WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast - I am your host - Naihomy Jerez.
Your Bronx raised dominicana, wife, mother of 2, new BFF, AND Food & Holistic Health Coach!
I went from living a surface level healthy life, to learning FIRST HAND how to live my BEST life rooted in wellness and get my sass back!
Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a food lover, or simply curious about creating a healthier, more vibrant life, this podcast is your guide. We're going to dive deep into topics that will inspire you to make positive changes and elevate not only your WELL-being, but those of generations before and after you.
Stay tuned for exciting conversations, expert interviews, and a whole lot of inspiration that will lead to ACTION. Welcome to the WELLTHY Generation Podcast, with me, your host Naihomy Jerez!
WELLTHY Generation Podcast!
11. How to Navigate the HARDEST Part of a Wellness Journey
Send Naihomy encouraging words!💕
Navigating the path of health and wellness within the context of community can be quite the journey. Have you ever felt the sting of comments and assumptions from others regarding your wellness decisions? Join me as I share the emotional rollercoaster of my own wellness saga, how I navigated the challenges, and the strategies I adopted to defend my choices and honor my health amidst societal pressure.
We've all been there - dreading holiday gatherings, fearing the buffet line, and creating a mental game plan to dodge those unhealthy options. I too felt the pressure, frustration, and self-doubt, but with time and understanding, I managed to brave these events, stay true to my wellness goals without succumbing to peer pressure. If you're struggling with similar challenges, I've got you covered with practical insights and tips, right from listening to your hunger cues, to warding off people-pleasing behaviors, and subtly introducing your loved ones to healthier options.
As we journey together, remember, our mission is not just about personal wellness but about creating wealthier generations through wellness. So, let's spread the WELLth, share this episode, and enlighten others on their health journey. And remember, I'm here with you every step of the way. Let's embrace our health, stand up to societal pressures, and together, make wellness the norm in our communities.
Thank you so much for listening!
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Welcome to the Wealthy Generation Podcast. I am your host, naomi Jerez, your Bronx race Dominicana wife, mother of two new BFF and food and holistic health coach. I went from living a surface level healthy life to learning firsthand how to live my best life, rooted in wellness, and get my status back. Whether you're a wellness enthusiast, a food lover or simply curious about creating a healthier, more vibrant life, this podcast is your guide. We're going to dive deep into topics that will inspire you to make positive changes and elevate not only your well-being but those of generations before and after you. Stay tuned for exciting conversations, expert interviews and a whole lot of inspiration that will lead to action. Welcome to the Wealthy, wellthy Generation Podcast with me, your host, naomi Jerez. Hola friends, welcome back to another episode of Wealthy Generation Podcast, and that is WELLTHY.
Speaker 1:So for today's topic, I wanted to pick something that was very relevant to the season the holiday season. I wanted it to be a topic where you feel seen, validated, and that hopefully brings some perspective into health and wellness journey. So I'll jump right into it. I believe that the hardest thing, the hardest part of a health and wellness journey is being in community. I know it's kind of crazy. I think it's the hardest part, and most of it is because it brings up so much emotions, so many emotions, so many thoughts, and all of a sudden you need to kind of practice or put into play who you want to be. Who did you decide to be in this health and wellness journey? So, if we go all the way back to episode one I mentioned that I believe it was episode one where I spoke about deciding who you want to become, deciding how you want to act, who you want to be, who you want to become in this health and wellness journey, so that you have a clear direction and idea as to where you're going and therefore it might be a little easier for you to take action that's aligned in who you want to become.
Speaker 1:So oftentimes others don't know that you're on this journey. So you might be meeting up with so many different groups of people, not only family members, but friends, let's say, employee holiday parties, alumni holiday parties, like there are just so many gatherings and activities going on, and if you are surrounded by people who have known you your whole life, who know the way you eat, the way you move, all these different things, you might be very, very, very self conscious when you go and meet and have to do things like eat or drink or like move in front of others, and that can be super intimidating for you. So not only that the intimidating part just for you but most of the time the people around you will be curious and they'll start to ask questions of why you're not eating in a certain way, why you're not drinking this or that. They might comment on the how you look. We know this is a popular one how you look, whether you look thinner, whether you look more full, figured like there, the way your hair looks, the way your skin looks like. Oh my gosh, there's just so much unsolicited comments that come flying out right.
