WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

28. My 5 Step Process to Achieve Hormone Balance and Transition to a Healthy Lifestyle

April 11, 2024 Naihomy Jerez Episode 28

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I share my unique five-step health coaching process that will teach you how to balance your hormones and build a lifestyle rooted in wellness. Say goodbye to the frustration of hormonal imbalances and the confusion around weight management. This episode peels back the layers of challenges that lead individuals to seek guidance, shining a light on hormones as the hidden culprits in many wellness battles. I don't just skim the surface; I tailor a habit integration strategy that aligns with your lifestyle, ensuring longevity in your health achievements.

I'm passionate about steering us back to  our innate sense of well-being. I emphasize the essence our basic human needs, nutrition, and emotional awareness. I explain the dance between nourishing foods that fuel us and 'fun foods' that delight us, and their delicate balance in our daily lives. Get ready for an eye-opening conversation about how what we eat can boost our cellular regeneration and immunity, offering us a shield against illnesses. We also confront our complex connections with food head-on, tackling how to maintain health-positive habits amidst the whirlwind of our routines.

Finally, I draw on personal experiences and expert insights to illustrate the power of holistic health. I talk about the world of gut health, stress management, and dietary finesse with practical tips that promise substantial impact with minimal upheaval. This episode isn't just about the physical—it's a celebration of mental fortitude, community leadership, and the empowerment that comes from prioritizing self-care. Together, we can inspire a ripple effect of wellness in our circles. So, if you're ready to uplift your health and become a beacon of vitality, tune in and take the first step towards the empowered life you deserve.

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast that is W-E-L-L-T-H-Y. This episode is being recorded bright and early in the morning when I haven't even spoken that much yet, and that's when my voice might sound like I just woke up, because I kind of technically almost did. I haven't been talking so much, so if I have to clear my throat or anything like that, that is what's going on. My kids are off from school, they're off at the Y playing basketball. So I was like it's a good time to record because it's nice and quiet. And with nice and quiet, I am sitting next to a window that is open and sometimes you hear the birds chirping, and I love, love, love to just sit next to the window and hear the birds chirping, and this is where I'm recording the podcast. So if you hear little birdies here and there, that's my little neighborhood birds. Okay, all right, let's get into it. I'm excited to talk to you today about the process that I use to help you when you are coaching with me, and one on one health coaching, right, because last week I spoke to you about what's a health coach, how I got into health coaching and what I can help you with. But today I'm talking a little bit about the process and what that looks like.

Speaker 1:

This process I came up with after about three years of coaching nonstop all the women that I coached. I helped them with so many different things and, with the help of my business coach, we wrote everything out. She helped me organize it and she helped me simplify it into five, just five steps. Obviously, there's like a lot of sub bullets between I mean under those but just five steps that generally every single one of my clients goes through, not necessarily in this particular order all of the time, but they all go through this process to get the amazing results that they want. And it is a process that has been proven to work time after time, and what I love about it is that it is sustainable, like it is something that my clients one year from now, two years from now, they keep on practicing these habits that they created, because we're essentially going towards a lifestyle change and adjustment and by going through these steps, they're able to not only practice the habits but really integrate them into their lives in a way that makes sense for them and is sustainable for them. All right, so I'll walk you through the five steps, and what do they look like when you are coaching with me, right? And also let me just say I want to share what are some things that my clients come to me for, like what are the challenges that they're having and how do these steps eventually help them, right?

Speaker 1:

So a lot of reasons why my clients come to me is one they have some sort of hormonal imbalance, whether they know it or not. And actually the reason why I went and got a continuing education, certification in hormone health, was because, after coaching women for about a year or two, I noticed that there was a common denominator in almost all of them with the results they wanted to get, which at the time, a lot of them would come to me just because they wanted just for weight loss, right? And I was like, wow, what is getting in the way of them not being able to lose weight once they are doing like a lot of the steps that we implemented, or like they've had implemented a lot of the habits? And that was because they had some sort of hormone imbalance that they didn't even know was there. So that's when I decided I always knew I wanted to have like a bigger focus than just integrative nutrition. I didn't know what that was. Yet and after coaching a bunch of clients, I was like, oh yes, like, this is definitely it. I really, really really want to focus on hormones because that has the biggest impact on females, right, and their bodies, and we're not aware of it. Like I wasn't aware of it either. No one tells you when you go to the doctor, unless possibly you are trying to have a baby and it's been really hard for you to conceive. And then they start to do all the testing. But there are clear, clear, clear signs of hormone imbalances that you don't even need to take really blood tests for or go into deep investigation about if we're aware of, like what the symptoms are right. So that was like an overarching thing.

