WELLTHY Generation Podcast!

27. What Is a Health Coach and How Can I Help You Finally Get the Transformation You Want

April 04, 2024 Naihomy Jerez Episode 27

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I take you on a deeply personal journey of how health coaching found me and its incredible potential to transform lives, especially for women navigating post-pregnancy weight loss and who have been struggling with their health. 

I also talk about the transformative coaching relationships that have guided me through the fear of uncertainty of big change in my life and into accomplishing my goals and purpose. 

It becomes clear that health coaching is more than just meal plans and exercise regimes—it’s about understanding who you are and the joys of living authentically. We journey through the practicalities and personal victories of health coaching, from reversing chronic conditions to sparking generational changes in wellness. These tales are not just narratives of individual triumph but also reflections of how one person's health renaissance can echo throughout an entire community. Listeners are invited to consider health coaching as a stepping stone to not only a healthier self but also a more vibrant, joy-filled life.

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Speaker 1:

Hey friends, welcome back to Wealthy Generation Podcast that is W-E-L-L-T-H-Y. So the day I'm recording this, there is a major, major storm going on in New York City and I think it's like pretty much across the East Coast and like Midwest and there's crazy rain, crazy winds going on. So if y'all hear something like rain and wind, know that that's where it's coming from. It's been actually pretty scary the whole day. It's been going on the entire day. It's wild out there, all right. So just wanted to let y'all know that. And I'm really excited about today's episode because I am going to talk about what is a health coach. I am going to talk about what is a health coach. I realized we're like I don't know 25 episodes into this Wealthy Generation podcast and I didn't say it in the beginning. That is wealthy, as in W-E-L-L-T-H-Y, and I haven't really shared what's a health coach, what do they do, what can they help you with, what challenges and struggles they can help you with, what kind of results they can get you all that good stuff. And now that I'm a health coach and I'm in the coaching industry, it's very common for me to know what that is and to know what kind of people are available. But the truth is that I had absolutely no idea that support like mine existed, so like that health coaching existed, that coaching outside of sports existed at all. So I'm going to share with you how I came across the coaching industry and how not kind of like how I became a coach, but how health coaching can help you, because I think like I thought at the beginning.

Speaker 1:

First of all, let me just tell you this I never set out to be a health coach. I didn't know about health coaching. Like I already mentioned, I was embarrassed to find out I was a health coach. I just started off by knowing that I wanted to help women get results. Like I got results, I wanted to help women feel good in their skin. Again, I wanted to help and teach women how simple and enjoyable it could be and sustainable it could be to lose weight and keep it off, especially after having a baby, which is how I started my journey and I didn't know what to call myself at first.

Speaker 1:

And after I started helping people and I joined a few programs, they were like you're a coach and I literally wanted to vomit because I was like I cannot believe I joined the scammers. This is so terrible. But I'm being so honest, I don't know if you've ever had the thought, like I don't know what, like people have said that coaches are scammers, that is a pyramid scheme, like a bunch of different things and you know what, like I don't know if it's true or not. I mean, I'm sure that there are people out there, as in any industry, that do not have appropriate, not appropriate, but like, the right intentions. But what I do know is and I will you know and I have my full belief in is that coaching is such a valuable resource, it's such a valuable experience. It has completely changed my life.

Speaker 1:

And, as with anything else that you're going to purchase, you just want to make sure that you vet the person, that you vet the program, that you ask questions, you interact, and that's with anything. That's with a doctor, if you're going to go buy a car, if you're going to go buy a house, whatever it is that you're going to buy, you usually especially if it's a big purchase you usually want to do some research. So it's the same thing for coaching. Like, if you want to hire a coach, you want to see testimonials. You might want to talk to people who have worked with that coach before. You want to engage with them. You want to follow them and see what they're about and what their values are about. Those are things that I have done before I hired coaching, but I have been working with coaches since 2020.

