WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast - I am your host - Naihomy Jerez.
Your Bronx raised dominicana, wife, mother of 2, new BFF, AND Food & Holistic Health Coach!
I went from living a surface level healthy life, to learning FIRST HAND how to live my BEST life rooted in wellness and get my sass back!
Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a food lover, or simply curious about creating a healthier, more vibrant life, this podcast is your guide. We're going to dive deep into topics that will inspire you to make positive changes and elevate not only your WELL-being, but those of generations before and after you.
Stay tuned for exciting conversations, expert interviews, and a whole lot of inspiration that will lead to ACTION. Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast, with me, your host Naihomy Jerez!
WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
50. Gratitude, Celebrations, and Introducing Palate Reset: The Group Program You Need
Send Naihomy encouraging words!💕
The food you eat could be sabotaging your health more than you think! Discover the eye-opening truth behind ultra-processed foods and their deceptive marketing tactics in our milestone 50th episode of the WELLthy Generation Podcast. I reflect on overcoming early podcasting jitters and finding my voice, thanks to your unwavering support and my fantastic business coach, Cat Del Carmen. I share personal stories, including a client’s joyful baby shower, and highlight the incredible success of clients who've embraced holistic approaches to conquer fertility challenges.
Get ready to transform your relationship with food as we I expose how food companies engineer products to be visually appealing and addictive, keeping you trapped in a cycle of poor health and medication dependency. Learn about the upcoming Palate Reset group program, a 90-day journey launching in November, packed with weekly calls, group trainings, and a supportive community to help you transition to mindful eating habits, and break up with ultra processed foods! Featuring the Pantry Flip Experience and Cultural Food Remix, Palate Reset is designed to help you reclaim your health and enjoy a nourishing, stress-free foodie season. Join the waitlist today with the link below and prepare for a transformative journey toward a healthier lifestyle!
Thank you so much for listening!
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Hey friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast. That's W-E-L-L-T-H-Y. I want to start off by thanking you by really expressing my immense gratitude for you being here, for being a loyal listener, for always showing up, for showing this podcast and myself so much love. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is going to be episode 50 that's going to be published.
Speaker 1:A year ago this week, I launched the trailer for this podcast, and you've probably heard me say before that I was so nervous about launching this podcast. I would tell myself things like I don't know what to say, I don't know what to share, I don't know if I can remain consistent, and all of those I don't knows kept me from ever creating one. And it wasn't until my business coach was like you are ready, you have so much to share. We were hanging out in person at her live mastermind events in California. My business coach is Kat Del Carmen and it was just over a meal and she's like I shared something with her that blew her mind. And then she's like you need to share this with everybody and it's time for you to have a podcast. And you know, she helped me plan a few things and I started YouTubing videos as to how to do things. And here we are today celebrating episode 50, a whole year of podcasting, of sharing information and knowledge and my viewpoints on all of the wellness, food industry stuff out here hormone, health and I'm grateful that you are here, that you're supporting this episode or like this podcast in general. So thank you. I don't take that lightly. I know how many podcasts there are out there. I myself follow a few. I know that there are audio books. I know that your time is incredibly, incredibly valuable and your ear and brain space. So I am so grateful and I hope you're feeling the energy for you being here and supporting wealthy generation. So that is where I wanted to start. I truly am grateful and it's been a whole year, so we'll keep going. I'll keep going in recording episodes.
Speaker 1:I have found that I do have a lot to say and I do have a lot of opinions, and I have received a lot of feedback in the way that I share information, how I make it culturally relevant and how I break it down in simple ways for all of us to understand, because I find, too, that a lot of information out here is just a little bit complicated to understand, to break down to understand how it applies to us as women. Number one is it actually applicable to the female body and how can it be intertwined with our culture, because a lot of the information out here is not so. Thank you so much. With that said, I have more things to share today and I'm so excited as my coaching business is growing, as I am growing more capacity. I want to share a couple of things.
