WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

37. Emotions You Will Navigate While Balancing Your Hormones: The Positive & Negative

Naihomy Jerez Episode 37

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Embrace the whirlwind of emotions that come with significant life changes by tuning into our latest episode! Ever felt overwhelmed or rebellious during your health journey or any major milestone? You're not alone.  I will explain and share examples on how acknowledging both positive and negative emotions can be a powerful tool for growth. This episode promises to normalize those feelings and provide insights on the value of support systems for navigating these emotional landscapes.

Discover how moments of rebellion and overwhelm can actually become your greatest allies in personal growth. I dive deep into building an "evidence bank" to guide future decisions and tackle the common self-consciousness that arises in social settings when making health-focused choices. Plus, we celebrate the importance of embracing joyful emotions and committing to a holistic wellness lifestyle. Whether you're embarking on a health journey, saving for a financial goal, or just trying to navigate life’s ups and downs, this episode is packed with valuable takeaways to support you every step of the way. Don’t miss out – your emotional well-being deserves it!

Thank you so much for listening!

Speaker 1:

Friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast that is W-E-L-L-T-H-Y. Let's talk about what no one talks about. When you are starting or desire some sort of change in your life, when you want to do something new, when you have goals, you're going for them. When you want to do something new, when you have goals, you're going for them. And the one thing that I feel like no one talks about it is the range of emotions and feelings that you go through. And you can think back into your life.

Speaker 1:

On any journey you've been on, whether that's, let's say, even graduating from high school, graduating from college, buying a home, buying a car Anytime you're trying to, let's say, level up in your life or try something new, there are a range of emotions that come up. Yes, there's the strategic part where you have to apply for whatever it is, whether it's your home or school or car, whatever you have to fill up some sort of application. Then you may or may not need to be accepted. Then, if you do, you have to file all this paperwork. Then you have to put in the work, like you have to put in the years and school, like that's a whole strategy, right? It is just like literally a checklist of things that you have to get done to complete said goal, and a lot of people are really good at telling you what those steps are, and that's cool because it's needed. What I don't find that we talk about is how you feel in the process, and I just a thought came to my mind, because one of my former clients is pregnant and she has. We've been just chatting as friends, as you know.

Speaker 1:

What does a pregnancy journey look like? The emotions that come up, the feelings, and she's feeling or she was at least feeling a little lost or defeated, because no one talks about the feelings that come up that sometimes are not good, when you are expecting or when you become a new mom, and I think that that is true for many of our journeys, and we're doing ourselves a real disadvantage, and I get it. It's like maybe you don't want to seem weak, or you feel like you're the only one and you're embarrassed, or you don't want to be vulnerable because it exposes too much and it feels unsafe. There may be many reasons why experiencing emotions and then, if we are not sharing what happens or the emotions that come up, I think that it makes us feel like again, like we're the only ones, or there is something wrong with us, or this is why it's not meant for us and we can't do it, and so on and so forth. It is so on and so forth, and the same thing happens when you go on a healing journey of some sort.

Speaker 1:

I've definitely I this year, in 2024 have made it a point to really dive deep into my financial journey and that has been a rollercoaster of emotions, and I am so, so, so happy that I have hired support for myself through a money coach and just a few other support systems that I have to navigate that, because that is something I really do want to get better at and less triggered by because of my emotions. So I think that when you decide to go on a health journey, the emotions are not expected. I think that is so common for people to know strategically what to do. Oh, I drink more water, I need to move my body, I need to exercise, I need to eat more vegetables, I need to improve my sleep. There are just some common things that are common knowledge about things you can do to improve your health. There might be a lot of things you probably don't know, but you know enough to get you started.

Speaker 1:

I think that what catches us off guard is the thoughts that start to roam in our mind and how we feel during the process. That really becomes the roadblock, the emotions that come through and I know myself I've had to go through a wide range of emotions and the main thing that needs to be said, put out there, accepted, is if you want to learn how to balance your hormones, if you want to create a lifestyle and build for you, learn a lifestyle rooted in wellness, then we have to be accepting of the emotions, good and bad, positive and negative, icky and yippee, I just made that up. That comes along with the journey and being willing to feel and being willing to feel the whole host of emotions. And this is something I've received myself so much coaching on not necessarily in my health journey that I've been kind of been able to manage on my own. Sorry if y'all are hearing background music and noise my window's open y'all, so there's like cars passing by without music. Anyway, not only with that, it has been with business, right, my business coach.

