WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

54. Now More than EVER Women MUST Take Charge Of Their Health & Wellbeing

Naihomy Jerez Episode 54

Send Naihomy encouraging words!💕

On this episode I explore the powerful intersection of wellness and resilience amid the frenzied energy of election season. Through the lens of my Palette Reset program, discover how prioritizing small, manageable changes can build a robust foundation for your well-being, even when times are turbulent. As I share personal reflections and insights from an Instagram live session, you'll find the encouragement you need to take control of your health, fostering clarity and strength to face life's challenges head-on.

This episode highlights the critical need for women to listen to their bodies and address symptoms like fatigue and bloating through nutrition and lifestyle modifications. With the Palette Reset program's 12-week journey, featuring the unique Pantry Flip Experience and Cultural Food Remix, you can break free from the cycle of medical dependency and empower yourself with confidence and self-reliance. These tools provide not just a personal transformation but also a means to contribute positively to the collective well-being. Embrace the call to action to protect your loved ones by prioritizing your health and harnessing your strength as a beacon of resilience and empowerment in an ever-changing world.

Thank you so much for listening!

Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast. I hope you are doing well or you are hanging in there. I want to acknowledge how heavy the energy is right now around this time the closer we get to election time the very disturbing things that are being said and happening in this world. In New York City there's just a lot going on and I am a person who feels a lot, who tries to be very fair and compassionate, and sometimes it really I don't even know if it boggles my mind anymore like the audacity and the disrespect that is so blatant these days out here. Not aware if you haven't listened to the previous episode or have been following on social or my newsletter, I am currently inviting you to join my group program, palette Reset, where we are going to identify which foods are making you feel and look like crap and swap them out for ones that help you feel better, so that you can have more freedom in your life and confidence in in your health journey and really build that solid and most important foundation of the things that you're eating, which the main line of defense with that is your palate or your taste buds and how food tastes right, because if something doesn't taste good, you're most likely not going to eat it or understand what's the purpose, and so on and so forth. So I was feeling a certain type of way about continuing to talk about Palette Reset, inviting you to come and join the program, said inviting you to come and join the program, explaining you know why it's of benefit for you to be here with me in this group and with the rest of your peers, because of everything that's been happening with the election, and I'm like man, is this the appropriate time to be talking about this? Should I be focused on something else? Is it like insensitive? And I was having a lot of feelings around that. So I, in all my rawness I believe it was the, you know at earlier this week, I just hopped on Instagram live and I started talking to you know, the community members that were there, about how I was feeling regarding inviting you to join Palette Reset.

Speaker 1:

Amidst the strong energy that's around, like it can be very overwhelming and exhausting and just kind of like paralyzing a little bit to see where we are today when it comes to living in the United States. So I hopped on Instagram live and I because before that, I sat and I really thought about is there a purpose? Is there a reason? What is the bigger picture? Is it appropriate to continue to move forward with inviting you to join this program and moving forward with it at this time? Right? A lot of times we're we're questioning like is this the right? A lot of times we're questioning like is this the right time? I'm sure you're questioning is this the right time for you to join Palo Reset which I definitely think it is, you know and for me it's like is it the right time for me to move forward with this? So, just to tap into real fast, is this the right time for you? Is it going to be overwhelming for you to join right now?

Speaker 1:

I would say that in Palette Reset, the way that I've designed it and the way that I've actually approached my very own wellness journey is not by following all of these ridiculous amounts of wellness rules, at least not all at once. That is definitely not how I started back in 2016. I started in a way that felt good to me and because I kept it simple and just focused on one or two things at a time, I was able to see results and stick to it. So I want the same thing for you. I don't want you to be overwhelmed. I want you to go at your own pace with the program and you will 100% see results at that pace. Sometimes we are unaware of what results look like and what else to observe, aside from, let's say, numbers on a scale. So I'm here to help you with that.

Speaker 1:

And if you're questioning if now is the right time, there is no perfect time to start wellness and most likely, you're not starting, you're recommitting. You're recommitting. So if you start off at your own pace and you do one or two things and you're not starting because you feel like you're busy or you're going through a midlife crisis or other things are going on in your life, starting or recommitting to health and wellness is like a snowball effect. It compounds. So, if anything, it'll make you more resilient to the stuff that you have going on. It'll allow you to feel better and more clear-minded in your body. It will have that snowball effect for you to continue to handle your business.