Speaker 1:Number one if I sound funny, it's because I do sound funny, because I have a cold or I'm fighting off a cold. All of a sudden, I find that around back to school because the schedule gets a little bit more intense. I tend to catch a cold and plus, I don't know what are all the germs that my kids bring home from school. My immune system is pretty robust and it's really hard for me to get sick, so every time I am suffering from any type of a cold, it just throws me off. And one of my sons was had something going on, had like some sort of bug, but he got better in like three days. And here I am just like processing mine. He was staying with my mom for a few days and she made them like a gallon of homemade Dominican tea. If you've ever heard of the homemade Dominican tea, it is like a healing potion and she said she drank like they drank so much of it and he was like better in two days. So yay for that. With that said, the kids were with my mom because I was away and I went to Virginia to celebrate one of my clients. One of my clients is having a baby and it's amazing to celebrate her because she was one of my clients who thought that she was going to have a harder time conceiving just because of a lot of health concerns that she had and she believed, and some of them involved like her hormone health, and she thought that maybe it was going to be a little bit more difficult for her. And here we are at her baby shower celebrating her. And it's not uncommon when I work with clients who do desire to conceive that once they're taking really good care of themselves, it happens.
Speaker 1:I also reached out and celebrated another one of my clients who just had her baby and when we started working together she was suffering from PCOS pretty badly. It had been around six months that she had not gotten her period naturally and we worked really diligently in trying to heal or like kind of reverse some of the symptoms that PCOS had on her, and it was a lot all of it, pretty much through food and lifestyle and some specific medication that her doctor gave her to help with certain aspects of PCOS. That is important to handle. I'm not going to get into details here but if you know, you know and if you want more details, you can reach out to me personally. But through our time together, she ended up getting her period naturally, which was amazing, and then she ended up conceiving and she just had her baby a few weeks ago. And I have another client who is also currently pregnant. She was already having conversations with her doctor about IVFs and IUIs and she was concerned because she's also almost 40 years old and she was very clear from our consultation call that this was something that was important to her, although she had already done a lot of work on whether this would happen for her or not. And again, she is expecting her baby and we are just very, very, very excited for that.
Speaker 1:So, all of it having to do with food, lifestyle, incorporating certain supplements to help with hormone support depending on what is happening with the person, it can be transformational and, of course, none of this is guaranteed. I never, ever, ever guarantee anything. I work in conjunction with whatever the client's doctor's guidelines are. That's super important. So it's more like a complimentary person to everything that my clients are already working on with their doctor. And we really do focus on food and how to support hormones through food, how to support their lifestyle, how to transform their lifestyle so it is more in line with what the body needs to have hormone support all around. So super exciting for them to see the power and the healing aspects that food does have and how we can actually make changes to our lifestyle.
Speaker 1:In this world, which is very busy, very non-hormone supportive and non-health supportive, everything is just in the other direction and it really can be done. It's just not as clear as it used to be in the past, because in the past life I feel like life was just set up in that way where you just lived your life in a wellness lifestyle already, because that's just what it was and it was very innate and natural. And now I feel like we really have to be intentional and aware and make very educated decisions as to what we're choosing, how we're choosing it, create boundaries around that and really create this mindset and make a choice to live your lifestyle rooted in wellness and supporting your wellness overall, looking at this from a long-term perspective instead of just very short-term as we're used to looking at things now. So it is this whole new way of looking at things and choosing to live your life nowadays that can be done and that can benefit you immensely. It's just that a lot of people are not doing this, so it just feels a little weird at first, but then, once you start to see how absolutely amazing you're feeling in your own body, it's really hard to go back from that. I was one of them. It's really hard to go back from that, so I'll just say that it is worth it.
Speaker 1:So lots of celebrating, lots of things happening While I was away. It was while I was away celebrating my former client and her baby shower and really good friend, by the way. It was while I was away celebrating my former client at her baby shower, and really good friend, by the way. I stayed in a hotel and I don't necessarily watch a lot of TV anymore I don't even have cable, but the TV was on in the hotel and I got to experience a lot of the commercials and I started posting about the commercials and I recorded the commercials and I posted them on IG stories and they created a really big buzz because all pretty much the commercials were about fast food, over-the-counter medication and prescription medication and it was on rotation. It was like Wendy's, mcdonald's, dunkin' Donuts, kfc, prescription medication, advil, tums, gasx, like everything and anything consistently running. You need a lot of money to be running these commercials. These are brands that are well known and they still hammer into you. So like their brand and how much joy or calm or like yeah, like elation and comfort having their foods can, or food products can, provide for you. And I just thought it was so interesting and I was sharing this on Instagram and so many of you were surprised about it and I actually have. I meant to look it up Let me see if I can find it now A podcast episode right here on Wealthy Generation where I talk about the advertising industry and how they subconsciously want to get us to continuously buy their foods.