Speaker 1:

Once I learned about it and I'll tell you real quick how I learned about the coaching industry aside from sports, and that is in 2020, right before the pandemic, february 2020, I went to this event at LinkedIn called Transform Her, and it's basically for women of color in tech. As I said in one of my previous episodes, or if you haven't listened to it, I spent 12 years in the digital advertising space, so I was a woman in tech for a very long time and I got invited to this event. The keynote speaker for this event is the one and only Minda Hart. She is an author, she's a public speaker, and when she was the keynote speaker back in February 2020, she had just launched her book called the Memo. Now, this book called the Memo it was a response to the Facebook lady. What's her name? Lindsay, something. It was a response to her book Lean In. Now you probably know who I'm talking about. I totally blanked out on her name and I'm just not going to look it up, but it was a response to the book Lean In, because if you've ever read career books or self-help books or things like that, it's usually written from a very white perspective, from a very privileged perspective, which is fine and it can help a lot of people. But the thing is that women of color come from a totally different angle and perspective and have different experiences and have different upbringings and limiting beliefs and all of these things. So her book was a response to that and it was from a black woman's perspective in corporate. This book was amazing. This I actually went to this conference the day I quit my job of like nearly five years in this company and 12 years total in the industry.

Speaker 1:

I walked in that day, I handed in my laptop and my you and my key card or whatever and I was like I have somewhere to be bye. So I really went to this conference and I had no plan of what was going to happen in my life. I did have financial stability and savings. I'm not going to get into that, but I just want to mention that because I did have a cushion and a buffer. It's not like I just left with zero plan or like financial support or safety for myself. Okay, and I'm also in a relationship, so my husband still had a job and all that. So I went to this conference. She spoke about her book. I was totally amazed. As I was sitting in the seat in the conference I purchased a book.

Speaker 1:

Now one of the other speakers that I saw there her name is Cynthia. She was amazing. She, like her presentation was wonderful. I'll get back to Minda in a second, but I just also want to mention Cynthia, who was a speaker there. She was and and then I'll connect the dots she was an amazing speaker. Her presentation was on point, her outfit was amazing and she was just so engaging in the room.

Speaker 1:

And when the like networking time began, I was standing near Cynthia because I wanted to say hello and all that, and I overheard her saying like the women were complimenting her as well on her speech and her outfit and all of that. And I overheard Cynthia say, yeah, I have a wardrobe coach and yeah, thank you, I have a presentation coach. And I was like what A wardrobe coach, a presentation coach, you're not like 100% amazing and you did all this all by yourself. This is what I'm thinking to myself because, as a hyper independent person and not knowing that all these kinds of supports were around, I just assumed that everything I did I had to do 100% on my own and there were not people like this who exist 100% on my own and there were not people like this who exist. Um side note later I realized that hyper-independence is not a flex and I've had to get tons of coaching on that, but that's a conversation for another episode. So I was that stood out to me and that stood with me. I was like wow, there are people who help you bring out your greatness, who support you and give you feedback to polish your greatness already to help you bring that out. Similar to a sports coach, the greatest player remained great because they had consistent coaching.

Speaker 1:

Which brings me back to Minda's book, the Memo. I started reading the book right away and in one of her chapters she mentions the coaching industry and she mentions how all of these executives have coaches. They have executive coaching, they have public speaking coaching. They have all these coaches to help them prepare for big events, to help them shine, to help them be their best, to give them strategies. And she mentioned sports coaching and she was like the athletes are not great because they're great. They're great because they have the greatest coaches Athletes like, let's say, kobe and Michael Jordan and all these people who I've heard stories about and listened to podcasts on. They hired private coaches, aside from the coaches from their respective teams, and they had a variety of coaches to support them in different areas. And it's just really fascinating to see that when someone is amazing, when it's somebody that you look up to so much, they've had so much support and guidance to get there.

Speaker 1:

So what Minda said in her book was like, if these people have coaches, why do women of color not have coaches and not know about the coaching industry? And it becomes such a big deal to invest in other humans to help them be better, to get where they want to be, to accelerate the process. If you can just hire somebody who can really hold your hand and help you get from step three to step I don't know 25, because they have so much expertise and experience and they can help you go through the journey, not to skip parts of the journey, but to support you through the journey so that you get where you want to be faster, why wouldn't you? Why would you painstakingly, try to reinvent the wheel, figuring things out all alone, while you can have somebody, invest in somebody and have them help you and have the results double, triple, quadruple themselves, because you have somebody who actually knows what they're doing and have been through the process, support you. And that's when my mind was blown, because then I connected the dots back to Cynthia and I was like that's why she's so amazing, because she invested in a presentation coach and a wardrobe coach, and I decided that that's what I was going to do and that was what. That was what was going to be my next step.