Speaker 1:

So, if you feel like it's not the right time for you because you're busy with work, you have young children, you're considering investing your money in something else right now. You are worried that it's going to be too much, right? I just want you to know that building this foundation is invaluable because it will always, always, always be with you and it will allow you to feel more grounded, more confident, more like you know what you're doing, and it will take that pressure and energy off that you're spending on a daily basis trying to figure out if what you're eating is helping you feel better or not, and just being so confused as to what to buy, what to reach out for, and not having any solid support to help you. So, yes, it is the right time to get started, it is the right time to recommit, and you can do it in a way that you don't feel overwhelmed. So I just wanted to really express that before I move on and share more about the feelings around the election and why it is totally appropriate to move on, to keep moving forward with inviting you to this program, to keep moving forward with inviting you to this program, and what I'm going to do now is I'm going to play the recording from Instagram live. You'll probably hear me say things like if you have comments, drop it in, or saying hello to people, things like that.

Speaker 1:

I was actually going through a lot of emotions when I was talking, so there might be pauses along the way. It doesn't mean anything happened. It just means that I was taking a moment to reflect and kind of try and gather words, because at the same time, it was just hard to gather words and put thoughts together in this very raw moment. But I want you to hear this too and have it in a space where you can go back to and listen to it and understand the utter and sheer importance of actually taking control of your health and putting the power back into your hands. Right, because it can be a scary place. Your hands right, because it can be a scary place. And oftentimes I feel like just keeping myself well and not relying on the medical system so much and just living a lifestyle in a way that helps my immune system, helps me stay strong and healthy, is one of the best things we can do in the type of world that we're living in.

Speaker 1:

So I'll let you go right now so that you can go or not go. I'll transition to you into this podcast or Instagram live I'm sorry, instagram live so that you can listen in and if you have any questions, if you want to chat, if you want more information, feel free to go in the show notes and you will find the links to everything you would like, whether that's to reach out to me to learn more about Palette Reset, you can go there and find more information. Thank you for listening in and I'll see you next time. Bye, hello there, friends, is Naomi Jerez. Food and hormone health coach. Food and hormone health coach.

Speaker 1:

I am coming on here just to be super honest, transparent, share what's going on in my mind right now and my been feeling like very torn. Right, because there is very obvious and very apparent the current state of events is just not okay. Right Like there are very harsh things that are being said, our humanity is not being taken into account, there's just a lot of unrest. And, at the same time, I'm in the middle of inviting you to join my group program, pallet Reset, where the goal is for you to understand, to learn what kinds of foods are basically making you feel like crap and swap them for foods that actually make you feel good. If you're feeling like crap, you're probably looking like crap. It's very important to understand the foods that you're eating for healing, for generational health, so on and so forth, and I'm having this internal debate of like is this insensitive to be doing this at this time where, obviously, our health is so important and it is supposed to be at the top of the list.

Speaker 1:

But it's very emotional times right now. There is a lot of strong emotions, with due cause, of what's happening, and it's very scary to, you know, just kind of be in such uncertainty of not to know where we're going to be in just about a week ish from today, right, and I was thinking to myself is this really the right thing to do? And I was thinking to myself is this really the right thing to do? And then I was like I was thinking of one of my previous clients who is very active politically and just is out here for the people, and this has been her thing for a long time. And while we were working together, I told her something that came back to me, and that was that her wellness, her being well, was essential to the collective and essential for her to keep fighting the good fight and standing up for what she believes in, right.