Speaker 1:I provide sources and clips from articles that I read from because it is really like it's infuriating once you understand what's happening. And I also talk about it from the lens of my previous career because before I became a food and hormone health coach, I did work in the digital advertising industry for 12 years, on the internet, on TV, and I worked on these projects from ideation, from coming up with the creative and the storyline and the messaging, all the way to invoicing people, storyline and the messaging, all the way to like invoicing people, and I got to see how they targeted people, how they targeted certain communities, what they wanted to share, so on and so forth. I go into detail. That is episode number 24 called You're being Targeted the Truth About Food Commercials. And I was just reminded of that when I saw all these commercials, one after another, on the TV. And they don't just happen on the TV, they're everywhere and we're consistently being bombarded by these commercials on the radio, on billboards, on the subway, like on public transportation, um, on the internet, on social media. Like it's really hard to get away from commercials, but it was just so evident, these rotation of commercials that were happening on the TV, so I actually created um an Instagram post about it. You can go and find it on my Instagram page. It's on my feed currently, where I share the stories permanently there that I shared when I was in the hotel.
Speaker 1:Now, all of this is important because one we're being kind of targeted, we're being subconsciously lured into wanting all these food products and then, immediately after they give us the solution to how bad we're feeling, they know that their food is going to give us heartburn and indigestion and you're going to feel sluggish and like shit. And they're like hey, when your food is making you feel like shit, just have a Tums and all of a sudden you'll feel better. Just have a gas hack. Except you have a lot of gas. And yeah, have this Advil, this topical joint cream and these pills to help with feeling better. But what's never said is hey, my food is disrupting and destroying your gut and it's messing with your stomach acid and your body doesn't really recognize these ingredients, so it's having a really hard digesting it. And all these oils that we're using are super inflammatory and this is why your joints hurt and this is why you have so much gas and this is why you feel bloated and this is why you have a migraine and this is why you have so much gas and this is why you feel bloated and this is why you have a migraine and this is why you feel sluggish.
Speaker 1:Like they don't say any of that. And it's really funny because I've seen some social media accounts where they where they take the front marketing of food products and they were like if these food labels or like food products told the truth, this is what they would say, and it's along those lines of how much like crap they will make you feel. So it's so important not only to call bullshit on how these commercials, wherever you're seeing them, tell you that you will feel eating their food and how amazing it tastes and how great it tastes, because they also have very elaborate teams creating these images of how beautiful and delicious their food looks, when it's not true. Have you ever gotten an actual food purchase that you purchased that looks exactly like the commercial? Absolutely not, because they use a bunch of non-food products like hairspray and Elmer's glue and all these other things paint to make these food products look so attractive to us. So, anyway, it's really important to be able to discern that and to not get caught up in their fantasy that they're trying to create. That's one and two, when you subconsciously are like, oh, I really want that, I really want to try that. It looks like so much fun, it's so exciting and you have it. They also have food scientists creating these food products to be so addictive that your brain and your gut will call you to it.
Speaker 1:So, really, you're going to be going back and back and back to these kinds of food products, which will continue to destroy your health more and more and therefore get you sick. And here we go on this loop of of ultra processed foods being promoted to you, then, over the counter medication, and once your health has gotten too far that you are actually suffering from a chronic disease, they tell you exactly which medication to tell the doctor about to prescribe to you so that you can feel better. And here we go on this downward spiral of you not feeling well and not being able to recover because you're not actually addressing the root cause of why you're feeling this way. You continue to fuel the beast and it's this ineffective circle where you continue to eat these foods and then you have your medication, but then you don't actually get better. You actually get worse with the side effects of these medications and it's hard to have any hope to get anywhere from here right, because oftentimes the doctor's offices are not helping you.
Speaker 1:Even if they tell you to eat better and exercise, you don't exactly know what that means for you. You might get a handout telling you not to eat certain foods, which are mostly your cultural foods, and then you're left with unfamiliar unfamiliar foods that don't bring you any joy or pleasure. You're confused as to how to eat them and now you're scared because you're suffering from health issues that you don't know what to do with and, like, the list of prescription medications keep growing and growing, and this is, across the board the US a really big issue that's happening, and it starts with these commercials and there being no control for these major companies that are just really, really, really getting rich and having fat pockets out of our community's health crisis, and that's really unfair, because you best believe that them and their families are not having these foods, and I go into detail about that in episode 24 in Wealthy Generation, where I talk about those things. So, when I've thought about all my clients, the ones who are looking to conceive, the ones who are looking of these groups of women needs in order to get better, what is the one thing that I wish everybody knew that was the lowest hanging fruit that will allow them to start feeling better in their body and healing their body, and that one thing was learning how to break up with ultra processed foods, not processed foods.