Speaker 1:So I this is why I think that the hardest part of a health and wellness journey is being in community, and this is also why I am such a firm believer in that creating a lifestyle change is what's going to get you the long term results that you want in your health and wellness, not only for the way that you feel internally, but also the way that you look physically and why diets and meal plans and all these other options that are so structured and like counting points and counting this and counting. That can be very stressful and unsustainable in the long term. Because how are you going to do this in the holiday season, when you go on vacation, like these are things that we need to think about. When you get results from a very structured program that has a very specific meal plan or that has a very specific diet and you're excluding certain food groups or you're limiting certain calories or all these things like thinking long term how are you going to maintain your results If this is the initial way that you got to your results and you can't really keep it up when, as life moves on, as you go on vacation, as the holiday season comes up, then in summertime like let's be real, there's always something happening and coming up where you need to adjust or pivot or whatever it is that you need to do to get through the circumstance right or that specific situation. So I want to share with you some examples of how that looked like for me, because you might be like, oh, I don't really know what that looks like.
Speaker 1:So I want to share a few stories of when I felt this way right, because I've been on my health and want to journey now for seven years and in the beginning. Trust me, I still get all like comments and looks and all that still, but my mindset is super different and that's what matters, because you can't control other people, unfortunately, I know. I know I know we wish we could, but what makes the whole experience different for me now is the way I see things, the way I approach things, really knowing why I do things and am I honoring the person that I want to be and the person I want to keep becoming? So in the beginning, especially in the beginning of my journey, where my weight loss was very apparent, because I did end up losing 50 pounds, which wasn't even my goal, it just happened with my lifestyle change.
Speaker 1:So I would get comments like, oh, are you on a diet? That was the main one. And I was like no. And they were like, oh, okay, well, I'm sure you've stopped eating rice and bread and desserts and drinking, and they had all these assumptions as to what I was doing and I would tell them no, I still eat all of those things. And they would be so baffled and they're like, well, how'd you get those results? They're like you must go to the gym, like seven days a week for an hour, and I'd be like no, I actually just have time to go to the gym one day a week, maybe two. Granted, I was moving the rest of the week because I'm commuting in New York City, so I would get my fair share of steps in just from commuting alone, but it wasn't like I was in the gym, like pumping weights or anything like that.
Speaker 1:So I what would end up happening is that anytime there was like there was sharing a meal, like now in the holidays everybody does not know how to mind their business, and everybody was just looking at my plate and what I ate and how I ate, and it would really annoy me and it would make me very, very, very self conscious. And they'll say things like oh, is that all you're going to eat? Mind you, my plate was full. Like I don't. I'm not that person that puts like three pieces of lettuce and one grain of rice on my plate, like it was full, right. So they'll say things like are you sure that's all you're eating? And mostly it was because, like about half my plate was whatever greens there was available, like a salad or something like that, and the other half was rice. But I'm Dominican, so the way people are used to serving themselves is like this mountain of rice, and then some like the lettuce or whatever. The salad is basically a garnish, right. So everybody would be super curious, or they would be shocked that my plate was so full right. Or I would eat and then they would ask me like if I was still hungry, like no one was minding their own plate. Everybody was just so curious as to what I was doing and they would monitor me the whole time.
Speaker 1:Another thing was with drinks. Right, I would drink anything and everything, pretty much, that was offered to me, like wine and mascaras and anything that everybody else was having. I would just have to, basically. And there came a time where I was just not even enjoying it. So I would say no, because I would just feel crappy. So I would say no, thank you, to whatever alcohol was being passed around. And guess what Everybody. The first thing was they assumed I was pregnant. That was the first thing. I'm like, no, I'm not pregnant, I just don't want. Like it's a real problem when you just don't want something right. And they're like oh, like, it wouldn't make them uncomfortable that I was not drinking something and I would reassure them Like no, it's really okay, like I'm fine, I don't need a drink, like I have water. So what I would start to do in those situations is I started bringing my own drink, and by that I mean like something in a can or a bottle that resembled a beverage, and it would stop people from continuing to ask me questions because I would get so annoyed. So I would bring things like kombucha or sparkling water or something fun for me to drink that was aligned with my health and wellness journey and it would stop them from asking questions.