Speaker 1:

So back to essentially more of what my clients say they come to me for. It's like they want weight loss, but without restriction and without diets, because they've tried every single diet out there. They've tried Weight Watchers and they've tried Jenny Craig and they've tried the juices and the Ketos and the intermittent fasting and the shakes and the pills and the teas and they're just so done with that kind of restriction and with the yo-yo dieting, because it doesn't really stick and you kind of make things worse. And you're a few years older now and you just can't figure it out, so you're so frustrated then that's one of the reasons why and usually if you're trying to lose weight and it's becoming very difficult, you probably have some sort of hormone imbalance. Another reason why they come to me is to reverse and prevent disease.

Speaker 1:

So by that, oftentimes my clients have prediabetes, they have high blood pressure, they have high cholesterol and it also runs in their families. So they're like I see my mom, I see my dad, I see my siblings, like everybody has diabetes. My sister has this. Like my aunts, they all suffer from, you know, thyroid problems and I don't want to end up like them. And it's something that's very real and it's said in private, right Between our conversations, and they're like I really I see how much they're struggling, I see how much is affecting their lives and I'm already getting warning signs. I'm already pre-diabetic and I just don't want to end up like that. So we work on it. We work on reversing these health like, these warning signs, and making sure that they change their lifestyle in a way that is health promoting and will not lead them down the path of their family members. And the whole interesting part is that when my clients start to make the change, they start to influence their family members and oftentimes their health gets better too, like I've had clients where their parents have really lowered their blood pressure or have really helped manage their diabetes better, right. So I'm just lightly touching on examples to keep it moving, but I just want you to see the importance of it.

Speaker 1:

I've had clients that have come to me because they have a really poor relationship with food and a really poor relationship with their bodies, so they haven't cooked for about eight years, right, because they have so much trauma with the kitchen they have. You know, they can't even step into their kitchen, they can't go to the supermarket and they're very judgmental about themselves with these kinds of situations or they have a really hard time loving the body that they're in currently and going through the process of improving their health and making changes to their body from a very loving place. There's other clients who just really want to clean up their pantries and to learn how to meal prep better. They want to really build a lifestyle that it is health promoting. So it's just a whole 360.

Speaker 1:

There are clients who have autoimmune conditions that no one has been able to help them with and usually with autoimmune is like, oh, once you have it, you have it forever. Sure, you know it doesn't really go away, but you can reverse it to a place where it's kind of um in remission, right, and you don't really feel it. So people I've worked with clients that have Hashimoto's and IBS and eczema, um and just a whole host of other conditions alopecia, acne that it really has an impact on their health. So, with all of these clients with underlying hormonal imbalances also, another one is like your period having really heavy periods, having really painful periods, having irregular periods, periods that are non-existent when you're clearly in childbearing years right, I've helped people with PCOS. Just get their periods back right, get pregnant, things like that. And that's also a hormonal imbalance. That's your insulin levels, it's your blood sugar, affecting everything. So the five-step process that I have has been helpful.

Speaker 1:

In every single one of these situations where you are trying to accomplish something for your health, there are hormonal imbalances happening, whether that's one way or the other, and we help kind of bring them together to work harmoniously or in synchrony so that you get the health results that you want results that you want and you learn how to keep your hormones in synchrony and in a balanced way so that you can keep your results, and it's not something that's going up and down, up and down and just can always dysregulate it, right? So let's get into number one of the process. The first thing that we do is really go back to basics with your life and your health. Right, there are just basic human needs that are completely ignored or bypassed because we're too busy, because we don't think it's necessary, because we don't even remember it is something that we need to do for ourselves. Just basic human needs that helps us keep ourselves grounded, that helps us stay in balance. So that's the first thing and the like lowest hanging fruit that is always so beneficial when we start working together.