Speaker 1:

Now, before I started my business, I was very private on Instagram. On social media I didn't post. I didn't know how to use social media to look for resources. I had no idea that there were coaches on public, you know, on social media and that this was a resource that was available to me. So the only person I could think of was a former VP of mine who we're still good friends. She's still an excellent mentor to me and I messaged her and I was like hey, do you have a coach? Do you know how many coaches? I'm trying to find a career coach because I quit my job. I don't know what to do. I want some support. And she was like I don't have a coach, but I know a lot of coaches. So she sent me about four different people and I researched all of them and I hired one of them and that was my very first coach. And let me tell you the impact that this coach had on me. Right?

Speaker 1:

She on the first meeting she asked me about obviously like my history, so I gave her my entire resume. I spoke to her about all the jobs I had, all the experiences I had. I told her what kind of job I was looking for and the values that the company needed to have and how I wasn't willing to deal with certain things in a company. More yada yada. And then I had told this was 2020, right. And then I had told this was 2020, right. Then I told her about my business idea that I had thought of in 2020. I had not 2020, sorry 2018.

Speaker 1:

I had shared with her my own wellness journey, the results I had gotten for myself, how I started in 2016, how I had been able to maintain and live my best life already for four years because, remember, this was 2020, and how I had helped a good amount of women already make changes in their health and lose weight, and how I was doing this for free. I was helping anybody that I could and I really had something going. So at the end of the meeting she was like, okay, which way do you want to move forward? And I was kind of surprised by that because I thought that we were just going to do all the things. But she was like, okay, how do you, do you want to move forward? Do you want to um? Which which side do you want to go to Um? Why am I getting stuck on this Um? Which way do you want to lean on? And I said, well, let's work on my resume. And she was like, why? And I'm like what do you mean? Why she goes? Why do you want to work on your resume?

Speaker 1:

After this incredible story, you told me about a business that you already have up and running, that you've been helping tons of women in that. You've gone through yourself and have proven that it can be done. Why do you want to move forward with your resume? And I flat out told her I said because I'm scared. Aren't you scared most of the time to pull the trigger on things that you've never done before, that are super scary, that you know. Building my resume and finding another job is just more safe for my brain. Because I had been working for the past 12 years, I know that I could just go get another job. And my brain also didn't know that COVID was around the corner, anyway. So she said, okay, well, what about if I help you? What about if you just give this a shot, because you've worked a lot on it already? You have like everything. You have everything. You just need to keep, you know, moving forward. And I said okay, cause she's like the truth is that everybody's scared. And I was like, okay, deal, like I'm going to try, deal, I'm going to try and that try. That trust, that guidance from my first coach has led me to nearly four years in business already in March. All right, she helped me get this off the ground.

Speaker 1:

She helped me through all of the embarrassing AF thoughts about emailing my entire existence, like every single person that I had in my address book, from old colleagues to college friends, to friends. Like I had to let everybody know it was part of my homework. It was debilitating. I was so embarrassed to share with people that this is what I was doing I, you know, created. I told her, especially because I came from digital advertising, that I must have a website. And she's like, look, you don't need a website, but if you really want something, then just open up a Facebook business page. And that's what I did, and the first day I opened my Facebook business page, that same day I had got a client, and I have never not had clients in the last four years.

Speaker 1:

I've been coaching nonstop for the last four years, thank God, because I really truly love what I do and because of her, my first coach, I became certified in integrative nutrition and I just really kicked off my practice right. So that's kind of like that is the story of how I found out about coaching, how I became a coach myself before I even knew I was a coach and I started in this industry and really knowing that it really is not a scam and it's super helpful and, honestly, the people that are out here that you admire all have coaches, and let me tell you the white people, they have coaches and they have support systems or they have mentors that are trusted, and that in the black and brown community is not so common, because we are usually first gen, is not so common, because we are usually first gen, we are the ones navigating for the first time, like the educational system and the higher educational system, and corporate jobs and corporate transitions. So I know I 100% did not have a trusted family member who had gone through any of these experiences, who could help me with none of these level ups that were available to me and that I wanted. So just know that that it's a way to help ourselves by hiring people and leaning on people who are experts in their fields. This is all they do and their job is to help you be great and to help you get to those results and goals that you want a lot faster.

Speaker 1:

So, after that career coach, I also had hired a health business coach. I hired a life coach, I hired another business coach, I've hired a money coach, um, and soon I'm probably hiring a spirituality coach. So I truly believe in all this in in coaching and the effects that it has, um, especially when you choose the right person for you, because there are many individuals out here and you just you know, sometimes you just need to do a little bit of homework to figure out who's the person for you. Okay, so now, what is a health coach and how can they help you, what challenges can they support you with and what kind of results can you get? Now I'm going to talk a little bit general health coaching and then I'm going to also sprinkle in some specifics on how I help my clients and what kind of results I get my clients, because I wouldn't know, depending on the branch of health coach that another individual is, what kind of results that they get people. But just know that health coaches can focus on many different things.