Speaker 1:Another thing I used to do was when they would ask me for the 15th time and I was just so annoyed if I wanted something or not. I would say yes and I would take it, and then I would babysit it. I wouldn't have it because I already knew I did not like it. I already knew it was not going to make me feel good. I already knew that it was not aligned where, where I wanted to go, so I would take it with me to the bathroom and dump it. I would dump it in the bathroom. If we were outside, in a barbecue, in like a grassy area or something like that, I would tip the cup over and dump it Like I would just do anything I had to do to get them off my back and to keep the promise to myself and to keep myself feeling well, because what I would start to notice is that I was the only one suffering the consequences of feeling shitty, and not them, and I no longer enjoyed feeling sick.
Speaker 1:And if they were also not feeling well, because that would happen a lot and they would have the headaches and the bloatedness and all this other stuff that comes along with it Well, I wasn't suffering through that because I was not in their body. So it became very clear to me that whatever actions I took while I was in these community environments really affected me for many days, because I was all of a sudden, super aware of my body and that really, really, really annoyed me. Because I would be feeling this way Not because I wanted to drink or eat whatever it was that they were offering. It was because I was people pleasing and there came a time where I just was not okay with that and I also wanted to point out. I want to point out that I already shared becoming knowing who you want to be is such a big deal, because all of these lessons I learned retroactively where I look back and I'm like, oh, this is who I became, these are the rules I place for myself, these are the boundaries I place for myself. No one ever coached me or told me to think about it in this way. So I can find some sort of grounding, so I can find some sort of thought and, like real action, to think like, oh, this is the person I want to become.
Speaker 1:I basically learned that with trial and error, like with feeling not well for weeks and weeks at a time and continuously people pleasing and ending up in this situation over and over Again, that's when I would set the boundary and be like all right, like this has to stop, is not worth it for me. So next time I'm in this situation, I'm just going to stick with my boundary. So this is why, every moment I get, I like to remind you and I find it important to remind you to keep on considering and thinking who it is that you want to become. So, aside from the people pleasing situation, I also noticed that I was no longer willing to feel awful in my skin, to have the headaches, to have the stomach aches, and it would last for a whole week, and at the time the nutritionist I was working with I would tell her I'm like why is it day three and I still don't feel like myself again? And she would be like, yeah, because it takes some time for your body to regulate again.
Speaker 1:So what I noticed was along the way is that people really grew the tolerance of feeling uncomfortable in their body, of not feeling well, and I used to be that way too. It's just that I had gotten a taste of what it felt like to not feel sick in my body and because we are just consistently not feeling well, we have forgotten what it feels like to feel amazing in our body. And because, again, I got a taste of that anytime I went back to what I was doing before and people pleasing and all that I realized that I was no longer willing to tolerate that, to tolerate not feeling good in my skin. So a lot of people assume that you grow the tolerance for the food or whatever it is that you're doing, but most of the time that is not the case. You're not growing the tolerance for the food Is that you're mostly growing numb to the feeling that you get when you eat those foods and that's a very dangerous place to get to, because then that's when, all of a sudden, you start coming down with so many illnesses and diseases cause. You just become numb to the warning signs that your body's giving you that you might not even be aware of to begin with.
Speaker 1:So I want you to keep practicing your self-awareness and notice when things are off in your body, whether that's acne, whether that's headaches, whether that's PMS, irregular periods, joint pain, muscle pain, fatigue. If you're tired, the way your hair is, the way your nails are, if you're bloated at the time, if you're constipated at the time, if you have to re-all the time, like these are messages your body's sending you. Your body does not wanna be a jerk to you. I promise you. Your body really is just trying to keep you safe, keep you alive, and trying and course correct and fix all the BS that it has to put up with you or this sounds really mean, but with the choices and decisions that you make, with the things that you're eating and how you're treating yourself. So if ever your body's like I don't know, doing things that you don't feel good with, I would recommend just getting curious and seeing. Maybe you can try connecting the dots with how you're eating, what you're eating and your lifestyle choices and how that connects to how you're feeling. So back to examples.