Speaker 1:

There is so many emotions that come through when you're an entrepreneur is really like a journey of personal development tied into entrepreneurship with business, and I have felt a lot of emotions, and my business coach is always reminding me of that, guiding me through that, reassuring me that it's not wrong to feel the way that I'm feeling. And the same is true for a health journey, and I think that, because we are so smart and know a lot of the strategic things that come into play when it comes to health and wellness, the emotional part catches us off guard and it makes us feel like something's wrong. So the main thing is to be willing to feel the range of emotions, and I think that is always more comforting when you have someone else there guiding you, because when you feel like real shit and you feel like you don't know why you started this in the first place, and you're so overwhelmed and it's not going the way you imagined it would go, the first thing that we want to do is quit because it feels so wrong. And I've experienced this over and over again in my entrepreneurship journey, where I'm like I'm done, closing down shop, but to be reassured that it's okay to feel this way. I work on processing my emotions. I will get through it. It's part of the growth. Then it makes it. It's not that the emotion goes away. It just makes it a lot more manageable to go ahead and process it.

Speaker 1:

So in this episode, I just want to highlight a few of the emotions both positive and negative emotions that you might feel that a lot of us are common. Actually, I was thinking through my clients and the negative and positive emotions that they have felt throughout the journey, and even myself, and this list has been created just from what they have felt and what I have felt and our experiences. So I want to share that with you, because when you're like Naomi, I want to work together. I'm so ready to get my health back, balance my hormones, and let's do this. I want you to be prepared, or like not prepared, but let's say aware that feeling these kinds of emotions is part of the journey. Even if you forget, I'll remind you, don't worry. And there's also something that I want you to know and take away at the end.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so I'm going to start with naming the emotions that are the strongest and you will feel the most, and those are the emotions that don't feel so great. I have 10 positive or 10 emotions that don't feel so good and 10 emotions that really feel good, and they can all coexist, sometimes at the same time, in your journey. That's also possible. It doesn't have to be all or nothing with the emotions. The coexistence of an emotion that doesn't feel so great with a really positive emotion also is possible. So I hope this brings you a little bit of comfort, knowing this, because I think it's assumed that is always joyful, is always okay, is always positive, and sometimes it's assumed that it's always joyful, it's always okay, it's always positive and sometimes it's not All right. So I'm going to read through the emotions and then kind of dive a little bit deeper from them. So the 10 not so great emotions that is common on a hormone balancing and health journey is sadness, mourning, rebellion, overwhelm, defeat, self-consciousness loss or feeling lost, frustrated, lonely and vulnerable. Now let's talk about why.

Speaker 1:

So there's some sadness and mourning that comes with a health and wellness journey because, for a few reasons. One, you might need to let go of certain food products that really brought you comfort in the past, things that you were used to eating all the time, that your family used to buy. That brings up a lot of memories and it might not be aligned with this new version of yourself that you are working on becoming, which is living a lifestyle rooted in wellness, having your hormones well balanced, and a lot of times what happens is that you try and re-engage and have these foods again, but they don't feel as great anymore. A lot of clients get mad with me because they're like man, I just can't unsee what I learned, and that becomes very frustrating. And again you're mourning this loss of this food that used to bring you so much comfort. And now you have to build new relationships with food and new relationships with your mind and your desires, and it's so common they're like man.

Speaker 1:

This food I really loved is packed with sugar. The best one is this food I really loved and did not notice before makes me feel really sick. I had a stomachache all night, I got a headache right away, I was bloated for three days and it just doesn't become worth it anymore. But nonetheless it's so sad and there's this mourning period that comes along with just kind of making peace with foods that really brought you all this way. They brought you a lot of joy and comfort and then choosing new ones and I don't want to say going out and finding new ones that might be part of it, but the truth is that I help you find replacements for those foods that you really, really, really love that do include healthier ingredients and versions.