Speaker 1:

I have friends who are health coaches that do just weight loss, that do diabetes reversal, pre-diabetes and diabetes reversals. I have health coach friends and colleagues who focus on the menstrual cycle and I focus on preventing and reversing disease. Not only do I have a certification in integrative nutrition, I also have a certification in women's hormone health, because I just love, love, love that niche, because when I first started coaching I was really focused only on weight loss. That's how I started my wellness journey. I know that is a struggle for a lot of women and they put their bodies through a lot of torture and restriction and they're miserable. And I had found a way to do it without any of that, without really eating what I wanted and enjoying my best life. So as I began coaching, I also noticed that there was more going on to just the food and the exercise, and I'm like what's happening here, like there's more to this than just food and exercise, and what I discovered was that almost every single time, there was some sort of hormone imbalance going on with the woman that made it even harder for her to lose weight. So then that's when I decided to go for my hormone health certification as well, and I absolutely love it because we get to make some major change. So again, I focus on disease prevention and reversal and food education and weight loss without dieting and ultimately helping you live your best, best, best life rooted in wellness.

Speaker 1:

In addition to this is, like my overarching goal as well, for you to be a champion also of multi-generational health in your family, because you do not know how much um power you have in just you making a change in your life and how it has multi-generational impact, because just about every single one of my clients have been able to impact multiple generations within their family or their circle, whether they're a teacher, whether they're a guidance counselor, whether they're a parent or a caretaker. Multiple, multiple people have been able to benefit from their transformation. Okay, so who's a health coach and what do they do? So a health coach is basically a person who supports you in really getting to know yourself. Number one, like really helping you become an expert in yourself and meeting you where you are to start.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so by that I mean we don't know ourselves. We're just running on autopilot a lot of the times and we're oblivious as to why our body's feeling that way, why your body's reacting that way, why we're dealing with certain health conditions or diseases. And we put all of our eggs in the baskets of doctors and sometimes it can be helpful and sometimes not. Ideally, you should have a care team. So if you go to your doctor, for example, and they're like oh, usually this is something that is so common that they'll tell people like oh, you need to lose weight, eat a mediterranean diet. Here's a handout. Don't like eat more vegetables and and move more, and they leave you at that, and then you don't see your doctor for another six months of your year and you're totally confused and all you have is these janky handouts or 25 pages on my chart and you have no idea what to do and then you start trying everything out here, right, and it becomes very stressful.

Speaker 1:

So what ideally should be the case is that your doctor probably gives you some instructions, or there are some health challenges that you're going through, or you want to create a positive change in your life that affects your health, and you have somebody to help you, guide you and make those changes. There is somebody there to help you with accountability, with personalization, with support while you are in the process of transforming. Same thing as any other sports coach who is there in your trainings, who is there on your good days, who is there on your bad days, who is there to provide you a shoulder to cry on, who is there to celebrate you. It's the same concept, but with your health, with your wellbeing. Another thing is is that as a health coach, and as a holistic health coach, I take a holistic perspective to your lifestyle changes.

Speaker 1:

So you might assume that health is just you exercising and you eating a certain way and not eating certain things, moving your body and things like that. But your health encompasses so much more than just food and how you move. It encompasses your stress levels, your environment, your communication, your relationships, your career, your creativity, how you rest, how you sleep, how you manage your stress and I hope this laundry list is low-key, stressing you out a little bit, but no, I don't want it to be stressful. I just want you to know that there are so many different components and it's not that you need to have them all. Balanced is that it's very helpful when somebody helps you build a toolbox of skills, skills, resources and strategies for you to use in these kinds or as needed, in each season and in each situation that you're in.

Speaker 1:

It's not like you're doing everything at once, you're handling everything at once, or anything like that, but just knowing that your overall lifestyle affects your health, even like what kind of containers are you using? Are you using a lot of plastics? Are you using candles? Are you using plugins? What kind of scents are you putting on your body? That affects your hormones? These are things that you don't think about. That I think about as a holistic health coach. These are things that, if I know, for example, if somebody has estrogen dominance, high estrogen they're getting painful periods. I'm like raising an eyebrow to see if you're drinking out of plastic water bottles, if you have plastic containers, if you're using a lot of perfumes and things like that.