Speaker 1:

So what does going back to basics mean? It can look like number one creating space. Creating space for these new habits that you want to implement in your life, whether that's eating at a regular time, working out, going to sleep at a specific time, like our day is jam-packed with responsibilities of some sort. Whether you have a nine to five, you're an entrepreneur, you're a parent, you're a caretaker, you just have a lot of responsibilities, right? So how are you now going to create space in those responsibilities that you have to meet your basic human needs, that you need, for everything else that you're going to do, to be grounded and rooted and planted in fertile ground for it to grow right. You cannot plant seeds in not fertile soil and expect that it's going to grow well, right. So this foundation is really important for you to get the results that you want. You can't just jump into level 55 and ignore one through 10, right.

Speaker 1:

So we really start with creating space. How are you hydrating right? When and how are you eating? What are you feeling? Sometimes, the homework is just to assess how you feel. How do you feel throughout the day? Do you feel tired? Are you crashing by 3 pm? Are you annoyed? Are you frustrated? What's your menstrual cycle like? So we really start by identifying all of these different aspects. That might not seem like they're important, but they are the most important for you to get the results that you want. I'm going to take a drink of coffee because, as I said, it's early in the morning here. Ps, don't drink coffee on an empty stomach please. It's not good for your hormone health. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So let's move on to and just know that as I walk through the process and the steps. They're super simple and they're also super tailored to you and to what your needs are. So always know that, as I'm talking is not like one rigid, strict plan where it looks like this for every single person. They are definitely flexible, because my main thing that I do with my clients is I make everything super personalized for them. Okay, and that's the beauty of one-on-one coaching and having your personal time and attention on you. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So number two is feeding yourself. How are you feeding yourself? How are you feeding yourself? When are you feeding yourself? What are you feeding yourself? You know there's just so many questions on here. So you need to give basically your body. Food is fuel. You need to give your body fuel to thrive instead of your body being in a battle zone with what you're giving it all of the time.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, there are fun foods, but then there are also foods to nourish your body, and this is how I teach my kids. My kids are nine and seven and I've been teaching them about food for a very long time and I try and differentiate things that they enjoy. I always tell them you always have to eat things throughout the day that nourish your body, that helps your body thrive, that helps your body grow, that helps you feel good, that doesn't give you belly aches. And then there are treats and fun foods bellyaches. And then there are treats and fun foods. Usually the treats or fun foods have zero nutritional value. It's like some candies or some potato chips or whatever it is. And I let them know this is a fun food because, also, I don't want to give food a negative connotation. I just want them to be well-informed the same way with you. So it's a fun food, is a treat, it really pleases the palate, it tastes really good, it gives you a little bit of dopamine. But let's be clear just because it's giving you something like, it's giving you pleasure and joy, it doesn't mean this is what you have all of the time, because in reality that's fun food and it's not nourishing food.

Speaker 1:

For your body to grow and thrive on, they're children, right, they're growing. They need good, dense nutrients and as adults, our cells are continuously turning over. We're continuously getting new cells, getting new skin. So even so, we're not necessarily growing which we can work towards growing our muscles, which is a whole, nother thing. We really want our bodies to have the nutrients available and there for the new cells to grow strong. And I don't want to put a damper on this, like right at the beginning, and just bring stuff that might be triggering.

Speaker 1:

But let's say something like cancer, it is cells that grow and multiply in a way that they're not supposed to, right? So you don't want to feed these cells that are to no benefit to us, right? And there can be multiple reasons for something as like as cancer, which is super, super, like a super sad disease. But help your body, help itself, fight. Your body is always, always, always fighting something. It's always fighting some disease, it's always fighting some infection, is always fighting some bacteria, and you want it to be healthy enough to do that and not to let the imposters win, right?

Speaker 1:

So keeping a strong immune system, keeping your body fully nourished with foods that help your body do the processes that it needs that is not building a battleground, but a very fertile ground inside can be such a gift, right? So feeding yourself can be a place where, if you know it or not, you hold a lot of trauma. You can be using food for comfort. There can be foods that are very nostalgic. There can be foods where you're addicted to. It's just so many things.