Speaker 1:

We are at a time where our health, especially the women's health, is in jeopardy, right, like our rights are in jeopardy, and I think that this is the most important time to make sure that we are taking control of our health and being vigilant and doing whatever is in our power to go ahead and protect that, not just for us, but for our young kids. And I don't know. I feel like I'm choking up because if we're not well, right, if we don't know how to take care of ourselves, we have to rely on the medical system for the most part, that is not set up for us or like to listen to us, and the way they treat us is just not what we deserve, right. And I do feel that this is the most appropriate time to start to take care um and learn how to take care of our health, because a lot of the stuff that we go through as women and where our health falls is preventable. If we understand what to do, if we have the knowledge base of what to do, if we understand how to listen to our bodies and how to advocate for ourselves, and being in a space where we don't even know if we're going to be in a place to receive basic care and in a place to advocate for ourselves, and you know to be in control of our reproductive rights or whatever that is, then you know it, it. It can get pretty frightening and I want to really, I guess, not encourage, but let's say reaffirm, or just encourage you, I guess, to understand that now more than ever is of most importance to be mindful of your health, to understand how to make an impact in generational. With that said too, let's say that you're out here and you're influencing people, and this is something that you do on a regular basis and you're influencing.

Speaker 1:

If you're not well, you can't keep going. If we are not well as a collective, we cannot have a clear mind, we cannot have a calm as much as possible. You know body, we, we cannot allow ourselves to just get swept away with how the rest of our systems are set up. That is not for us and therefore our ability to fight back gets taken with that. Where it doesn't wipe you out when you get sick, when you're not constantly battling aches and pains and headaches and stomach issues, where a lot of your time is taken up trying to navigate the healthcare system and going through all these doctors, how are you going to have the time to do? How are you going to have the time to do other things, to make bigger impacts? Right, how? How are you going to have this time. If we just get wrapped up in just trying to manage our own health Right and, like I said, we don't know how available that's going to be yes or no.

Speaker 1:

Inviting people to join Palette Reset, where the bare basic and foundation of the program is to teach you, is to give you information and to practice together on how to build skills and habits to allow us to feel better in our own body, then yes, I was like this is an appropriate time, because every single client that I've had that has been able to reach the space where they feel better in their body. They have more of a clear mind, they don't have this brain fog, extreme fatigue has gone on to excel and do much more than they ever thought they were capable of. In whatever field they're in. They have the energy to keep going. They understand how to take care of themselves in the process of working and dedicating themselves to whatever cause it is that they're striving for. So I just wanted to share those things because I think that is lost upon us Like we fight so hard. I think that is lost upon us Like we fight so hard, we work so hard, we dedicate ourselves so hard to what we believe in and for our families. And I want to remind you it is difficult to keep doing that, to keep going If you're not well.

Speaker 1:

If you are not well, it is important to take care of yourself, to learn how to, to understand how to, to understand how to eliminate the energy spent on just trying to manage your symptoms and just trying to question what's, what's can you eat today? That's not going to make you feel sick and, aside from that, choosing not to eat at all so that you don't get sick. And then it's hard to keep going, it's hard to have that energy, it's hard to have that stamina right. It's difficult. It's difficult every single time. You know you get your period and it knocks you out and you don't feel good in your skin and you don't want to show up. Feel good in your skin and you don't want to show up. It deeply affects whatever bigger cause you're going after, because you want to hide, because you don't have that energy, because it's hard for you to show up. It deeply, deeply, deeply affects your health and your wellness, deeply affects how you're able to show up for everything else.

Speaker 1:

And this is the most important time to be well and to feel well and to make your health a priority, not understanding where it might end up later on. So, understanding just the basics to keep yourself out of having to spend so much time and energy in just managing your health. If you understand how to just manage your health from a lifestyle perspective, from what you're eating and what you're doing on a regular basis, you have more of the energy to go handle your business, to go help your family, to go and keep showing up for what's important. With that said, I really, really, really do want to invite you to join Palette Reset. It is because I truly and deeply believe that this will allow you to feel so much better. This will allow you to eliminate so much of the energy that is spent in helping ourselves feel better and look better and be confident and to show up. It's because I deeply believe that understanding food, understanding how you're eating, understanding how you apply it in your day, makes an enormous impact that we don't have the luxury to not have, especially at this moment. We don't have the luxury of not being well at this moment, especially as a female. It is extremely important. So I want to invite you to join Palette Reset.

Speaker 1:

It is now open for you to join. Doors are open through November 3rd that's a Sunday, so it will be right. Before everything happens, at least you'll have something secure that you know, that you can trust and work on and be culturally relevant and respectful and is of service to you. It's going to run for 12 weeks, so through February, and we're going to meet on a weekly basis on Wednesdays at 1 30 PM Eastern standard time. Okay, it's going to be a space where there's going to be education in the beginning and then coaching in the back.