Speaker 1:

Another thing that will bring you sadness and mourning is that you're becoming a new person, is that you're becoming a new person, you are transforming, so when you try and take action on what the older version of you was, it just doesn't quite work the same anymore, and that can be very sad because you don't recognize yourself. You are becoming a different person in front of other people and it can feel very vulnerable. This is one that's on the list and it can feel very lonely because now you're that one person who's maybe, maybe, maybe there's more in your group, but let's say, in your group of loved ones and your friends that's really deciding and choosing to live this lifestyle, and it's lonely because you're the ones making, you're the one making different choices. You're the one probably choosing to get up earlier in the morning and work out and journal and drink your cup of lemon water. You're the one that's not binging on alcohol or mindlessly eating or choosing fast food restaurants or needing vegetables with your meal, and people are looking at you sideways and wondering what happened to you and wondering whether you're too good for them anymore and that is lonely. But what I can tell you is that, whether you know it or not, you're having an influence on them and it's weird to see you maybe making different choices and acting a little bit different now, but they will get used to it and you owe it to yourself to stay committed to what you said you wanted, even if other people don't quite understand. It's okay for other people not to understand, as long as you are clear as to what is your goal, why you're doing this, why it's important and how it's making you feel All right.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about rebellion, because I even found myself doing this a little bit. Let me tell you something it's just human nature. When somebody tells you, no, hagas, eso, don't do that You're like ah, yes, I'm going to do it. Like I just think that's human nature and that's fine. So there's times where you know, in a coaching call, we'll have conversations and we'll talk about why that particular food or this particular activity is not serving you anymore, or like setting boundaries and things like that, and the first thing you do is the opposite or what you've always done before.

Speaker 1:

And sometimes I ask my clients I'm like if you knew already that this was not going to turn out, well, why'd you do it? Trust me, this is non-judgmental. It's just getting you to understand why you're taking certain actions and most of the time they're like I don't know, I just wanted to, I just felt like it, and that's kind of rebelling right and that's okay. I think it's part of the process. I, you know, one of my coaches told me something the other day and I felt terrible, like not that I felt terrible, but I was like, okay, like they gave me instructions and guess what? I did the complete opposite, the same thing, and I felt terrible. Like not that I felt terrible, but I was like, okay, like they gave me instructions and guess what? I did the complete opposite, the same thing. And I was like I'll just start tomorrow and that's fine, but at least you're aware of it.

Speaker 1:

So don't get, you know, caught off guard when you're doing things like this and think that you're a bad person. It's just a part of the process, because guess what this rebellion does? It does have a lesson tied to it, and is that it starts to create evidence for you as to what's working and what's not working. So usually when you rebel, you learn that lesson that goes into mourning of how whatever you rebelled against is not serving you anymore. So next time you're like, oh, I want to do this porque quiero, and I just want to, you are. I always recommend to my clients to tap into your evidence bank because your body will remind you. And then it's like, oh, last time I did X, y, z, I did not feel good. Last time I made this decision. It didn't end well and I actually felt quite sick or I didn't get the results or the high that I wanted. So it becomes easier just to not do it because of your own evidence bank that you have. But it's totally, 100% part of the emotional journey to be rebelling.

Speaker 1:

Then let's talk a little bit about overwhelm. You might. You are learning something new and I don't know if there has ever been a time where you have learned something new that you did not feel some sort of overwhelm, where you had to be intentional. I know I had when I was learning how to drive overwhelmed when I was learning how to cook. Overwhelmed when I was a new parent. Man still like you, be overwhelmed all the time as a parent because your kids be changing up all the time. But whatever it is. I was learning how to crochet overwhelmed.

Speaker 1:

You know you can be overwhelmed in a calm way or you can be spiraling out of control is really learning what's your capacity for overwhelm that you have? And if you're pushing it and you feel like you're going to go into spiraling, then you know we have to just take it back a notch and that's totally fine too, like going at your own pace. But don't expect not for learning how to eat, learning how to balance your hormones and step into this lifestyle where you really are looking out for your health intentionally not to ever be overwhelming. What I can tell you is that will be less overwhelming. There are just areas where you're going to build confidence in, where you're just going to know you're going to know yourself so well and then it'll become second nature and then it won't be overwhelming anymore. I mean, we can take it back Again apologies for the background noise my window's open. We can even take it back to when we were really little and learning how to write, learning how to read, learning how to tie your shoes. I remember I'd be, I was overwhelmed or like frustrated a lot of times with those things so, and now they're just a piece of cake, like you could tie your shoes with your eyes closed and you can read and write and do all those things. So just know that Sometimes you will feel defeated because you're like, oh man, I'm trying all these things and they're not working.