Speaker 1:

And with food it's like well, how are you getting your food? Are you shopping for it yourself? Are you cooking at home from scratch? Um, are you getting creative with your meals? Are you comfortable even eating three times a day at least your breakfast, lunch and dinner and making space for that? So there's just so many things that you think food might be so simple, but in reality we can go really in depth as to what is happening when you can't even step into your kitchen, when you can't cook a meal, when just being in your kitchen triggers you which has happened to so many of my clients, because of societal norms too when you're told oh, the kitchen is for the women and you need to serve the men, and all of these things Like it can be very traumatic.

Speaker 1:

Or you saw certain abuse growing up in the kitchen. You know where something was happening to the females by the men, and the females were still serving them. Or your parents weren't around and you were mostly with your siblings and you were very sad and they would give you treats so that you can feel better. So then what do you do as an adult, if you're not even aware? You comfort yourself with treats, right? So there's just so, so, so, so much under food and feeding yourself, and, if you think about it, it is the most powerful tool to keep your health, because you this is the one thing that you do multiple times a day, or you should be doing multiple times a day, every single day, like not eating for an extended period of time is not an option. Okay, so this is the the MVP of things that you can start doing to take care of your health food, because it is what you do multiple times a day, every single day.

Speaker 1:

Okay, let's move on to number three. Number three is moving your body. Now, I'm not a personal trainer, but you don't like. What you need to know is that you need to start building the habit of moving your body. You don't need to go do extreme things. You can start and meet yourself where you are, so you don't need to be doing anything extra, but practicing, especially if you don't already have a moving practice, practicing moving your body on a regular basis, and you don't need anything fancy for that. It can literally be going for a walk, it can literally be stretching, it can be getting up from your desk and taking the stairs at work. Like it can be so many different things that we have this one, one way of what movements should look like. Sometimes, like you have to go and be at a gym, you have to work with someone, you have to get a piece of equipment. The piece of equipment could be just your body, and learning how to build space to move can be the beginning of a very disciplined and consistent workout routine that you can evolve in.

Speaker 1:

Because some of my clients have started at home. They have started with a Peloton bicycle or just a Peloton application. They have started with just moving your body, that's it. Going for walks. They have started with just getting up from their desk every single hour and walking around their office floor. Like it can be that simple, especially to start off. So they started off at whatever level they were at. They met their needs where they were at. And now I have clients who have joined kickboxing gyms, have personal trainers like, have bought equipment, like it truly is magical to see the evolution of their movement, because it is another journey on its own and I always, always, always, always encourage them to eventually hire a personal trainer and someone to oversee them in their exercises.

Speaker 1:

But it's not a place where you absolutely need to start from the beginning. Where you need to start from the beginning is managing your mind of why does it give you so much drama about going to get move on in your movement journey, in your exercise journey, you get to already handle those excuses or objections or thoughts that your mind serves you immediately. And when you start off and meet yourself where you're at with movement, you also get to build evidence as to how this is helping you, as to how you're actually enjoying it, as to how it is actually making you feel good. It's not just about weight loss Like it feels amazing to feel strong. It feels amazing to have more energy. It feels amazing to have a more settled mind, because it does help with all of that. But usually when my clients come to me, they're not moving at all, they're moving too much, they're not moving effectively and they're not looking at natural movement opportunities. Okay, so we go through all of these things and start to incorporate them while, as you grow right, like, meet yourself where you're at and then as you grow so.

Speaker 1:

Number four is embracing holistic health right. So oftentimes when clients come, it's very surface level what they think their challenges are right, like, oh, I just need to lose weight, oh, I just really need to. You know, I already know how to lose weight. I just need little tips here and there because I've lost so much weight on Weight Watchers or something like that. I've done it before.

Speaker 1:

But what often you don't see is how there's other things in your body contributing to the of what you're struggling with. Right, it's not that you're not disciplined enough, it's not that you don't have any self-control, it's not that this is not for you, it's not that you can't get it. Those are things we tell ourselves because we're trying to find a reason why we're not doing something that is so important to us and we don't understand the root cause. Sometimes it's thoughts and sometimes, when we're trying to reverse whatever's happening or get health results, there are root causes going on in our bodies that we have no idea about. So some of those root causes are your gut and your gut health. Usually anybody that has an autoimmune condition, the root cause stems from the gut.