Speaker 1:

So people usually go to, oh, but I'm eating well, but I'm moving my body and I'm like, yeah, but what are all these other things that affect you that you don't know about? So, having somebody take a bird's eye view to look at the bigger picture, having somebody take a bird's eye view to look at the bigger picture, who is able to ask you questions? To get down to the root cause this is another thing that holistic health coaches do is get to the root cause of the problem. So most of the time in medicine they give you or if you go to the doctor, they give you medication to help you with your symptoms. But me, as a holistic health coach, I want to get to the root of the problem. Like why do you have an autoimmune condition? How do you put that in remission? How do you reverse your diabetes? Instead of waiting for your A1C to be so high that all of a sudden now you're getting metformin like diabetes medication, how can we just reverse this and prevent it in the first place? And that's what I do, right, and that's how I help you.

Speaker 1:

So then next time you go to your doctor which has happened to many of my clients, the doctor's like wow, your blood work looks so good. Wow, you've lost some weight. Wow, your blood pressure is lower. Wow, your cholesterol is reversing. Oh my God, your Hashimoto's antibodies are reversing. Oh my gosh, you get to come off your IBS medication.

Speaker 1:

All of these are true stories, by the way. Oh my gosh, you have reversed your PCOS. You actually have your periods coming on a regular basis and, look at that, you got pregnant. All of these are actual testimonials from my clients. It's not even things I'm making up. I am just really going down the list of my client results that we've gotten from the points I've already mentioned to you Meeting my client where they're at, making a personalized plan for them, making sure that I'm holding them accountable and I'm supporting them in the transformation, making simple and personalized strategies so that they can increase their quality of life for the long term.

Speaker 1:

Also, thinking long term like how do you want to live your life when you are in your fifties, when you are in your sixties? You know how healthy do you want to be? Do you want to be bloated all the time? Do you want to have headaches all the time? Do you want to have joint pain all the time, or do you want to be free to live your life how you want to live it Right? So that is a lot of what health coaching is and what we do, and we help you set the solid structure for your transformation and a lot of this. Maybe other health coaches are not like this, but everything I am telling you is true to me and my practice and how I work with my clients. It's really creating a lifestyle change.

Speaker 1:

It's not like a diet where it's like follow this meal plan for eight weeks, follow this strategy for three months. It's not short-term. It is meant to get you, basically, lifetime results, get you the knowledge, teaching you how to communicate with your own body. And the best thing is is like to know when something's off. You might not know exactly what it is, but you know something's up. And then, once you know something's up, then you can do something about it and you can find the right support team to help you with that.

Speaker 1:

But if you are not even aware of your body and becoming an expert on yourself and being so curious as to, hmm oh, when I eat this, my stomach hurts, when I do that, I get a migraine If you don't know how to connect those dots for yourself and you just think it's normal. You just think it's because you're for yourself and you just think it's normal. You just think it's because you're getting old, you just think it's because it's hereditary. Then you won't do anything about it. You don't know that you have the power to do something to help yourself, because it's such a new concept, especially in our culture. Especially in our culture because it's just expected that older people get diabetes. It's just expected that it runs in the family.

Speaker 1:

But what if I told you that it doesn't have to be you, that all you need is some education around food, that all you need is a few lifestyle tweaks that won't even be daunting because they're personalized to you, what you like, your schedule and you build this beautiful toolbox, and something that I personally incorporate in my coaching program is I've been talking a lot about the body and what we can do to eat and what we can do to move, but something that needs to be addressed, at least for me and in my coaching practice, is your mind and mindset work, because if I ask you, what do you need to do to be healthier, you could probably name a few things oh, eat more vegetables, move my body. Maybe you'll mention, like, go to sleep early, get some rest, things like that. But the mind, the mind will be the thing that keeps pumping, pumping the brakes. And if we don't become friends with ourselves, if we don't get curious about what's going on, why you're having those thoughts, why you're having those limiting beliefs, what kind of programming have you had for years? What kind of societal pressures have you had on yourself? Why do you find this to be harder than you think it should be? Why are you not taking action?