Speaker 1:Right, I would get a lot of questions on if I got plastic surgery or not that's something that would come up often or if I took a specific pill or not, like a diet pill or a shake or a tea or something like that. And now I'm sure if this would have happened in this season for me, I would have probably gotten asked about weight loss injections or surgeries or things like that. But I think it's so uncommon for people to get results just by changing the way they're eating and moving their bodies that everyone had just a really, really, really hard time believing me, and this is why everybody was just so curious when I would eat Like is this girl really eating Like, is she lying to me? So it was very interesting to be in community situations where your whole new existence and the way you wanna live your life is questioned right. Another reason why you need to be so secure in what you're doing is because you might wanna get defensive, and that definitely used to happen to me, where I felt the need to defend how I was eating, to explain how I was eating, to explain why I was doing things a certain way, to give everybody a whole background in education, and if people were genuinely asking me that, trust me, I was no gatekeeper at all. I actually want everybody to be well. It is my mission in life.
Speaker 1:However, what I came to realize is that not everybody is ready for the journey, not everybody is ready for the answer. So it was very frustrating to me when maybe I would explain something and people would keep doing what they were doing, or they would ask me for advice and they wouldn't take it, and I really had to learn that I had to stay in my own lane. If they were curious and they wanted to listen, that was great. However, I was not essentially their coach number one and number two. I only had to share as much as I wanted to share, and if I didn't wanna share at all like sometimes I do now, I've just gotten very comfortable with that then I don't need to right.
Speaker 1:I can just smile and nod and ask them what they think and just keep it moving, because I am sure that being in these situations is stressful enough, and then, when you're being peppered with questions and like doubt, it can bring in more self-doubt so yourself. It can bring a lot of questioning as to what you're doing, if this is right, if this is not right, and it can really like muddle and like your brain as to how far you've come, how this is working for you, how this is really who you wanna become, because you're falling into this peer pressure, people pleasing situation. Because, like I mentioned or I think I mentioned this that families tend to kind of follow along in the same pattern, in the same habits I don't know if you've ever noticed this, but I surely have where everybody's just doing the same things and everybody might be suffering from similar ailments. So I always want you to know and you might be that odd one out where you're not feeling any of these things. You're actually feeling amazing and you're looking amazing and that may trigger some people and it may trigger you back. So knowing and being aware of all these circumstances are definitely important.
Speaker 1:A few ways that you can prepare for these situations is in this way. Number one, it is really having a good knowledge base as to what works for you and what doesn't work for you. A good knowledge base as to how food works, how to pair foods, how to eat foods, all these different things, really building up your skill set, because during the holiday season is most likely that you'll be going to homes where one person is cooking all the meals or it's like potluck style, so you don't really know what's going to be available or not. So if you're just showing up to these events, number one, I want you to relax on the quality of ingredients being used. That's totally fine, like it's the holiday season, and it's similar to eating out at a restaurant where you only have control over so much. So it is very like a much better approach to one.
Speaker 1:Listen to your hunger queues are you hungry or not? Paying attention to what's around, because there's usually like chips and cookies and a bunch of appetizers and all these things hanging out around and it's really asking yourself like are you hungry or not? Is this something that's worth it for you to eat or not? Do you know if this is already going to make you feel good or not? Feel good? And I've definitely been in those situations where there's just a ton of stuff hanging out and I eat it just because it's there, not because I want it. I eat it because everybody else is having it or they've offered it to me. So I don't want to be rude, right, like that's another thing. You feel like you're being rude and I'm not listening to myself, so it's very. It's a lot easier to not feel pressured to eat something that's just there when you are very self-aware. That's one and two. When you've learned that no thank you is a full sentence and is totally acceptable, and also knowing that if you do say no thank you, people might have questions about why, okay, and it's totally safe for you to just stick with your boundary of not really wanting and just saying you know, like I don't really want any right now, but thank you so much for offering All right.
Speaker 1:Number two if it is a potluck style situation, I would recommend maybe bringing a dish of your own, maybe something new, that no one familiar but new, and by that I mean maybe it's a vegetable dish. This is what I love to bring. I love to bring a very delicious veggie dish. So I know that there's going to be something there available for me to have, like greens, right, that I'm going to enjoy, and then I pile up my plate with whatever else is there and we don't make it a big deal. So this is a very subtle way of introducing loved ones to your lifestyle and reminding them that these kinds of food are good as well, and you're also keeping yourself in mind. It's just so many different advantages that it has when you bring a dish that's aligned with your health and wellness journey and your loved ones are going to be there and you can encourage them to try it, not because it's healthy, nothing like that just because it's good.