Speaker 1:

Okay, if your gut is not in good health and it can be something where your gut is like a little bit more sensitive to, even from when you were born, because one of my sons. He suffers from a little bit of eczema and he suffers from a little bit of like mild asthma and those are autoimmune conditions and those are autoimmune conditions. So I know that he was born with a more sensitive gut is actually hereditary. Some loved ones also struggle with this that are adults, so I'm very mindful of protecting his gut. He had an eczema flare up in his arm right. It's starting to develop even more because he's getting older and it's something that develops as in like early childhood, like early yeah, early childhood preteen not that he's still, he's a preteen yet, but you know he's getting older. So I try and teach him about his body and be like look, when you eat certain kinds of foods, your eczema flares up and when you change what you're eating, it actually starts to dry out and heal right. So I try and protect his gut health, teach him about it, teach him about the foods that he's eating. And there is certain I put my clients on a gut health protocol to heal their gut, to help, and they have actually reversed autoimmune conditions like Hashimoto's thyroiditis, like irritable bowel syndrome and little other remnant things like acne.

Speaker 1:

Acne can be part of hormonal health too. Acne can be part of hormonal health too. So it's super important to know what the root causes are, because if not, we'll be focusing on the wrong things, right? So another one that I started off the episode with is hormone imbalances and hormone health. Right, and this goes along with how stressed are you?

Speaker 1:

Stress impacts your hormone health. The way you eat impacts your hormone health. So is your blood sugar. Dysregulation is how you manage your stress. Is not that? The goal is never to. You're never going to be stressed. That's not realistic. The goal is how are you going to one realize you're stressed? Because what happens is that you don't even know you're stressed out because you've lived in that zone for so long. You don't even know you're stressed out. So number one is identifying if you're stressed out or not, and then the next one is how do you manage your stress so that your body completes the stress cycle, right?

Speaker 1:

So when we're not noticing what's happening in our bodies, when we're consistently told that is normal, just because is just because, what is it that they say, just because it's common is not normal, and no one ever tells you oh, if you just switch up the times you're having these kinds of foods, it'll help. If you just switch up these products to products that don't have these ingredients, they'll help. If you just eat foods in these times, it'll help. If you have these kinds of foods on your plate together, they'll help. Doesn't that sound simple? Doesn't it sound simple to be like? Here's one tip combine your food this way, it'll help your blood sugar. Here's one tip have your coffee after you have your breakfast and you'll still get to enjoy your coffee, because we usually go from zero to a hundred.

Speaker 1:

Every single time I start with a client, they're like oh my gosh, I need to stop having X, y, z, but I love it so much, I love coffee so much, I love these sweets so much, I love these things so much. But I know I'm going to have to let it go, and what I'll tell you is you don't necessarily need to let it go. There's very few things where it's like you 100% need to let that go. There's usually always an option and there's usually a way to do it that will benefit your health. So, embracing yourself holistically. What's going on in your mind? What's going on in youristically? What's going on in your mind, what's going on in your gut, what's going on in your hormones and how can you be the conductor? What's that guy called? Is that a conductor? That right? Anyway, I want you to be the master and the leader and the conductor of what happens in your body. You can do that. You have control over that.

Speaker 1:

Now, whether you are going to have mind drama about it or not is something totally different, because it is impossible to have a wellness journey in a bubble, and that's something else that we talk about and I teach you because you are part of a community. So when you are basically being a trailblazer and leading the path in a different direction that what your family has done all this time, it can be another level of growth and change because all of a sudden, you're not as confident. All of a sudden you have self-doubt. You don't want other people to see what you're doing. You feel weird. You might feel like you're not part of this community that you've been part of for so long. Right? So it's saying like I'm going to make these changes and it's going to be in isolation is not fair to you.