Speaker 1:

But most of the time, what is actually happening is that we're not being patient, we're not giving it enough time, we're setting our own timelines for changes we expect to see, and when they don't come within that timeline, it's all of a sudden it's like oh, this isn't working. Goodbye, not my thing. This is why I shouldn't have started in the first place. And you feel so defeated. The truth is that is a combination within how much effort are we actually putting in Because we have to be really honest with ourselves too and how much time are we giving the process and are we actually seeing progress? It's just that it's not the progress that we want to see, so we discount it. Right, that happens too, so we have to tread lightly with defeat. It's okay to feel that way, but it's also good to really kind of sober up your mind or put the defeat down for a second and be like is this actually true? Where am I seeing growth? Where am I seeing progress? Where am I seeing lessons and what can I do about it?

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about self-conscious for a little bit, because the truth is that as much as a health journey and learning how to balance your hormones and eat and build and exercise and all of that is very personal is just for you. You are in community and it involves other people. When you're eating with people, you're going out to eat, you're visiting a friend, it is the holidays, right, you're on vacation, so it does involve other people. And when your loved ones are used to this past version of yourself and they don't even know that you might be on this health journey now, then you might feel a little self-conscious of speaking up for yourself, asking questions, building conversations, getting used to asking questions to your waiter at a restaurant or requesting that we order vegetables for the table or that we work together to find a restaurant that's more aligned with the health goals. Or you're seeing results and people are pointing that out to you in front of others.

Speaker 1:

I know that used to happen to me, where I lost 50 pounds and clearly my weight loss was very evident and people would comment out loud on how I looked and that made me feel so embarrassed and self-conscious often. So a lot of times I would get to places and I would sit and I would try not to stand up, like for real. Unless I had to go to the bathroom, I would try not to stand up and like have people bring me water or not, because I brought my own water bottle always anyway. Anyway. So, yeah, it's, that is, you will be in front of others, so either setting boundaries or letting them know that you don't want to feel that way when they're commenting on you and when you are creating space for yourself too. Let's say you're a parent or you're a caretaker and all of a sudden you ask for help and support for somebody to watch your kids, or you say no, oh my gosh. You say no to a request that somebody has for you because it interferes with your self-care and going to the gym or meal prepping or whatever it is you need to do, or sleeping, whatever you need to do for yourself. Rest, resting, like doing nada. Then you can feel a little self-conscious about it and again, feeling lost a little bit in the journey is totally fine. This is why support is very, very, very much needed.

Speaker 1:

We spoke a lot about frustration that comes along and the loneliness, too, and vulnerability that comes along with this journey. But the thing is that if you don't feel these ranges of emotions, what are you actually learning? Then I think it is less of a lifestyle trying to make a lifestyle shift and is more of like diet and diet culture, because we can put up with whatever feeling for a very short amount of time. We don't really need to process it. And, to be quite freaking honest, if you just tell somebody oh, I'm not eating, that because I'm on the keto diet, I'm intermittent fasting or whatever crap you want to be doing that ruins your hormones, then people are fine. They're like, oh, yeah, that being get to the center. Like, what are you doing on your diet and how is it working for you? And tell me the details because I want to join you. Is it working for you? And tell me the details because I want to join you?

