WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

38. Hormone Imbalance Is Not Your Fault: How Capitalism & Convenience Affect You

Naihomy Jerez Episode 38

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Ever wondered why it feels like your body is constantly battling against itself, and you can't find anything that helps for more than just a few weeks? Let's talk about how capitalism and modern convenience have disrupted our inherent ability to regulate hormones naturally. Reflecting on my experiences in Mexico, we'll explore the stark contrast between wildlife thriving in their natural habitats and the disconnect urban living has forced upon us. This episode sheds light on the environmental resources and balance we're missing out on, urging a return to more grounded living for better health.

Feeling like life is a never-ending emergency? It's not just in your head—modern stress can wreak havoc on your body. We'll discuss how reducing artificial light, syncing our schedules with natural light cycles, and embracing natural foods can drastically improve your hormone balance and overall wellness. While these changes might seem daunting at first, the long-term benefits are profound. Take the first step towards a healthier, more balanced life, and witness how these shifts can positively affect you and future generations. Join me on this journey to reclaim our natural state of wellbeing.

Thank you so much for listening!

Speaker 1:

Friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast W-E-L-L-T-H-Y. I hope that last week's episode on emotions, both positive and negative, that you go through on a health and wellness journey, or hormone balancing journey, rather really served you. I hope you shared it with your friends. I hope it brought you some validation and just some like realness. That is always what I want to provide you with Just like real stuff. No like beating around the bush. No like cookie cutter. No like what you want to hear. It's just the truth. And guess what? Like the truth might keep evolving here and there, depending on science and depending on what you need and all these things. But with that said, today I really want to share with you why, essentially like, if your hormones are imbalanced, it's not your fault, it's not your fault, and still I want you to know that you can do something about it and why this has happened.

Speaker 1:

I think that every single human has some sort of hormone dysregulation that they might not even be aware of. A lot of us are not taught or know anything about our hormones. Mostly we are taught about it when women are trying to have kids and all of a sudden they become important, or once you get diabetes, and sometimes you don't even know that insulin is a hormone. Sometimes you don't even know that your stress is managed by hormones like cortisol. So it's just a lot of things that no one teaches us right, and then we kind of get lost.

Speaker 1:

So here's what I like to believe. I like to believe and I know this to be true, and I'll tell you why that God created us in an environment on this earth, right, to be able to manage our hormones, for our bodies to work effectively Stay with me here For our bodies to work well and function and stay balanced in homeostasis. I'm bringing in the big words nice and balanced. And why do I know this? Sure, there can be some things here and there right, I'm generalizing but for the most part, we are made to be on this earth and have good hormone balance. We are good in our skin right, not on our own. We are part of this universe, we are part of this earth, we are part of the animal world, part of the animal world. We are just part of the living beings, whether that's bacteria and fungus, all the way to humans, animals, plants, that all of these other living beings, from fungus to plants, to all sorts of animals.

Speaker 1:

How is it that they know exactly what to do to stay alive? They know what to eat. They know how to get sun if they need it. They know how to build shelter if they need it. They know how to reproduce. They know what to do and nobody's out here teaching them. They innately, are born, and sure their parent might teach them a thing or two, like I'm sure birds are taught how to fly by their parents. Um, you know dolphins? I listen, I'm not like over here knowing animal things, but all I know is that there's a certain amount of educating your little offspring of some sort in some sort of capacity when you're an animal, right, but in general, the parent knows what to do. They know what to feed their kids. They know what their kids need. They know how to reproduce. They know if you're a reptile you need to be out here in the sunshine during the daytime. They know that if you are an animal in the winter, like a bear, you need to stuff your face and then hibernate. How do these animals know that?

Speaker 1:

How does plants, birds and the bees? How are these whole systems so perfectly intricate and put into place? How do the bees know? How is it that their food source come from flowers and plants and therefore they're pollinating. You get me Like this is shit I think about.