Speaker 1:

The way I work is that I want you to be so confident in every single space that you're in, and therefore we really talk about all the spaces you will be in, like the summer barbecues, and you know your, whatever holidays you celebrate and when you go on vacation and when you go to the family events, like bachelorette parties or baby showers or birthday parties or whatever it is like, how do you honor yourself and what you want for, how you want to feel in your health and be part of this community that you love so much and are not on the same journey as you? Okay, this is why a lot of other things do not work, because they like dire programs or programs in general, whatever, because they are done in such isolation. And the more titles you have under you, the harder it gets. And by that I mean you're born a daughter or a son or a child to somebody, right, and then you might be a cousin, and then you might be an aunt or an uncle, and then you're a parent, and then you are maybe a grandparent, and then you are like the caretaker, right, and you're someone's daughter-in-law or son-in-law, right, or some sort of in-laws. You just keep stacking on titles and you keep growing your community and still, how do you honor yourself within all of that?

Speaker 1:

It can be tough. It can be tough because we feel so much peer pressure to honor them and to please them and to do what they ask us to do, and we don't want to seem like we're better or we're doing something that they might not approve of. It just goes on and on, and on and on. So as we go through all these steps and you're starting to change the way you walk and you move and the things you do, things will come up that are drama right In your brain about the way you're perceived and the way that you need to take space and time to do things, these things, for yourself, when no one else is doing that for themselves.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so this is what I mean about the embracing holistic health part and really looking at the root cause of these issues are and how do you learn how to be in community in them? Okay, number five. Number five the last step in this process is you practicing wellness daily. Practicing wellness daily, okay, and I kind of touched on this on number four in holistic health but is how do you grow your confidence to eat wherever you are? Because you're gonna have to eat every day. You might not be at home every day. You might be out of your routine every once in a while. So how do you build your confidence?

Speaker 1:

I know I had one client who she works at a school and she has summers off and she loves to travel during the summer and she had we started working in June Okay, like at the end of her school year, and she thought at first it was going to be the worst idea ever. And it ended up being the best idea ever. And she thought it was the worst idea ever because she had a whole two months of travel coming up, travel internationally, travel in the US. She was just living her best life and she's like how am I going to start this health journey while I am traveling so much? I am not even home. I'm eating out every day. Let me tell you something she became so freaking good. She ended up anywhere and everything, ended up anywhere and everything. And she ended up eating out of hotel lobbies, like the, like the convenience store at the hotel lobby, not even like hotel lobby restaurant. She ended up eating out of every single place while still honoring her health goals and getting results, goals and getting results. And she was mind blown because this was the first time ever on vacation that she was like losing weight while still eating everything she wanted to eat. Isn't that amazing? Like it blows my mind too, and I am just so happy that she trusted herself to be like all right, we're just going to start this now, because the truth is that this is a very big and important part of her life the traveling Right and the truth is that she works in a school and, and for two months out of the year, this is probably what she's going to be doing, so might as well learn how to do it in a way that is still, oh, my windows open y'all If you're listening to some car passing by. Um, yeah, like if, if she's going to be doing that. And then the beauty was that we transitioned back into the school year and she learned how to incorporate a lot of these habits while she was in the routine of school. Incorporate a lot of these habits while she was in the routine of school, um, so it's very important to know how to tend to your wellness wherever you are, in whatever situation you're are. You might not be able to do all of it, but I can bet money and guarantee you you can do some of it, okay.

Speaker 1:

Another thing we spoke about was stress management. You will probably experience stress almost every single day. And how do you keep safety in your body? How do you keep your body reminded that it's safe, right, that it's not being chased by a tiger, that you are actually safe and there are situations that are stressing you out. But how do you maintain safety in your body? And there are ways to do that through food, through movement, through breathing right. It doesn't mean that the 500 emails you have are not stressful. It just means that you can feel a certain type of way about that and remind your body that you're actually safe, even though you're annoyed AF right. And how do you practice this consistently? How do you practice this on a daily basis, on a yearly basis? And you need to have grace and patience with yourself.