Speaker 1:

I'm going to be hosting also two workshops on how to take a deeper dive into what's going on in your kitchen, what's going on with your meals. One of them is called the pantry flip experience, where we will get together virtually and go through the pantry or refrigerator. Another one is called the cultural food remix. The holidays are still coming right. There is huge cultural I mean generational impact that you can make, especially during the holidays, and by then you'll start to see that you're going to start to feel better and understand the impact of this work and the impact generationally of being well so you can rely less and less on the medical system.

Speaker 1:

Right, we're going to have a WhatsApp group chat. It's really important to be in community and to be able to access your community when you have something to share and when you need support. So that's also going to be available, and there's going to be a portal where you'll get to watch the replace of the calls. Okay, all of that is going to be available. And also, as a bonus, you will get two weeks of an application where you are going to share your meals and your lifestyle with me, so that we can make even more progress and more impact in your own personal journey is the opportunity, within the Pallet Reset program, to have direct communication and access to personalized feedback from myself, and that bonus comes with the pay in full option. All right, if you have questions, drop them in the chat.

Speaker 1:

I just want to reiterate how important it is to understand and take control of your wellness always and forever, but especially now. Especially now, if someone walked up to you on the street and they're like um do you want to be involved in this medical system right now? Do you want to be well, to have the opportunity to keep going and to be clear minded and to support those around you? Mine would be hell, yes. What do I have to do. It's a win-win all around when you just learn how to like the bare basics of how to take care of yourself and your energy is not spent consistently trying to manage your symptoms and figuring out how to feel better of yourself and your energy is not spent consistently trying to manage your symptoms and figuring out how to feel better in your own body, how to not be bloated all the time, how to not be tired all the time, how to actually get some restful sleep, how your joints are not hurting all the time and you don't wake up with swollen fingers and your ankles and your feet are swollen by the end of the day.

Speaker 1:

Okay, how not to have such impactful periods where they just knock you out for days and days being in pain right Of, of being fatigued, on how to reverse those prediabetes numbers, on how to understand and not have extra anxiety of just trying to make a choice of what to eat, of understanding more on how your body's talking to you Because, believe it or not, your body's just trying to protect you. Your body's just trying to protect you and if you understand how to lend your body a hand, how to give it a hand and how to provide it with what it needs, then maybe the both of you can get along a little bit better. Right and I believe it all starts with the palate right, with how you enjoy food, with how you view food, with how food tastes, because if something doesn't taste good, if you are used to certain flavors or eating certain things for comfort and all that, then it can be a little difficult to understand why and to let them go. Or you might not know that there are other products out here that taste just as good and also benefits you and your health, right? So one hour a week, one hour a week, can have an enormous impact in how you feel. One hour for 12 weeks, that is all it takes, and you putting in some practice on those habits, you getting feedback and coaching on how it is that you can navigate in getting to that place where you get to have these skills as your new normal.

Speaker 1:

Have these habits as your new normal?

Speaker 1:

When do you use these skills?

Speaker 1:

How can you use these skills? How is your body talking to you and how can you respond? It is for you because you are important to the collective and we need you to be well and this is no time to be fooling around or playing around or trying to figure it out or or taking shortcuts. It is not the time for that. Your biggest fu right now is for you to be well, because if you're not well, you cannot fight back, you cannot take action, you cannot protect your family. You are out for the count.

Speaker 1:

My friends, the biggest F you that you can give right now is to be strong and well and confident in your own body. Right threatening than that than a confident woman standing in her power, being well, feeling well and not being distracted by a bunch of body activity that's going on. Okay, so I want to invite you to Palette Reset. You can go ahead and DM me. You can go ahead and head to the link in my bio. There's a link there that's available for you to join. Or, if you want to talk more with me, I invite you to send me a DM and we can move forward from there. Okay, again, this is Naomi food and hormone health coach. Understand that your wellness is essential to the collective and that is the biggest F you can give at this time when we need you to be well the most. I'll see you in Pallet Reset, peace.