Speaker 1:We all have processed foods and there are a lot of processed foods that are really good quality and can actually benefit our health. Almost everything nowadays is processed, because we are not living in farms rarely anymore or eating local, organic, all these things. So I was like what is that one thing that's going to help? And it is learning how to identify. And it is learning how to identify, learning how to kind of detox, basically learning how to choose foods that you still enjoy, that are better quality for your health. And for me, that was again breaking up with these ultra processed foods on multiple levels. Up with these ultra processed foods on multiple levels, not only on making the choice mentally, but also retraining your body and your palate, your taste buds, that they don't need this anymore. And actually, what they were addicted to and what they kept calling for were chemicals that your body is addicted to, whether that's sugar, sugar sources, things like MSG, like really harsh color chemicals like they have in Takis and Gatorade, and foods like this and cereals. Your body and your gut, bacterias and your brain have all this whole communication system and they will keep prompting you and calling you for these foods right, and your palate, your taste buds, enjoys them and you feel like you don't have much control over that because you might not even be aware that these are the things that are happening.
Speaker 1:So, with all my clients, I start them off by really cleaning up what they're eating, the ingredients they're using to cook the snacks that they're having, the treats that they're having, just in general ingredients they're using to create smoothies or pancakes or whatever their favorite food is, and recreating the same meals with better products, recreating a snack pantry and refrigerator with better quality products, and watching them along the process of resetting their palate retraining their palate, retraining their body and becoming aware of what is happening so that they get to this point where they're enjoying not ultra processed foods and that actually doesn't taste good for them anymore. It's mostly just regular, old, real foods, lightly processed, that they still get to enjoy. So that is the baseline where I start everybody on and because of this I have finally, finally, finally, actually created a group program to teach this more at scale for my community, I created a group program called Palate Reset and that is exactly the point we're going to reset your palate so that you can break up with ultra processed foods in 90 days, and I am so excited about this because this will actually help you start your wellness journey and build that ultimate foundation that I believe every single person needs to keep evolving in their health, in their wellness, in whatever their goal is. This is going to be the foundation that you need, with the knowledge, with the skills, with the resetting, knowing what actually is happening, because no diet program teaches you this. Nothing I think you will do aside from this program will teach you this. With the food knowledge, with learning how to read food labels, with understanding what your body's telling you, with actually knowing what other products are out there for you that will give you the same comfort and satisfaction and be just as tasty for you. And just go through the process of the emotions, of the palette of your mind, of your body, looking at the progress and the little wins along the way. And this is what you're going to need, whether regardless where you work one-on-one with me or any other health and wellness program you might join, this is the foundation you're going to need, I guarantee it, with the actual science, education, confidence in making these choices for yourself.
Speaker 1:So palette reset is going to launch in november. Actually, it's going to be right when foodie season begins, like november, december, january, it's major foodie season is major deliciousness season. Uh, is the season right before it's like january and you like, oh my gosh, now I need to do my weight loss goals. Now I need to see how I'm going to lose all this weight and all that. No, no, no, no, no. You don't even need to go there if you actually are learning how to eat, because you're just going to be mad good, the Bronx just came out. You're just going to be good for the entire time because you're going to be learning what to do and you're, all of a sudden, if you are one of these people that provide any sort of meals or snacks or whatever it is for your family, you're going to not only be able to make mindful decisions for yourself, but for your family and friends too for your family and friends too. Hence in contributing to wealthy generations where not only are you well, but you promote wellness for your friends and family as well.
Speaker 1:So during these 90 days, we're going to have weekly, 12 weekly calls. We're going to have two intensive group trainings One on flipping your pantry is called the Pantry Flip Experience, and then we're going to have another one called Cultural Food Remix, where we get to remix our favorite cultural dishes and make them back to the healing and delicious and nourishing meals that they were in the first place. Right, you're going to have access to these recordings. It's going to be a very intimate group. I want everybody to have time and space to get coached. The calls are going to be 90 minutes long, so about 30 minutes of me teaching a concept and an hour of coaching. So it's going to really be a deep dive and I'm going to have topics I'm going to speak about when, like throughout this time, so that you actually have the knowledge that you need, and then we're going to start putting it into practice and coaching on it. And because we're in a group, we get to learn so much faster because you might be learning from somebody else's food experience or the experience that they're having as they transition out of ultra processed foods, and you are able to build creation, like connection, and be seen by them. I'm also going to aim to have a group chat so that we can all communicate with each other and we are going to really take into account all aspects of our mind, our palate and our body, combined with really practical action items that you can go ahead and do on a weekly basis. So the program is going to run from November to February and again, the calls are going to be an hour and a half long. We are going to have a WhatsApp community so that we can communicate with each other throughout the week. We're going to have two intensive training calls where you're going to have portal access, where all of the recordings are going to be there and where I'm going to go through curriculum right in person through the first 30 minutes of our call.