Speaker 1:

But the second, the second that you say you just don't do this anymore because it's not you or it doesn't serve you all of a sudden is a big deal, when it's months and months and months and you're still making the same choices and you're still making the same decisions and you are honoring your boundaries and you're honoring yourself, then it becomes a problem when you don't rejoin the community or your loved ones in what they had been doing before. But let me tell you something they will slowly start to turn. They will slowly want to be doing what you are doing because they will see you feeling amazing in your skin. They will see you getting strong, shedding pounds, having nice skin, being energized, and everybody wants that. But no one knows how to get it Because we're stuck in this cycle of disease and not feeling well and we have made it so okay and so company loves misery and so common that no one knows otherwise, until you come along and you are that example and that mirror for them and they're like ah shit, like what is she doing? I want to do that.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's jump quickly into the positive emotions that you will feel. Again. I'm just going to read them off. You will feel joyful, confident, proud, excited, intuitive oh my gosh. Intuitive, peace, smart and knowledgeable, strong, playful and trusting man. Take a second, put your hand over your chest. How does it feel to hear those emotions and to know that that is available to you in a hormone balancing journey, in building a lifestyle rooted in wellness and in your health and honoring what you need. Okay, of course you're going to be proud that you decided that you wanted to make your health a priority. Of course you're going to be proud of that because, guess what? That totally builds your confidence. It totally builds your trust If you stick to what you're going to say and you do it.

Speaker 1:

Even if you feel one of the other emotions of feeling self-conscious, for example, you can feel self-conscious and proud that you stuck to your boundary. You can feel frustrated and confident in the decision that you made. You can feel playful because, guess what? Now you have this knowledge base that nobody can take away from you, this knowledge base that nobody can take away from you, and, anywhere you are, you can make the best decision for yourself and your health. Guess why? Because you are intuitive. Now you know how to connect with your body. You know how to listen to your body. You know what's going to serve you and what's not going to serve you. You know the consequences of choosing and making one choice over the other.

Speaker 1:

And you start to feel strong because you're not bogged down anymore. You're not bogged down by being in this little festering community of like I want to say unwellness, but that is not a word but just like of disease and not feeling well and just like commiserating on feeling ill. Right, that brings joy, that brings excitement into your life. You know why? Because you can do lo que te da la gana. You can go out there and do whatever you want and trust that you will know how to take care of yourself. And trust and have the confidence to speak up and go, get what you need and what will align with you, no matter what everybody else is doing, and you can hold your head up high and do what serves you and let everybody do what serves them. And guess what? That brings you Peace. It brings you peace. At the end of the night, you know that you are not going to feel sick, that you can sleep well, that you did right by you.

Speaker 1:

Not only are you going to be feeling all these things because your emotions will shift, but, to be quite frank, because you are going to be on this hormone balancing journey, and part of it is, first of all, having balanced hormones helps you feel better, gives you mental clarity, and having balanced hormones there's a part of it that needs you to take care of your gut and gut health right. So when you are taking care of your body, it allows more space for you to feel these positive emotions, because everything's a lot more balanced inside of you. Everything is working a lot better. Your gut is nice and working well, which actually is one of the places where serotonin, one of your happiness hormones, starts to be created. Created is one of the places where your happiness is created. So you're not up and down on these sugar roller coasters and insulin having to come in and out, which causes you to crash and feel tired and defeated and foggy brained. So the truth is that as you navigate these emotions and this process, it will allow for the space to feel all these positive emotions along the way.

Speaker 1:

And guess what? Let me tell you something. These emotions let me say them again joyful, confident, proud, excited, intuitive, peaceful, smart and knowledgeable, strong, playful. Trusting these emotions as much as you want to feel them, might actually feel unsafe, because you're like is it possible for me to be feeling this way? Is this safe when you have been in survival mode for so long? Is it safe for me to feel excited? Is it safe for me to feel proud? Is this safe for me to be playful. Is this safe for me to be playful? Is it safe for me to let my guard down a little bit and feel peace? Man, is this layered right? And it's learning how to feel safe in these positive emotions as well. Friend, that's what it is, too.

Speaker 1:

So when I tell you that is this whole ass holistic journey, full body lifestyle creating, I am not kidding you. And this is why it's so much more than just food and exercise, because you're going to have thoughts about the food and exercise and you're going to have thoughts about what other people are thinking about your food and exercise and the older version of yourself is going to question you and your new decisions until you are able to rack up the evidence that you actually do feel better and enjoy this lifestyle and it fits you better now. But it's this whole learning process and I know a lot of my clients. They tell me like, oh my gosh, you're so much more than a health coach, like you helped me with lifestyle and we talk so much about all these other topics like career and relationships, and you help me with so much more. It is because we go through all these emotions.