Speaker 1:

This is stuff I think about. Everything works together in harmony, in symphony, when it's not disrupted by humans, right, it works. So to me it's like do I really think that we were put on this earth without the resources that we actually need to survive and be well? No, we have not. Everything we need has been put on this earth Food, water, shelter, right Basic human needs, fire, we hunt, we gather, we harvest right, we fish, we make tools. And this is going way, way, way, way back to and we're out in the sun. We're out physically working, making food and gathering the food and carrying your children. Are you with me? I know it's gross exaggeration, but I just want to paint a really big picture instead of focusing on individual circumstances and all that. So where did it all start to fall apart? How did we start getting so sick? What's happening? Well, capitalism is one Convenience, convenience making everything so convenient.

Speaker 1:

Wait, before I get into this, I just want to tell you like, um, a few years ago, I was on vacation in Mexico and we were like in a hotel that is integrated in this like forest space jungle sort of thing, and the entire time I was there I was just observing, because there was wildlife everywhere. There were monkeys and lizards and some sort of deer I forgot the name of, and there was just animals everywhere. And I would observe them every single day and I would observe how they knew exactly what to do. The lizards would be outside sunbathing, the monkeys knew exactly what trees to eat from, the deers knew to stay in the forest while the sun was hot out and then they came out when the sun was setting. You see, like we're not often I mean, I'll speak for myself because I'm from the big, big city, new York city, the Bronx, and you rarely are seeing wildlife acting like wildlife. You know, there's just what I see is just a bunch of pigeons and squirrels, and then there is wildlife that tries to be wildlife, but a big city has been built in their space. Things like raccoons, possums, skunks, deers, that kind of wildlife is in this area.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, back to convenience, back to capitalism. Everything has turned. The way society has turned is so ineffective for human hormone balance, so ineffective. Our bodies are not as resilient as they were before. We are indoors most of the time. We are not being exposed to the sun, we are not using our physical bodies to create things that we need, like food and shelter and things like that. Not only that, we don't even need to walk nowhere to get what we need. Get every single thing that we need delivered to our doorstep Everything from food to massages, to groceries to decor for your home, like anything that you want.

Speaker 1:

Even work Like you can literally not leave your freaking bed for a whole day and get everything that you need delivered to you. You're not leaving your home, you're not being exposed to the sun. We're eating fast, convenient foods that are not even food. There's just the way we work now. You know like we don't even need to go anywhere. Most of it is work from home, which is great if you're using the rest of the time to take care of yourself, but that rarely happens. You're not using the extra time that you're not commuting and going to the office to make yourself a good meal, to grab yourself fresh food, to go to the gym and move your body, to step outside. We're just using this time to get whatever. The delivery services are Uber Eats and DoorDash and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 1:

I don't know what else. There's a bunch of stuff out there to you and you're just working longer, staying in your chair longer, and then you go sit in your couch and your binge watch TV and we do nothing that's conducive to good hormone balance. We are just in our brain, in our home, in our mind, just ruminating, intoxicating our bodies, inflaming our bodies. Because what I actually try to teach my clients is how do you basically balance your hormones, live this life rooted in wellness, in the super convenient capitalistic world? It can be done, but now we have to be so much more intentional about it, because all of the innate behaviors that we had before have been stripped away, and this is why, before, no one had to think about these things, because these were the activities and lifestyle that you lived on a regular basis to be able to survive, to be able to survive. And now it is gone. It is gone and all of our hormones are becoming ruined.

Speaker 1:

With technology and the blue lights and the lights outside right, the food's being flown in from everywhere. We're not eating local, we're not eating from the ground anymore. Everything is pulverized, chemicalized and put back together by machines, and I think that we are so blind and so unaware because we have been so influenced by commercials and celebrities and influencers and this and that, and like giving you this ideal to go by, that is not serving you. I mean it serves you in some way, let's say like climbing the corporate ladder or something like that but it's become so inhumane, so inhumane the way that things are being set up for the regular shmegular crowd, because I can bet money, everything I own, that the people who are benefiting from the demise of humans, basic shmegular humans, are out there living their best life because they are doing what they need to keep a human body balanced, their hormones balanced. They probably have their trainers, they probably have their stress management, they have built this whole holistic lifestyle. And again, generalizing here and again generalizing here. But I am sure that these same people that are creating all these toxic food products are not eating them, they're doing farm to table, they're not feeding it to their family.