Speaker 1:Okay, people get very intimidated and defensive when you mention certain words like healthy food or something like that, and it can also bring up like more questioning and curiosity for you. So if you this is how I actually introduce a lot of people who are weary about certain foods to them I'll just say like, oh, have you tried this? And they'll probably say like oh no, I don't eat XYZ, I don't like it. And then I'll say something like, oh, okay, yeah, I can see that I said and I'm like oh well, I tried these and these are really good, or I made these and they actually taste really different. So why don't you give it a try if you're open to it? Or I recommend that you, like give it a try, and usually there's going to be like one or two other people that are really into it and will vouch for you and if it's only if the conversation opens up to that, regardless if somebody has questions, but most of the time you can just leave it there and it people it will do its job when people start to try it and you always know that they're letting each other know, like, what tastes good and what doesn't taste good.
Speaker 1:Okay, another thing that I love to do is I like to put a little bit of everything on my plate to try it and see if it's good. And I believe I gave this tip in like the Thanksgiving episode where and it takes away a lot of the questioning from people of like you're not eating that, you're not eating this. So if it's something I really don't want, I may not go for it. But there are other foods where I'm just curious and I'm like, oh, let me see if I'm really going to enjoy this, and if I do then I go back for more and if I don't, then I don't really have to feel that guilty about throwing about either first of all eating it because it's already on my plate, or getting rid of it and like that whole wasting food situation.
Speaker 1:Another great tip is just showing up prepared, and by that I mean, if you like, stick into your morning routine situation right, like your lemon water, your high protein breakfast or protein shakes, something like that, because if you are prepping yourself in the morning time, then the rest of the day you kind of got it right. The morning is the most important part anyways. Also, some things I would do, depending on the situation I was in, is I would also have a high protein snack with me. I would do this when I would go to places where they were new friends or a new family member's house and I didn't really know how the food went down there. So I would really pack. I would pack something for myself and leave it in the car. I don't really do that so much now, but I certainly used to do that way back in the day. And if you don't have a car, then I would just stick something in my bag, like apples with peanut butter or something like that, where it could hold me over until I got to my next meal, if that was supposed to be my main meal.
Speaker 1:But in essence, here everything is listening. Who is it that you wanna be right and how do you take action from a place of confidence. In situations where it's going to be tested by people you love which can be super duper intimidating, or people who are gonna question you or maybe criticize you. All these feelings and emotions come up and it can really put like a damper in your journey and make you feel some sort of way when it comes to what you're actually doing. The second thing is really practicing listening to your body, right To your hunger cues, to your palate, like to your taste buds, like does this actually taste good or not? To why the reason why you're taking certain types of action is because you're people pleasing. Is it because you feel guilty or is it because you're honoring that person who you wanna become?
Speaker 1:And in the same vein as listening to your body and people pleasing or not people pleasing, number three or this is probably number four by now I kinda lost count, but something that happens quite often, also during the holiday season, is, aside from increased eating, is increased alcohol consumption right, and I spoke a little bit about how I handled this these kinds of situations earlier in the podcast. However, or like in this episode, I mean. However, this is also something I want you to be super mindful about. Are you consuming alcoholic beverages because you really want to, because you enjoy it, or because it's what everybody else is doing and they keep offering it to you and you want to kinda like for them to stop, and the only way to get them to stop is by you drinking something as well? So I want you to keep all of these things in mind, and what are you gonna do about those situations? How do you wanna show up? So, like I mentioned before, something I love doing is bringing my own stuff, and even if it's alcoholic too, right. Like I'll bring a wine I like to drink, I'll bring maybe some clean hard seltzers or a beer I enjoy or something like that right. Or I can be totally okay not having a thing. However, I do set ground rules with myself, like if I'm not bringing anything for myself and there happens to be alcohol there. I'm also very particular with that Number one. It's something that is not 100% going to support your health and wellness goals. Like that's just plain blank facts. So you need to be mindful that this is gonna be just for pure enjoyment and it can also kinda set you back a little bit on your goals. So that's something you wanna be mindful of.