Speaker 1:

All those emotions will 100% interfere with your hormone health journey and whatever else your goals are, and it's important to talk about them, it's important to process them, because then you will remain stuck, probably like where you are right now, and you're like why can't I make progress? This doesn't work for me, and the thing is is because we are not processing these emotions, and oftentimes, too, what happens is that we don't want to feel these negative emotions so bad, because it's a lot to process that we start blaming other things and you're like, see, I never know what to do, see, I just haven't figured this out. And it's like, no, no, no, friend, that is not it. You know exactly how to do that. What's getting in the way is that we are refusing, maybe not refusing, maybe not refusing, but we are not dealing with and processing this whole other situation over here that actually triggers you and you don't want to deal with it because the emotions are too strong, because it it um, what's it called? It calls you to level up, it calls you to be different than your peers, it calls you to be different than your past self, and that might be a little vulnerable to show, to express, to be seen. Okay, but you know what I want to leave you with this. I want to leave you with this.

Speaker 1:

Stepping into this lifestyle of wanting to take care of your health, of wanting to protect your health, of wanting to live a lifestyle rooted in wellness, of seeing how you can create balance in your body and in your hormones, is not only going to benefit you. Is going to benefit everyone around you. Be unapologetic about being your authentic self and showing up as you are. It will help plant seeds for others. It will help them see and experience through you how their life can be different, how their life can change for the better and how it's not so hard, because if you can do it, they can do it right. It will get them curious.

Speaker 1:

All you have to do is be your authentic self and be proud that you have chosen this lifestyle rooted in wellness, because I am sure you see the suffering around you. I am sure you see all of the prescription medications, all of the doctor's appointments, all of the missed activities and travel because people around you are not feeling well, all of the wasted money on vacations because you can't even get up and do what you went there to do, because you feel so sick, because your body hurts when you just don't even think about doing exciting things anymore Because you feel like you're not able to anymore. Right, yes, it is work. Yes, at the same time, it is worth it. It is worth it If this is what you want for your life, because if you don't, I totally respect that You're probably not listening to this, because if you don't, I totally respect that You're probably not listening to this, or at least this far, if you did not have like one ounce of an interest in doing this.

Speaker 1:

But just know that you stepping into this lifestyle, you stepping into wanting to learn and having the knowledge as to what's going on with your health and how to support it, will have a ripple effect of benefits into others. And if you're a parent and you have young kids, it is truly generational wealth. Remember this podcast is called wealthy generation. Your health is important. Your children's health is important. It is so sad. Think about a family member who got a diagnosis of a preventable disease and how their life is and how limited it has become and how it has not only affected them but you, and think about how, if, 15 years ago, 20 years ago, 10, 5 years ago, even if they would have made just some simple tweaks to their lifestyle, this would not be happening. I want you to think about that, friends. So for now, I just want you to be proud. I just want you to be willing to feel these emotions so that you can partake in a lifestyle rooted in wellness.

Speaker 1:

And if you are so confused as to how to do this and right now you're feeling very overwhelmed and vulnerable I want to invite you to one-on-one food and hormone health coaching with me. This is exactly what I support my clients with. Not only are we working on strategically what to eat, how to eat, when to eat, how to move, how not to move, setting boundaries, creating space, optimizing sleep, optimizing gut health, balancing hormones depending on which one needs the most attention at the time whether one of the two common ones is insulin and cortisol, stress and blood sugar, right. We also work on these feelings that come up along the way so that you are able to continue on your journey. Okay, this is what holistic coaching food and hormone health coaching looks like with me, and I don't want you to keep fearing. I don't want you to keep trying random things that really are just dysregulating your hormones anymore and worrying about yourself and your family members, about yourself and your family members. You can be that person to stand tall, stand authentically and proud of shifting and creating this lifestyle and introducing it to your loved ones. So if this is something you really want to do, I invite you to book a consultation call. The link is in the show notes and I cannot wait to talk to you and see you on Zoom girl.

Speaker 1:

All right, this has been another episode of Wealthy Generation Podcast. I invite you to share this with somebody who you know needs to absolutely hear this. Please screenshot it, share it on Instagram and tag me. I will say hello and repost and, if you feel so inclined to please rate. Rate and review so that we can get seen by more people and help us grow. Okay, love y'all. See you next week. Bye.