Speaker 1:

And it boggles my mind that all these companies really, really, really just take advantage of humans in such a way that is so hurtful and hurtful to generations and we are not even realizing what is happening and it's so hard for people to wrap their brain around these concepts that have been literally stripped away from us. It's still still part of, like, the threads of colonization, because this is not the way our people lived before. Okay, sure, one thing is capitalism and how everything has changed. Another thing that us people of color have to deal with, too, is the traumas of colonization and the effects and how ingrained it is in our bodies and how we are still sometimes passing down traumas and lifestyles that served us many generations ago, that are not serving us now, and it continues to hurt us. So not only are we dealing with capitalism and, like this, culture of convenience and fastness, like microwave culture, convenient culture, all of this Now we add in having to heal and process so much generational trauma that really affects our health.

Speaker 1:

You know and you know what I feel like. I'm a little all over the place and this is kind of like a ranty episode. But, man, I just want you to know, I just want you to share this, I just want you to open your eyes and realize what is happening to human beings and also empower you to know that you can take a lot of your control back, a lot of your power back in just the way you decide how to live your life and how to keep your hormones balanced in this world. That is not conducive to anything having to do with human wellness. Not how the medical system is set up at least in the United States Now. How the pharma system is set up. Not how the food system is set up. Not how the education system is set up. Work is set up. None of it, none of it.

Speaker 1:

And we get so caught up in the day to day, we get so caught up in the monotony and autopilot and influences from others, you know, and media and all this, that we literally don't even know how much power we have and how much we can take it back and how much we can really feel good in our body and and live a lifestyle in a way that helps us balance our hormones. By the way, if you want specific, specific examples as to how our life is affecting our hormones, I recommend you check out two podcast episodes that I created on exactly that, with 14 tips on how to balance your hormones, and that's episode 31 and 32, understanding your top five hormones and 14 tips to get them balanced. In this episode, I'm really talking about generally why are we here? Why have we come to this place where we have to be so intentional, meticulous and aware of how we're living our life, to balance our hormones and have a good quality of life, versus this being innate and just us coexisting with nature and how we were intended to use nature and this earth around us where it just happens. Where it just happens, you know, because we were created beautifully and perfectly and every system in our body has a purpose. And perfectly, and every system in our body has a purpose. It really does when you start to understand our hormone system and how it keeps us safe.

Speaker 1:

But what's happening now is that everything is kind of troubleshooting, everything is shutting down, everything is an emergency and a fire inside all the time and we are feeling so unwell and so sick, so bloated, so inflamed, and then we rely because we're sold this oh, you need an energy drink. Oh, you need a coffee. Oh, you need this pill. Oh, you need this diet. Oh, you need this bed for better sleep. You know what you need for better sleep, what everybody can benefit from.

Speaker 1:

Better sleep Like less light, and I know that's difficult because now everything is so powerful Our computers, our TVs. Outside there's lights, you cannot even enjoy the stars and the moon. Again, I'm from New York City. You can't really see those things here because it's so brightly lit. But I want you to think back at how our ancestors navigated through the moonlight, through the sunlight, through being up early with the sun Again, eating from the earth.

Speaker 1:

And I'm not saying that there were no struggles back then. I know, I really know there were struggles. I'm just saying, if we adapted our very modern and convenient lifestyle and we integrated, we integrated a few of these pieces of just human experience on earth, how much of a difference will that make in your body and in your hormone balance? I can promise you it can be major. It can be life-changing for you. Life-changing for you. But because this was innate behavior, that would just happen. You were part of a society, you were coexisting on earth. You don't even know what the hell to do. You don't know what to do because you were not supposed to know. You were just supposed to be part of this community. You were just supposed to be part of this community, of this environment that promoted that for you.