Speaker 1:So if you are somebody who you always feel tired and you're relying, let's say, on coffee or sugar for energy, palate resets for you. If you're always snacking and you're like I always need to snack, I always grab the first thing I find, I'm always picking off my kid's plate, I'm never full Then this is for you too. If you love your cultural foods and you are a true foodie and you cannot believe or trust that you can be a foodie and live a lifestyle rooted in wellness at once, palette reset is for you, because that is literally my identity. I am a true foodie, and if you get super overwhelmed at the supermarket trying to order out, you get anxiety every time somebody invites you to a restaurant and you have this belief that all of your progress is going to go out the window every single weekend. I invite you to join Palette Reset.
Speaker 1:Okay, and the same thing. If you love your family's food, all these cultural events, the holiday season, all these cultural events, the holiday season but you really have this guilt trip on yourself and you're really mean every single time that you enjoy these foods and you have this thought that the only healthy thing to eat is bowls and bowls and bowls of salad. This is also for you, and the most important one. If you see your family members struggling with chronic illnesses. You have seen how their life has changed, how their quality of life have changed, how they're increasing more and more in prescription medication and you feel like this is going to be your path too, because you're genetically predisposed to this and there's no way out of it, and you have symptoms already and you're getting older. I can guarantee you that when you join Palette Reset and you start learning about all these things, then you have a really good chance at not only reversing but preventing chronic illnesses that run in your family as well. Okay, so I invite you.
Speaker 1:I have a wait list going on right now, so if you are interested in Pallet Reset, if you have any questions at all, feel free to email me. Please make sure to join the wait list. The link is going to be in the show notes where you get to join and there's going to be more information about the program there. But if you're interested at all, even considering it, want to learn more, join the waitlist, because I'm going to be sending out more information via email on there on how the program is going to look like. If this for you, if this is not for you, what we will be accomplishing in 90 days types like anecdotal situations on how learning these skills have helped me and have helped my clients. So if you're thinking about it at all, go ahead and join Again. Like I said, the spots are not going to be unlimited, because I do want to keep the integrity of the group well and make sure that everybody has an equal opportunity to get results, to get coached and to show up and to be seen. So just to give you an idea, so just to give you an idea, I'll most likely be capping the program at 10 people.
Speaker 1:Okay, so now I hope you see the importance a little bit more as to why having this knowledge base, as to why making it a priority to break up with ultra processed foods is so important. It will affect your entire life, your entire quality of life. It will dip into future generations because they will follow what you do, your habits. You're most likely, or an adult in your home, the ones purchasing food products for your family. Kids do not feed themselves or buy themselves food most of the time what's at home. So this is not just for you, this is for your family. This is for you making an impact in generational health and not only building up financially and your career. But if you don't have your health in line, if you don't have your wellness lifestyle, then what are you going to do with all that money and your career and all that?
Speaker 1:Taking care of your overall health is the baseline and foundation for all of the other wonderful things that you're creating in your life, not just for yourself, but for your family members, whether that is your kids, your nieces or nephews, your students.
Speaker 1:It does not have to be kids that you have birthed yourself. There is a whole community that sees you, that looks up to you, that watches what you're doing in one way or another, whether it's your friends, your colleagues. Like people notice, right, especially when you have stuff going on for you. They notice your energy, they notice how you feel, and everybody wants a piece of that. Everybody wants to feel good in their body, to have energy, to look like they're awake and well, to have flushed cheeks and it's not because you're using blush, right. So let's join the wait list, let's get on the Palette Reset group program with me. I am super excited. As I said, it's going to launch in November. That's when we're going to start and I cannot wait to talk to you, to have you. If you have any questions at all, like I mentioned, please make sure to DM me or send me an email at hola, at NaomiJerezcom, and I cannot wait to see you in there and talk to you next week. Peace out, bye.