Speaker 1:Two is like what exactly is there? Is it stuff that you really don't like? Like I will not drink a Corona, I don't care, because that shit gives me gas. I am not drinking that, I've learned that the hard way. Or what kind of mixers are there? Is it like those super cheap, colorful, with like yellow, 15 neon colored margarita mixes? Or like super overdone sugary sangrias? Is it sodas? Is it tonic water? Is it high like sugar juices? Like what is it that they have as mixers as well? That is going to completely give you a sugar hangover more than anything else. All right, so these are all things, too, that you really do have control over. You can decide how you wanna like, what kind of actions you're gonna take.
Speaker 1:However, when you're in community events, when everybody has this particular idea of what celebrating means and has a specific definition like eating I mean not eating Celebrating means like you overeat. Celebrating means that you over drink. Celebrating means like. It can be so many different not actually so many different definitions of celebration. I feel like and I'll speak for myself, but I just think that is pretty common that celebration includes a lot of consumption of alcohol or desserts, or like just so many things that you wouldn't normally do.
Speaker 1:And, with that said, it's totally fine if this is your jam and this is what you wanna do, because really it's just a sprinkle in a year. But I want you to do this because you decided to, because you want to, not because you feel pressured that other people are like, want this of you. That's where I'm coming at and, with that said, if you decide to stand in your power and you're like who is this person you wanna become, it can be challenging when you show up as yourself in this new way, especially for the first few times in your health and wellness journey, right, and again, I'm seven years in and I still get the comments and the looks and all that, but I have just decided really how I wanna handle them now. So hopefully, after listening to this, the fact that being in community is the hardest and most unexpected part of a health and wellness journey hopefully won't be so unexpected anymore. It's not like you have to show up to these events community events, defensive, right that's what you don't want to do.
Speaker 1:So, again, is bringing it back to yourself on who you wanna be. What kind of actions are you gonna take? How are you going to act in these current situations? Can you come prepared in a certain kind of way, right? So, as the holidays are super, super, duper fast approaching and so many gatherings are happening, I really wanna be that source of support for you, whether that's through this podcast with reminders, or if you feel very overwhelmed sorry about that with everything I just shared and you also feel very seen and you don't know exactly how to handle it or what to do about it, or it's been the main reason why you've had a hard time Basically sticking to a specific lifestyle that you wanna create, because it's just really hard to navigate the people pleasing and the listening to yourself and sticking to your boundaries, then I really wanna support you with that.
Speaker 1:Let's chat. I really want to invite you to book a consultation before the full swing of activities so that I can be that support system for you and start really defining who it is that you wanna be, how do you wanna show up, so that it is the last piece of the puzzle for you hopefully to really stick to and be confident in this lifestyle that is rooted in wellness, learning how to navigate these community events and, yeah, sure, it's the holiday season now, however, as I mentioned earlier, these situations always come up Like maybe there are a little bit more space between them. When it's not the holiday season, however, it is a really great feeling where you're just super confident everywhere you show up and you really don't have that mind drama going on of what are people gonna say, what are they gonna think, how am I gonna explain this, what am I gonna do with that, and just being having anxiety about showing up as yourself. Okay, so, and trust me, I've been there, as you've heard, as in some of my stories. So I invite you to book consultation with the link in my show notes and I cannot wait to see you next week.
Speaker 1:Bye, thank you so much for tuning into another episode of Wealthy Generation Podcasts. Your time and attention mean the world to me and I'm truly grateful for your support. Come and join my community over on social media by following me on Instagram at NaomiHiddes, where you'll have access to real-time healthy inspo and see what I'm up to in my own wellness journey on the daily. I invite you to keep elevating and evolving your holistic health journey. By subscribing to my newsletter at NaomiHiddescom, you'll receive exclusive content, valuable resources and juicy stories straight to your inbox.
Speaker 1:But here's the best part you have the power to spread the WELL wealth. Share this episode with a human who could benefit from this topic. Together, we can create wealthy generations. I will be back with another exciting episode next week, so make sure to subscribe to Wealthy, wellthy Generation Podcasts on your favorite platform so you always make time for your promise. By the way, remember I am a certified integrative nutrition health coach. I am not a medical professional. This content should be listened to for informational and educational purposes only. None of it should be considered medical advice. Always reach out to a medical professional for your healthcare needs. Peace out.