Speaker 1:

So now, because that's not available anymore, no one knows what the hell they're doing now. Now we have to be so intentional about it. Now we do have to learn about it Now. We do have to learn about it Now. We do have to want it and decide that we want to coexist on this earth the way we were intended to, to have balanced hormones so that we can enjoy our life, so that we're not getting so sick so young, so that we're not getting so sick so young, so that we're not feeling like shit every single day and we are not our best selves because we're so cranky and annoyed and resentful. Sound familiar? I'm sure it sounds familiar, familiar.

Speaker 1:

So what I want to offer you is let's learn how to balance our hormones and live a lifestyle that promotes that. How to heal our bodies, how to reintegrate into where we were supposed to be in the first place, without giving up, like your conveniences and what you do enjoy, because, trust me, I love me. Some Amazon prime, okay, I get that, but what else are you going to do in your lifestyle to promote your hormone balance, to promote your wellness, to start healing all these thoughts and and traumas from generations? How can we make actually living how humans were supposed to live the norm again, instead of something weird or something so healthy or like these other you know titles that it gets of like you're off in some way. No, you're off, you're off, and I'm sure you're feeling off too.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you don't even know how good it feels to feel good in your body. You don't know what that feels like anymore, trust me, because when you start to come out of this cloud and just this hypnosis of the life that you're living, all of a sudden, when you realize what it actually feels like to feel good in your body, like the energy, the mental clarity, the reduced inflammation, no bloating and then you dabble into how you currently are, you can clearly feel the difference. And that is when change really starts to happen, because you start to get addicted to feeling good in your skin. And this is what I want for you, this is how I can support you, this is how I can, this is what I can teach you, and not only you, because this is going to spread like wildfire in your immediate community.

Speaker 1:

This is why this podcast is called Generational Wealthy Generation. This is exactly why, because you get to have this influence and this power, not only within yourself, but you get to, you get to have that effect and change on others At least plant seeds as to what their life can look like. This is what I want to support you and everybody in their mama that wants to work with me. This is what I want to support you in, because it's not fair you in because it's not fair. It's so unfair to you to feel so sick and to be dealing with so many medical issues and your hormones being all over the place, just because we need to learn a little bit of information, identify and evaluate what's going on in your life that's causing you to feel this way, and then learning how to implement it. Learning how to implement it.

Speaker 1:

And remember, like I said, that it feels weird, is going to feel weird to make these changes because now, all of a sudden, you're living your life differently. You may feel like you're going against the grain, you may feel like a weirdo. Trust me, I felt all of it, and this is why coaching is so important, because I help you process those emotions to actually get to where you want to be and how you want to feel. Okay, get you back to the basics as to how you're supposed to exist on this earth. Therefore, your hormones begin to balance out and when your hormones are happy, you're happy, you're happy. That was so corny, but it's the truth. All right, friend, I seriously, seriously, seriously want to invite you to book a consultation call.

Speaker 1:

If you have been on the struggle train, not the buzz the train, okay, it's getting longer and longer, you don't need to be there anymore. But it's up to you to make that decision to want to step out, to press the button. Well, on the train you don't press the button, it just opens the door and you get out, right. But it's up to you to get out on that stop or ring the bell on the bus, to exit into a stop or a place where it is that you want to go with your health, right. There's many different options here. It is your choice and decision always, and when you decide that, when this is your choice and decision, that's how you know like damn, I'm ready, I'm ready to honor myself, I'm ready to feel actually good, to learn to integrate and to heal right now, and to heal right now.

Speaker 1:

So I invite you to book a consultation call. Let's chat. The link to book a call is on this episode's show notes, so you can go right here in the show notes and click, or you can feel free to send me a text message. Function right in the episode too, or you can go ahead and DM me on Instagram, and the link is also in the show notes. I cannot wait to support you, I cannot wait to coach you and teach you so that us as a whole, collective and community, can start really being empowered, elevating healing, and we can really make a dent and an impact on generational health. With that, my friend, I'll leave you until next week. I hope you have a great week. Nos vemos, bye.