Speaker 1:

There's stuff to dig through in the mind and oftentimes what needs to happen is that you need to create safety in your mind. You need to give your mind evidence of what's happening. You need to be patient with yourself, because the mind does not like change and it likes predictability, so it will keep you in these old habits and patterns and beliefs, because that's safer than the unknown. So what we do through coaching and through this transformation is that we show the mind how this is safe. We give evidence to the mind about how this is going to work and, by reflecting and being self-aware and being an expert on ourselves, we actually start to show the mind that this is a better lifestyle and you actually enjoy this more than what you were doing before. And it's a magical thing, because what would happen to me and what happens to my clients is that we dabble back and forth between our current lifestyle and the new lifestyle that we want to create, and our body itself starts to tell you what it likes and what it doesn't like. So it's not even restriction is what feels good in your body versus what doesn't, because now you're building your self-awareness versus what doesn't, because now you're building your self-awareness, you're becoming an expert at yourself and you continue to meet yourself where you are Okay. So, with that said, that is a lot of what health coaches can help you with, what I specifically can help you with.

Speaker 1:

Again, there's some health coaches that move in many different directions, but becoming an expert on yourself takes work. Just because you are in your own body doesn't mean that you're an expert on yourself. You are most likely living your life on your programming, on your limiting beliefs and on your societal pressures, and that can be eating away at your health. That can really be getting you sick, not only from how you're eating, from how you are handling work, from how you're handling stress, like all of that plays into it, but you might not even be living authentically with who you are and you might be so unhappy and just that alone really affects your health. So breaking free from that really like just tuning into yourself, being who you want to be, acting how you want to act, treating yourself well, loving yourself, going through this process with joy and acceptance and support can really literally change your life because all of a sudden you get to have this magical quality of life for the longterm and you don't have to be afraid of like, oh, I'm getting older, I'm going to break down, because that's the examples we have seen, right? So what does this lead to for you? Like? What kind of results do you get when you work with, let's say, a health coach or a person like me that helps you with all of these different aspects of your whole self in a loving, joyful way?

Speaker 1:

So, as I mentioned, some of my clients have gotten amazing results by reversing disease and autoimmune conditions like PSCOS, like prediabetes, like Hashimoto's thyroiditis. They have lost so much weight. They have gained muscle. They have appropriately lost weight. They have learned so much about food. They have learned about their bodies. They have set movement routines. They have leveled up their movement routines. They have gone from working out at home to hiring personal trainers. They have gone from working out at home to hiring personal trainers. They have gone from working out at home to joining kickboxing gyms. They're doing amazing things. I've had my clients get off of IBS medication. I've had clients start cooking again after they had not cooked for eight years, creating safety around the kitchen, creating love for their bodies and what their bodies have done and how they've kept them safe and where they are right now.

Speaker 1:

What else? I think I mentioned the prediabetes already and the weight loss, but they've also really improved their quality of life. They're able to go on vacation without getting sick. They're able to play around with their children without feeling like they're going to fall apart or got hit by a truck. They have grown their self-love and self-confidence so much because they have practiced doing what they said they were going to do for themselves taking really good care of themselves first and, like I also mentioned before, this multi-generational impact. You don't even know the amount of moms and grandparents and children and students and loved ones who have seen you living in your authentic self.

Speaker 1:

You taking such good care of yourself is contagious, even if loved ones put up a little bit of a hard wall in the beginning and not wanting to know because, remember, change is scary and now you're all of a sudden switching things up on them. Just you don't need to force anybody, just you. Living in your authentic self gives the other person curiosity, it plants a seed and they also want to join you on your journey. They also start paying attention to food labels and what they're putting in their body and why their body hurts. They start to give themselves permission to treat themselves to better quality products. It's just this overall beautiful experience that creates multi-generational health, because we often worry so much about the money and building generational wealth that we don't think about what we're going to use all that money for. If you can't go anywhere and you can't do anything because you're so sick, you're so sick, like. The point is to be well and wealthy so that you can go out and live your best life, right.

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So what kind of challenges might you be having that health coaching would be a good fit for All, right? So here's some of the things like are you struggling with this? Do you find these things challenging? Well then you might want to consider health coaching. Number one is like you don't feel good in your skin. You have a very hard time loving the body that you're in taking good care of it, while also desiring change, that's okay. So, desiring to lose weight because you're overweight or because it's causing health issues, or just because you want to change your body composition, you want to feel good, that's totally okay. But if you're coming at it from a place of being mean to yourself, being restricted to yourself, kind of punishing yourself, then you might want to work with somebody to help you just turn that around, create the same change you want. We're not going to discount that, but it's just a much more enjoyable process and a much more and you'll get results much faster if you're not pumping the brakes and being so mean on yourself all the time. So again, if you're restricting, if you're hoping for this change and you're just not kind, that's something to think about.