Speaker 1:

I remember when I first started my wellness journey in 2016,. After about a year, I felt very, very, very confident and I was doing everything very well. And then I went on vacation for 10 days and when I got back home, I could not get back into it, like I just don't know what happened. It was probably just too soon One year seems like a long time, but it really isn't a long time so I had to reach back out to the woman I was working with, and I ended up working with her for nearly another year because I realized, wow, like one chunk of time that dysregulated me and, mind you, I was still following my health and wellness, not rules, but like whatever I was doing at home I was still doing while I was on vacation. But when I came back home, it was just really hard and I knew what I was doing, like I knew what I would do before. It was just so hard to get back into it. So I reached back out for support because I really wanted it so bad. I did not want to completely lose everything I had worked for in the past year. It was very, very, very important to me and I just really wanted to figure it out. So, um, after that, I really got the hang of it and, although my health and wellness journey has involved over the last seven years, um, the best part is that I'm really onto myself and I know I told someone I spoke to I was like the one thing the one, if you take one thing away from this is that you know when something's up in your body.

Speaker 1:

You don't need to know what it is, you don't need to know exactly what the root cause is. You need to, but if you just identify a change, that's it. You identify a change that's happening, then you're good, because that means you can go ahead and do something about it. You can be curious, you can investigate it, right. So step five I feel like it's something that no one talks about or implements which is how are you going to practice this on the daily? How are you going to practice this so that you can turn this into an actual lifestyle, not just the stint, not just the challenge, not just a challenge, not just you know, por un ratito. Just until the summertime, just until your wedding, just until I don't know, whatever it is that you give a timeline and a deadline for, like, what about if you just stayed ready? What about if you just stayed ready to live your best life all the time? You're always prepared, you're always game, you're always ready to go. That is freedom, that is magical, having that quality of life at your disposal all the time because you take such good care of yourself, always, always.

Speaker 1:

And let me tell you, some of my clients have been through really rough times while we've been coaching. Right, there's been deaths, there's been accidents with loved ones, that they've been like in comas for a long time. There's been family members, multiple family members, that are sick in the hospitals and I tell them I'm like this is the time to be doing this. This is the time because how do you take care of yourself in the midst of like such chaos or imbalance or like such like emotionally draining circumstances? And you are part of the caretaking team, right? So if you're not well, how are you going to take care of those who really need you?

Speaker 1:

It's not selfish to take care of yourself. It is actually to the benefit of everybody else that you are a caretaker for, because if you're well, you can show up and take care of them from a place of love, not resentment, from a place of energy not depletion, okay From a place of you not being sick yourself. So you taking the time out to take really good care of yourself, to understand yourself, to heal yourself, to know how to balance those hormones, to know how to keep that blood sugar in check, to know that you can move your body and you can lift and pull and squat and push and shove and do all the things, and you're not going to pull your shoulder or you're not going to throw out your back. That, my friend, is fucking power, that is freedom, that is confidence. That is where you want to be. So with that.

Speaker 1:

Listen, I get so passionate about these things because I am so sick and tired of seeing our communities struggle and being like I don't know why this is happening. I don't know why that's happening, and struggling with their health and with infertility and with bad periods and not being able to live their life at their fullest, just because of lack of information. Just because of lack of information and just keeping on with patterns that do not serve us. Okay, let's continue to grow and thrive as a community. We're all very worried about making a lot of money. We're all very worried about growing in our careers. We're all very worried about getting the alphabet behind our name and all the letters.

Speaker 1:

I want you to be worried about you being the best you can be with your health and your mind and your body and your soul, so that you can go do whatever you want after that and you'll be well. Okay, I love you, I really care about you. I really want this for you and for our community. Okay, I love you, I really care about you. I really want this for you and for our community. Okay, so, if you're ready, if you're ready, ready, ready to make these changes, if you know that these five simple steps that are totally dedicated and personalized to you is what's going to finally help you to get those results that you want for the longterm, if you're done playing games and trying every single thing out there that you've wasted so much time, energy, money on, then I invite you to book a consultation so that we can talk about all of these things and how I am able to personally support you. Okay, I invite you to book a call and just learn more. Take that first step.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and you can book a consultation by going to the show notes. There is a link there. Or if you follow me on Instagram, there is a link in the bio there. Or you can go to my website, wwwnayomijarezcom, under the work with me page. You'll also have access to my calendar link. I wish you a great week. I hope this was helpful. Share it with a friend who can also benefit from this, who have been struggling with similar things as you, and if you find it in your heart and you're called to do so, I would really appreciate it if you rated and reviewed this podcast wherever you're listening to it, to help us grow and really help spread the word and the information. All right, I'll see y'all later. Bye.