly want and you get to practice it in the next year.
Speaker 1:In the next two weeks to think about these things. It's kind of like when I bought the Groupon and I just left it there. You can do steps one through four. Now you can think about your goals, journal about them. Maybe you have some time off during these two weeks and it's something that you have a little bit more space to think about. You can do the research right. A lot of this information is online. You can call people, you can email people, you can talk to whoever it is that you need to. Maybe work right now is not the most appropriate time, it depends but maybe you can communicate with loved ones or with people at work or with yourself about how you're going to create the space and you can see who the people are who motivate you and who are kind of doing things similarly to how you envision it, and then you can decide when you're going to start to take this small action.
Speaker 1:Going to start to take this small action Okay, maybe you book a few free classes or you look up a few recipes for January, right, and you decide that that's when you're going to get started, when things kind of settled down a little bit, you rest from the holidays and you get back to yourself. But know that you can start taking steps now to whatever your goals are for the following year and you can be so much more intentional about it to set yourself up for success. Know that is a lot more than just taking action and forcing yourself through something. The noticing how you feel, your emotions around it and what your mental blocks are is part of this journey. It's not just about pushing through and you're going to do it, whether you want to or not. You really need to see what's coming up for you along the way and solve for that as well for you to be able to stick to this. So I hope this was helpful.
Speaker 1:I am wishing you a very happy holiday season, a very safe holiday season. Please take care of yourself. Meet your needs when needed. Reach out for support if that is something that is safe for you to do. Out for support if that is something that is safe for you to do, and I hope that you ring in the new year feeling amazing. And if part of your new year's goals or part of your plan for 2025 is to be supported, I am happy to be of support through you with one-on-one food and hormone health coaching, my coaching slots open back up January 2025, and my consultation calls, which are absolutely free, and I invite you to go ahead and book one if you would like to learn more about one-on-one food and hormone health coaching, where I teach you how to use food and lifestyle basically what we spoke about to heal your body and support your hormones while living your best life.
Speaker 1:The program looks a little bit like this, where we meet on a weekly basis over Zoom so that we can discuss what is happening in your life. You have direct access to me over WhatsApp so that you can tap into as well, and you always get personalized resources for you. You don't need to go reinvent the wheel, do extra digging and research for things. I know you're busy and I know that it's a lot easier on you when you already have stuff to choose from that you know works. So this is what one-on-one food and hormone health coaching will look like with me Everything at your own pace, everything super personalized, all resources available to you and supported when you need it, how you need needed for your goals. That we will also discuss together and dive deep into what it is that you want for yourself to not only support your own health but the health of your family. Right? This is wealthy generation, so lots of knowledge. This is wealthy generation, so lots of knowledge. Practice holding space in a very patient, gentle way.
Speaker 1:I don't like to add stress to you. That is definitely not the point, and it's a good amount of time for you to take these small actions that have huge impact and we get to discuss those thoughts together that come up. Right, and it's a good time for you to take those small actions, build on the small actions, start to see the results that they provide for you and really set that solid foundation that you've been looking for for so long. So if that's something you are interested in, I am happy to speak with you. You can go ahead and book a free consultation call using the link in the show notes here, or you can feel free and reach out to me directly and we can set that up together. I cannot wait to talk to you in 2025. I hope this was helpful. I can't wait to coach you, if that is something that is right for you, and I am wishing you the very best. Happy holiday season. I'll see you soon. Bye.