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If you don't know what to do and you have information overload and you're looking at challenges and you're doing challenges and you're searching on the internet for left and right what to do and you don't even know why you're doing it, you don't even know if it's working or if it's not working. You are just like a blind chicken, picking your beak in every single little thing that's out there to see if it'll work for you. And you don't even know if it'll work for you. You don't even know how it feels in your body, you don't even know if it's working the way you want to work, because you don't have this self-awareness right. You don't have this connection with yourself, so you might be hurting yourself without even knowing it. And if you have a stressful and fear-based relationship with food, that's also something to get support with.

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Food is enjoyable. Food is amazing. I consider myself a foodie. Food can literally help you heal your body fully, or it can lead you towards disease, but it doesn't mean that it needs to be perfect all the time. So if you are stressing out every single time you're going to eat something, if you are neglecting yourself from eating things, if you are punishing yourself with food, if you only know how to use food as a healing mechanism or as comfort, it's something also that you might want to work with somebody with, because it can really teach you how to use food to heal your body and how to enjoy it just for fun, and it'll take the stress out and more enjoyable experience when you go out to eat, when you go on vacation, when you're making food at home, when you go to your loved one's house to have a meal there. All of these things matter because, honestly, the stress itself, it doesn't even matter what you're eating. By that point, the fact that you're so stressed out about eating in the first place will be worse for you than the actual food itself. I can promise you that. Okay, I can promise you that.

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Also, if you are like being extra at the gym, if you do not know how to manage your stress, if you have gone to the doctor and they're giving you warning signs or you don't have no idea what your blood work is saying. If you're taking giving you warning signs or you don't have no idea what your blood work is saying, If you're taking a million and one supplements and you don't know what works and what doesn't. If you just feel at a total loss and it's taking up so much brain space, so much brain space that it's hard for you to do anything else because you are consistently thinking about how you need to change your body and how it doesn't look good in this and I don't know what I should eat and I'm so stressed out and it's too much in your mind. It's too much in your mind and it's weighing you down and there are ways to just be at peace with it and know exactly what to do. Be at peace with it, grow your confidence, grow your self-love towards yourself and grow your knowledge base. That's the main thing.

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Know why, the why behind it. I know that's something that's important to me and that's how I teach right. That's how I teach and support my clients. I always want to know the why. It's not just because I said, it's not just because this article said this or whatever. It's like why, and part of the why, to be honest with you, is how it feels for you, how it feels in your body, how it feels in your brain and if you like it or not.

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Okay, I hope that this was helpful and it gave you an idea of what a health coach is, what it does, a little bit about coaching in general, because I personally it has really elevated, escalated my life and I could not be more grateful and I truly love and adore what I do. I am so happy it found me, because that's how I feel about it. I think it found me, and with good reason. I thank God all the time for the gift that he gave me and allowing me to find it and allowing me to share it with others, because it truly makes an impact, not just for you, but for the multi-generations of people who are suffering, who don't need to be suffering, don't need to be so. Don't be a hard head, don't keep putting this off, don't keep thinking about it, because if you think about how long you've been thinking about change or how long you've been suffering with something, then I mean, it's up to you, right, but sometimes we're just tired of our own crap and we're so tired of being tired and you're like, damn, that's it, I really need to get the support that I need. So I am happy, happy, happy, happy to support you. I welcome you with open arms If you know that you are struggling and you have challenges and you want the results that you have not gotten sustainably.

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Maybe you've gotten it for a short period of time and it keeps getting worse and you keep getting scared because you're getting older and you have predisposition for all these chronic diseases and you really don't know what to do and you're at a loss, or what has worked for you 10 years ago, you're trying it now again and it's not working. I invite you to send me a DM, send me an email, book a consultation. My Instagram is linked here. My consultation link is linked here. Consultations are absolutely free. My consultation link is linked here. Consultations are absolutely free. And let's get to transformation. Let's get to transformation. You deserve to live an amazing life in all of your health and in all of your ability to move in your able body, with love and with joy. You deserve that and you can do that and with the appropriate support, you can get there. I can promise you All right, so I cannot wait to talk to you. I look forward to it and I look forward to supporting you in your transformation. All right, my friends, I will see you next week. Bye.